June 20, 2018

Research project receives grant from Law Foundation of Ontario

Jennifer Koshan and her SSHRC team have received a grant of $32,000 from the Law Foundation of Ontario’s Access to Justice Fund to develop a website to disseminate their research on domestic violence and access to justice.

Jennifer Koshan and her SSHRC team have received a grant of $32,000 from the Law Foundation of Ontario’s Access to Justice Fund to develop a website to disseminate their research on domestic violence and access to justice. That research is being conducted pursuant to a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), and the website will provide access to the mapping research that the SSHRC team has compiled on legislation and government policies pertaining to domestic violence across Canada. The website will be aimed at trusted intermediaries who provide services to domestic violence victims and perpetrators. Jennifer will be hiring a student research assistant for the project, and her team will be consulting with domestic violence and public legal education organizations to develop the website.