About the Office of Institutional Analysis

Who we are

Established in 1969, the Office of Institutional Analysis (OIA) supports the strategic use of institutional information and decision support at Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà by providing analytical resources, institutional research, and guidance for informed decision-making, institutional assessment, policy formulation, and strategic planning. As part of our mandate to develop a data-informed university, the OIA collaborates and liaises with both internal and external stakeholders to build analytical capacity, data literacy and data governance at the institutional level.  


Empowering the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà to be data-informed.


The Office of Institutional Analysis (OIA) facilitates data-informed decision-making by providing institutional data & research, analysis, and guidance to support Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà mission, strategic planning, statutory and regulatory obligations, and the improvement of programs and services.  

Core Services

OIA's core services include conducting qualitative and quantitative analysis, research and reporting to guide policy, support strategic decision making, planning, and assessment at the University. We collect, analyze, and interpret university data for the purposes of assessing institutional outcomes, measuring institutional performance and comparative analysis, and report to campus constituencies and external agencies. 


OIA works with national and international ranking agencies to collect, synthesize and submit university data for the purposes of ranking and peer comparison. We also analyze and report the outcomes of the rankings to support understanding and planning. 

Learn more about how UCalgary is doing in Canada and globally

Fact Book

The Fact Book provides statistical information about the institution. The primary purpose of the Fact Book is to provide planners and decision-makers with the information they need to assess and improve the programs and services provided to our community.

Survey Services

OIA is the business owner for the UCalgary Qualtrics site license, and the main point of contact for the design, administration, analysis and reporting of major institutional surveys conducted at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ. We offer a wide-ranging number of survey training and survey support services for support staff, and a limited number of Qualtrics support services to academic staff and students. 

Learn more

Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance (QA) program at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà includes Academic Unit Reviews, Curriculum Reviews, external accreditation, and department reviews. OIA collaborates with faculties, departments, and units to facilitate their QA process through information gathering and reporting. 

Institutional and Strategic Metrics

OIA facilitates the development, tracking, and maintenance of institutional and strategic metrics for the Academic and Research Plans, the Comprehensive Institutional Plan (CIP), Community Report and other Institutional strategies. We collaborate with data trustees, stewards, and other units to collect, manage and report the data needed for the metrics.    

See how the university is performing

Universal Student Ratings of Instruction (USRI)

Universal Student Ratings of Instruction (USRI) is the course survey used at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà to collect student feedback on credit courses. These surveys occur throughout the academic year for each term, in order to provide anonymous feedback to the university, as well as results to all students in the institution. The OIA coordinates the USRI program and works with several dozen administrative contacts throughout Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà academic offices, Printing Services, and IT.  This program administration helps with the creation, distribution, completion, scanning, and reporting stages.

Data Governance

In collaboration with business units across the institution, OIA supports the university’s data governance initiative with the aim of supporting the usage of strategic data assets with confidence.  Data Governance is an enablement framework for the specification of decision rights and accountability to encourage desirable behavior in the valuation, creation, storage, use, archiving and deletion of data. 

Contact the Data Governance Administrator

U15 Data Exchange

The U15 Data Exchange group (U15DE) helps develop and enhance the distinctive mission of the U15 and its advocacy objectives, through the formal and informal exchange of data sets and information. OIA represents the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà at the U15 Data Exchange and submits data to U15DE for benchmarking projects.