AIM-HI Network Logo

Meet artist Amanda (Fox) Starlight and learn about our logo.

AIM-HI Network's Logo


Sun (life), Stars (family), Unity circle (connection), 5 tipis (5 Treaties)

A photo of Amanda Starlight


Amanda Starlight

Amanda (Fox) Starlight is from the Morley and Siksika Reserve. She has been professionally crafting art, fashion and jewelry for 6 years and initially started developing her talents10 years ago. In 2007 Amanda was accepted into Alberta College of Art and Design and finished 3rd year studies majoring in the jewellery and metals program. While she plans to finish her degree in the future, Amanda's goal is to continue learning different techniques and expanding her skill set so she can one day teach. Through her dedication to her passion Amanda encourages her community and her children to pursue a career in the arts. Amanda currently works as a free-lance jeweler/artist from her home studio on the Tsuu' Tina nation with her partner and husband Keegan Starlight, an artist who specializes in portrait paintings.