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Professor published in Conservation Science and Practice

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In the News: CTV News

Environmental advocates concerned by Alberta's new rules for coal mining

In the News: CBA National Magazine

COVID-19 and the suspension of routine environmental reporting in Alberta

In the News: The Narwhal

Alberta suspends at least 19 monitoring requirements in oilsands, citing coronavirus concerns

In the News: The Narwhal

8 environmental responsibilities Alberta’s oil and gas companies can skip because of coronavirus

In the News: The Lawyer's Daily

COVID-19 leads Alberta to suspend environmental reporting requirements

Professors and alumni published in environmental law and policy book

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In the News: CBC

Citing pandemic, Alberta suspends environmental reporting rules

In the News: CBC

Kenney government praises Pembina Institute, alleged energy industry enemy, in court documents

In the News: Shaun Fluker, Faculty of Law, in CTV News

Alberta test case: Planned sale of gas wells, pipelines raises cleanup concerns