March 28, 2019

40th Annual Chief Justice WIlliam McGillivray Moot

UCalgary Law hosted the 40th edition of the competition on March 28, 2019.
McGillivray Moot
2019 McGillivray Moot Finalists & Judges Peter Daw

On March 28, UCalgary Law held the 40th annual McGillivray Moot, on the case Appeal from the decision in Duddle v Vernon (City), 2004 BCAA 390, [2004] BCJ No 1430.

The topic of debate relates to an accident at a beach where a young man dove into the water off a city pier and hurt himself quite tragically. The principles in issue were standard of care and causation in a negligence case. 

The Appellants were second-year students Olivia Salkeld and Adam Williams. The Respondents were second-year students Wes Lui and Timothy Chan.

Olivia Salkeld and Adam Williams were named the winners of the competition. Top oralists were:

  • First: Timothy Chan & Olivia Salkeld
  • Second: Wesley Lui & Adam Williams
  • Third: Brendan Hill & Nathaniel Schmidt

Thank you to our members of the Bench for the final round:

  • The Honourable Justice P.A. Rowbotham, Court of Appeal of Alberta
  • The Honourable Justice K.D. Nixon, Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta
  • Mr. Stephen Davis, QC, Hadley & Davis

Special thanks to Carbert Waite LLP for their continued support of this event, and to all of the volunteers who helped in the preliminary rounds.