June 20, 2016

New grad helps students transition from school to practice

Alumni Spotlight: Erin Eady BN'17
NurseMentor -Erin Eady
NurseMentor -Erin Eady

Erin (pictured left) is a recent grad who helped shape the NurseMentor program while she was an undergraduate student at UCalgary Nursing.

Your dream nursing job

"My background is in international development and public health, and I am passionate about reducing the global prevalence of preventable causes of death and disability. A nursing job where I could put this passion into action is one of my many dreams!"

Best piece of advice you have ever been given?

"Have the courage to live a life true to yourself, not the life others expect of you."

What quality do you think every nurse should have?

"Empathy and sense of humor." 

What is your personal credo/motto?

"Let your experiences make you better, not bitter." 

Best job you’ve had?

"I really enjoyed working on planning this mentorship program. As a new graduate, I felt like I didn’t have the support I needed in transitioning to nursing practice, and the entire experience was very isolating.

It is my hope that this program will be able to facilitate a better experience for new cohorts of nursing students, so that their transition to practice is less difficult (and perhaps even enjoyable)!"

UCalgary Nursing’s online mentoring program connecting alumni RNs with student nurses for professional and personal growth. To find out more, visitÂ