Canadian Studies CNST

Instruction offered under the direction of the Faculty of Communication and Culture. For information visit the Faculty of Communication and Culture website, www.comcul.ucalgary.ca, or contact the Academic Programs Office, 220-6343.

Additional interdisciplinary courses are offered under the course headings African Studies; Central and East European Studies; Communications Studies; Development Studies; East Asian Studies; General Studies; Latin American Studies; Law and Society; Leisure, Tourism and Society; Museum and Heritage Studies; Northern Planning and Development Studies; Science, Technology and Society; South Asian Studies; and Women's Studies.

Junior Course

Canadian Studies 201 H(3-0)

(formerly Canadian Studies 231)

Introduction to Canadian Studies

An interdisciplinary examination of the nature of Canadian nationalism and regionalism in their developmental and contemporary contexts. The political, economic and cultural dimensions of Canadian identity will be a central focus.

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Senior Courses

Canadian Studies 309 H(3-0)

Development of the Canadian North

Deals with a number of topics relating to the development and habitation of the Canadian north, including history, government, resources, transportation, communication, environmental design, recreation and culture.

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Canadian Studies 311 H(3-0)

Native Peoples of the Canadian Plains

History and culture of the Plains First Nations, with emphasis on the impact of changes from prehistoric to post-contact, nomadic to sedentary, and the impact of reserve and modern life upon traditional culture. Interdisciplinary approach with a strong emphasis on historical events that have affected the Plains peoples.

Note: This course may not be offered every year.

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Canadian Studies 313 H(3-0)

Canadian Native Art and Cultures

An interdisciplinary study of the intercultural relationships between Native and settler cultures. The focus will be on Native arts and cultural traditions, with an emphasis on contemporary issues.

Note: This course may not be offered every year.

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Canadian Studies 315 H(3-0)

Native Education in Canada

A study of the development and present form of Native education in Canada from traditional times to the present day, including an examination of the impact of residential schools and local control of First Nations' schools. The course will focus on the history, value systems and traditions of Canadian Plains First Nations and Metis people.

Note: Not open to students with credit in Educational Policy and Administrative Studies 519.04, 529 or General Studies 301.10.

Note: This course may not be offered every year.

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Canadian Studies 331 H(2-2)

Studies in Canadian Film Culture

An introduction to key historical and theoretical aspects of Canadian film. Attention will be given to production, policy, distribution, and use. Topics will include the study of Canadian film auteurs, documentary and social change, feature film genres, and the role of government regulation. Students will explore the central themes and issues facing Canadian film makers and audiences.

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Canadian Studies 333 H(3-0)

A Comparison of Canadian and American Cultures

An interdisciplinary comparison of Canadian and American cultures and cultural assumptions. A variety of issues and contexts will be dealt with from historical and contemporary perspectives.

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Canadian Studies 337 H(3-0)

Introduction to Folklore: The Canadian Context

Introduction to the academic study of folklore: basic terminology, folk groups, performance and applications with examples taken from the Canadian and Albertan context. Introduction to traditional genres of folkloristic expression and analyses of current folk groups and their folklore.

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Canadian Studies 339 H(3-0)

Canadian Humour and Culture

An examination and evaluation of the traditions and techniques of Canadian humour and humorists in a variety of media. Examples will be drawn from newspaper humorists, oral folk humour, legend, essays and other literary humour, animated and other films, radio and television, and political cartoons. Humour will be analysed as a means of communicating cultural values, traditions, and mythology.

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Canadian Studies 341 H(3-0)

Canadian Animation

The history, techniques, and themes of Canadian animation from the early days to the present. The relationship between animation and Canadian culture, including traditions, values, and motifs will be studied.

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Canadian Studies 351 H(3-0)

Literature and Identity: Aboriginal Peoples and Early Canadian Immigrants

An introduction to the multicultural foundations of Canada through a study of the folklore, literature and patterns of adaption of Canada's indigenous peoples and earliest settlers such as the Acadians, immigrants from the British Isles, Scandinavia and Ukraine.

