Sept. 13, 2021

Meet Jason!

Read about a Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà undergraduate student experience from Jason!

Jason Do is a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting student at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ, with various involvements in extracurricular activities and clubs, such as the Haskayne Commerce Undergraduate Society. He answers some questions below about his UCalgary experience and what has made it special so far!

What is the best part about the Bachelor of Commerce program at the Haskayne School of Business?

It would have to be how students are able to gain insight into what each concentration encompasses through the breadth of classes we get to take. It is relatively easy to learn and retain the information from these courses because of our engaging professors. They facilitate a variety of in-class activities that promote collaboration and hands-on learning throughout the semester. I highly recommend that students connect with their professors, as they are extremely knowledgeable and have great stories about their experience in the field. You’ll be fascinated by their unique career trajectories which is reassuring if you are still mapping out your plans for the future. Once you complete all your core business classes, you’ll be able to recognize how the different business units work together within an organization to reach their objectives and develop the key knowledge and skill sets to become a well-rounded business leader. 

Aside from the program itself, I take great pride in being a member of the Haskayne School of Business' community of diverse students, staff and alumni. Everyone is super supportive of one another and always willing to provide advice and guidance. Going into my fourth year, I am still an introvert by nature, but I am extremely grateful for the genuine and meaningful friendships that I’ve been able to make through various courses, clubs and events. We are truly each other’s biggest supporters and this is why we see so many bright leaders emerging from Haskayne.

Have you been involved with any exciting projects at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ?

During the past year, I had the privilege to work alongside a team of amazing students to establish the foundation for the UCalgary campus club to advocate for development and relief to marginalized populations. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the team was still able to successfully host a multitude of mental health speaker series, fundraisers, and activism training sessions. I also had the opportunity to facilitate the ongoing revitalization of the Junior Executive Program at the (CUS). This project strives to offer new students the opportunity to develop professional skill sets in a safe and supportive space with continuous guidance from upper-year CUS students. Immersing yourself within the campus community creates a multitude of connections who may advocate for you and valuable experiences and skills you can transfer into your career.

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How would you say Entrepreneurial Thinking has made an impact on your education?

Entrepreneurial thinking might sound intimidating, but you’ll come to learn that the process of innovation is just as important as the end-result itself. This mindset has played an important part in how I approach projects in my academics, extracurriculars and work. My peers and I have found that we’ve become better at embracing the possibility of failure, building resilience in uncertain environments, exercising creative thinking to make do with limited resources, and of course, learning when to finally PIVOT!  Regardless of your discipline, entrepreneurial thinking is an extremely valuable skill set that students can develop throughout their studies to identify problems and create solutions that provide value.

Something cool that I recently found out is that you can add an embedded certificate in Entrepreneurial Thinking to your undergraduate degree! Click to learn more.

What are some available support services at UCalgary that you have used, and what was your experience like?

If you name it, chances are I’ve probably used it! As students, we sometimes tend to tell ourselves that our problems and worries will go away once the semester ends, but that is not always the case. Long-term mental and physical health concerns, including test anxiety, can occur at anytime and render a student’s semester of hard work futile with a single test. My piece of advice is to reach out for help as soon as possible. We have a multitude of programs and services located directly on the UCalgary campus, so you really don’t need to wait for the semester to be over to seek help. My friends and I have been able to easily schedule time within our busy course schedules to use services at the Student Wellness Centre, which also offers walk-in appointments.

More recently, I have started to utilize the , which has outstanding advisors with vast amounts of knowledge regarding various industries. They are super friendly and I was blown away at how they were able to help me translate my extracurricular and retail work experience into transferable skills for my job search.

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My last piece of advice for future students would be to always remember that you are not in this alone. The transition from high school to university can present its challenges, so please don’t be afraid to ask for help with your academics, career, physical and/or mental health. The Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà and offers a variety of programs and services that are just one visit away. All you must do is ask yourself what you need and advocate for yourself!

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