Leisure, Tourism and Society LTSO

Instruction offered under the direction of the Faculty of Communication and Culture. For information contact the Academic Programs Office, 220-6343.

Additional interdisciplinary courses are offered under the course headings African Studies; Canadian Studies; Central and East European Studies; Communications Studies; Development Studies; East Asian Studies; General Studies; Latin American Studies; Law and Society; Museum and Heritage Studies; Northern Planning and Development Studies; Science, Technology and Society; South Asian Studies; and Women's Studies.

Senior Courses

Leisure, Tourism and Society 501 H(3-0)

Research in Selected Topics

Supervised individual study of a special topic.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Leisure, Tourism and Society Director and the Associate Dean (Academic).

Note: Students should contact the office of the Associate Dean (Academic) prior to the first day of classes to arrange an independent study course.


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Leisure, Tourism and Society 591 H(3S-0)

(formerly Leisure, Tourism and Society 409)

Senior Seminar in Leisure, Tourism and Society

Advanced seminar for the interdisciplinary consideration of selected topics in Leisure, Tourism and Society.

Prerequisites: Leisure, Tourism and Society 309, and Geography 327; or consent of the Faculty.

Note: Restricted to students in the Leisure, Tourism and Society Major and Minor programs. Until August 15, preference in enrollment is given to students who have declared a Major in Leisure, Tourism and Society.

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