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In the News: CBC

Saskatchewan to decide in February whether to remit heating gas carbon taxes to Ottawa, Duncan says

Publication News | Articles published in Energy Regulation Quarterly

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In the News: CBC

Sask. has stopped charging carbon tax on heating. What does this mean for your bills and rebates?

In the News: Northern Ontario Business

Ottawa went too far on regulating mining, infrastructure projects: experts

In the News: Toronto Star

Alberta researchers call for public inquiry into program to ensure oilsands cleanup

Publication News | Not Fit for Purpose: Oil Sands Mines and Alberta’s Mine Financial Security Program

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In the News: Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Explainer: What happens when Saskatchewan stops collecting carbon tax?

In the News: The National Post

Jamie Sarkonak: Liberals get greedy with cap-and-trade attack on energy industry

In the News: Global News

Alberta to invoke Sovereignty Act against Ottawa’s Clean Energy Regulations

In the News: National Observer

Is Canada’s plastics ban gone? Not quite