Funded Grants

In addition to alignment with initiatives under the Campus Mental Health Strategy, projects funded by the CMHS are impactful and sustainable. Projects have an evaluation component, as well as a realistic budget and timeline. Check out some of our previously funded grants below.

Peer mentorship program promoting well-being and mental health: Supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Carly McMorris (lead)

Promoting Graduate Student Mental Health Through Peer Mentorship, Diane Lorenzetti (lead)

Mental Health Stigma On Campus, Julia Stamp (lead)

University students’ time management, coping, self-efficacy and self-compassion: Correlations with well-being, Meadow Schroeder (lead)

The Graduate Pan-Psychology Partnership: Creating Opportunity Through Community, led by Jessica Baraskewich, Werklund School of Education (student)

Moving Towards Wellness: Combating Substance-Related Addiction Stigma Among Faculty Members, led by Dr. Victoria Burns, Faculty of Social Work (academic staff)

The Body Project – Peer Leader Program, led by Nanako Furuyama, Women’s Resource Centre (staff)

Traditional Knowledge Keepers and Mental Health, led by Keeta Gladue, Native Centre (staff)

Breakfast Series: Middle-Year Undergraduate International Students, led by Kirsty Gruber, International Student Services (staff)

Fearful to Fear Less: Giving and Receiving Feedback for Teaching Development, led by Cheryl Jeffs, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning (academic staff)

To Flourish: Building Equality and Reducing Stigma Through Personal and Visual Narratives, led by Barbara Rose-Lovett, Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Qatar (academic staff)

Negotiating the Unspoken Component of Mental Health Disclosure: A workshop for students, led by Tessa Neilson and Samantha Jones (student)

ADHD Skills: Building Capacity in Students with ADHD, led by Emma Climie, PhD (academic staff)

The Resilient Academic: Burn-out Prevention & Self Care, led by Kyla Flanagan and Susan Cannon, submitted by Leslie Reid, PhD (academic staff)

The Body Project @ UCalgary, led by Kristin von Ranson, PhD (academic staff)

Teaching & Learning Wellness Together: Toward a Healthy Education, led by Nancy Chick, PhD (academic staff)

RenewFest 2018, led by Karen Cook and submitted by Karen Chown (staff)

Building resiliency: Applying the MAIA model to UCalgary communities, led by Harold Pliszka (staff)

International Students’ Success in Canada, led by Nora Molina (staff)

Amy Barron, research assistant on The Body Project

The Body Project

An evidence-based program providing tools and skills for women-identified individuals to successfully challenge the social pressures that come with societal beauty standards.