Note: This course may not be offered every year.

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Canadian Studies 353 H(3-0)

Literature and Identity: Twentieth Century Canadian Immigrants

An introduction to the cultural and social impact on Canada of twentieth century immigration through a variety of texts, including folklore, fiction and poetry. Focuses on the experiences of peoples from Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, Asia, South Asia and the Caribbean.

Note: This course may not be offered every year.

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Canadian Studies 355 H(3-0)

(formerly Canadian Studies 451)

Canadian Cities and Canadian Identity

Canadian urban life from an interdisciplinary perspective. The contribution of urban life to Canadian identity and to national, regional and provincial development and awareness.

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Canadian Studies 361 H(3-0)

Gender, Race and Ethnicity in Canada

An interdisciplinary introduction to gender, race and ethnicity in Canada to provide an understanding of race, ethnicity and gender as simultaneous and intersecting systems of relationship and meaning.

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Canadian Studies 401 H(3-0)

Special Topics in Canadian Studies

An examination of selected topics in Canadian Studies. See the Master Timetable for current topic(s).


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Canadian Studies 415 H(3-0)

(formerly Canadian Studies 515)

Canadian Native Art and Cultures: Oral and Written Traditions

An interdisciplinary seminar on the cultural and aesthetic significance of Native oral and written traditions, with reference to visual and other art forms. Particular attention to Inuit traditions, and contemporary First Nations developments.

Prerequisites: Canadian Studies 351 or consent of the Faculty.

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Canadian Studies 417 H(3-0)

(formerly Canadian Studies 401.02)

Native Culture and Heritage Institutions: Critical Issues

A study of key issues facing museums, archives, parks, and other heritage institutions that research, interpret and protect the material culture of Native peoples.

Note: Previous knowledge in Native Studies highly recommended.

Note: This course may not be offered every year.

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Canadian Studies 419 H(3-0)

(formerly Canadian Studies 401.04)

The Metis People of Canada

An interdisciplinary study of the Metis people of Canada, with special emphasis on the social, economic, and political factors influencing their emergence and continued survival as a distinct indigenous group in Canada.

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Canadian Studies 427 H(3-0)

Canadian Architecture in its Social and Historical Context

An outline of Canadian architecture, its institutional and economic setting; the nature and objectives of architecture education and practice in relation to their historical development.

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Canadian Studies 433 H(3-0)

The Arts in Canada

An interdisciplinary study which focuses on the roles of the popular and fine arts (drama, music, literature and the visual arts) in Canadian life. Study of the contribution of artists, arts organizations and institutions to Canadian culture.

Note: Students may be required to attend off-campus events outside of class time.

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Canadian Studies 437 H(3-0)

Contemporary Issues and Canadian Society

This course will focus on contemporary issues in Canadian society from a multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective.

Prerequisites: Canadian Studies 201.

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Canadian Studies 451 H(3-0)

(formerly Canadian Studies 401.05)

The Culture of the Calgary Stampede

A particular phenomenon of Calgary - and western Canadian culture - is the Calgary Stampede. In this interdisciplinary course, students will gain an understanding of the rich and complex history, vision , and operation of this major western festival.

Note: Students may be required to attend off-campus events outside of class time (e.g. the Stampede grounds).

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Canadian Studies 501 H(3-0)

Research in Selected Topics

Supervised individual study of a topic in Canadian Studies.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Associate Dean (Academic).

Note: Students should contact the office of the Associate Dean (Academic) prior to the first day of classes to arrange an independent study course.


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Canadian Studies 591 H(3S-0)

Senior Seminar in Canadian Studies

Advanced level seminar(s) in Canadian Studies, for examination of particular topics of special interest to senior students.

Prerequisites: Fourth year standing in the Canadian Studies Major program or consent of the Faculty.

Note: Credit for both Canadian Studies 591 and 505 will not be allowed.

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