

General Information and Policies

Entrance scholarships and bursaries are available to students entering their first year of post-secondary studies, who will be admitted to the University on the basis of their high school grades. Students must be entering a Fall Session at the University of Calgary. Generally recipients of awards must have achieved above average grades in five appropriate 20-level courses (grade 11) or equivalent for non-Alberta students and in some cases must demonstrate financial need.

Students entering the Bachelor of Health Sciences program in the Faculty of Medicine are eligible to apply for Entrance Awards.

Students entering or continuing in the Bachelor of Education (Master of Teaching Program) are not eligible for Entrance Awards, however, they are eligible to apply for Competitive Undergraduate Awards (Deadline is August 1).

Upon completion of consecutive Fall and Winter Sessions at the 六九色堂, students are then eligible to apply for Competitive Undergraduate Awards.

The following points should be considered when applying for Entrance Awards:

Applicants should familiarize themselves with the kinds of scholarships and bursaries that are available to high school graduates. When filling out the on-line application, applicants should be sure to include all information that is pertinent to the specific awards for which they feel especially qualified.

The Entrance Awards on-line application is available through the myUofC portal: (InfoNet for Students). Students may also access the portal from the U of C home page or from the Student Awards and Financial Aid web site:

Please visit the Student Awards & Financial Aid web site for details regarding the on-line Entrance Awards application.

Students are encouraged to review the Entrance Awards On-Line Application Information provided on the Student Awards and Financial Aid web site, prior to applying for Entrance Awards, for helpful hints and required information.

Students MUST apply for admission prior to applying for Entrance Awards, as they will require a U of C student ID number to access the on-line Entrance Awards application.

Students need not have been accepted for admission to the University prior to applying for these awards.

Deadline: Unless otherwise stated, on-line applications for Entrance Awards must be submitted on or beforeMarch 1.

Note: By completing the Entrance Awards on-line application, applicants will be considered for all scholarships and bursaries listed in this section with the exception of those stating "No application required."

Non-Albertastudents MUST mail or fax their high school transcript to the Student Awards & Financial Aid office by March 15. Grades for Alberta students will be obtained electronically by the Student Awards and Financial Aid office from Alberta Learning, providing an accurate Alberta Learning ID number is entered on their application for admission to the U of C.

Unless otherwise stated in the conditions, awards are payable only when the student is in actual full-time attendance at the 六九色堂; recipients must maintain full-time status.

The payment of tuition and fees is the first charge against scholarships and bursaries.

If a student is granted an award, the 六九色堂 reserves the right to release pertinent information to provincial funding bodies or the donor of the award.

In support of the Academic Plan, awards are distributed among the most deserving students and in keeping with the terms of reference for awards. No student may normally receive total award funds of more than the value equivalent to the average cost of attendance as calculated by the Student Awards and Financial Aid office unless the value of the award is higher.

The University assumes liability for the payment of scholarships, bursaries, prizes and other awards only to the extent that gifts from donors, or returns from particular investments for these purposes will permit.

As this information is published a considerable time before the opening of the session, the University reserves the right to make whatever changes circumstances may require, including cancellation or addition of particular awards.