Faculty of Science

V. Program Details

Natural Sciences

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Degrees Offered


Natural Sciences


BSc Honours



*Combined Degree with the Faculty of Education

**Combined Degree with the Faculty of Humanities or Social Sciences

1. Programs Offered in Natural Sciences

• BSc in Natural Sciences

• BSc Honours in Natural Sciences

• BSc (Natural Sciences) and BEd (Master of Teaching Program)

2. Program vs. Faculty Regulations

Regulations governing programs in Natural Sciences are a combination of general Faculty of Science regulations and the additional program specific regulations listed below. It is essential for students to be familiar with both sets of regulations. It is helpful to read Section III (Faculty Regulations) first.

Students are advised to check the Degree Navigator periodically to ensure that all requirements are being met.

3. Program Information

Director: G.B. Bourne

Program Student Office: SB 149

Student enquiries: (403) 220-8367

FAX: (403) 210-8126

Web Site:

4. Enrollment Limitations

The program requires students to choose two concentrations (after completion of four FCE), which must be from different Science Departments. Concentrations can be chosen from any Science Department, subject to enrollment limitations that may be in effect. Students should refer to Subsection 3 on Enrollment Limitations under Section III (Faculty Regulations), and the sections on enrollment limitations under the regulations of the Department offering the courses in which the student is interested. Students who declare a concentration in an area with enrollment limitations will be subject to the same selection criteria as students intending to major or minor in that area.

5. Students Intending to Transfer to Other Science Programs

Students who enter the Natural Sciences program with the intention of transferring to another program offered by the Faculty of Science are advised to follow the requirements and sequence of their intended program. Particularly in the first two years, the flexibility of the Natural Sciences program makes it relatively easy for students who decide not to transfer to another Science program to remain in and complete a Natural Sciences degree.

6. Programs in Natural Sciences


See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsection 2 (Admission).

Declaration of Concentrations

The program requires students to choose two concentrations*, denoted Concentration One (C1) and Concentration Two (C2), respectively. A concentration consists of courses selected from one of the existing Science major fields. Except for Co-operative Education programs and Internships, any major field from the Departments of Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology and Geophysics**, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics and Astronomy, and the major field of Biological Sciences from the Department of Biological Sciences may be chosen for a concentration, subject to enrollment limitations. (See Subsection 4 on Enrollment Limitations above.) The two concentrations must be from different departments. The major fields available in the six Departments are detailed in Departmental program sections.

Students cannot declare their concentrations until they have completed at least four FCE and must do so no later than upon registering for the final year.

*It is not possible for students in the Natural Sciences program to choose a minor in the Faculty of Science. Furthermore, Natural Sciences students may not select a second major or combined degree in one of their two concentrations.

** For either C1 or C2 in the Department of Geology and Geophysics, students will enter a departmental concentration made up of the combined major fields offered by the department, rather than selecting concentrations from any specific major field. See the Geology and Geophysics program section of this Calendar for details.

Courses Constituting the Major Field of Natural Sciences

The major field of an individual's Natural Sciences program is defined as:

• the total of all courses that constitute the major fields in which the two concentrations are taken.

• Science 007, 251, 502.

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsection 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and Subsection 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

1. Major Field Courses (Concentrations One and Two)

The program must contain two concentrations as described under Declaration of Concentrations above.

The courses in the two concentrations must be selected as follows:

5.0 FCE - Minimum number of courses in C1

3.0 FCE - Minimum number of courses in C2

6.0 FCE - Maximum number of courses in either C1 or in C2.

10.0 FCE - Maximum number of courses in C1 plus C2.

0.5 FCE - Minimum number of courses in C1 that must be at the 400 level or higher.

2. Capstone Courses

0.5 FCE - Science 501 (Project Course)

0.5 FCE - Science 503 (Interdisciplinary Seminar)

3. Other Courses outside the Major Field

4.0 FCE - Non-science options as follows (check Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses):

• 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

• 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

• 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

4. Science Breadth

The program must include the following:

• 1 FCE in Mathematics*, selected from Mathematics 211 or 221, Mathematics 249 or 251 or Applied Mathematics 217, Mathematics 253 or 263 or Applied Mathematics 219

• 0.5 FCE in Computer Science*

• At least 1.0 FCE from each of four different Science Departments*

• 1.0 FCE of course work accompanied by a laboratory component* (taken from any of the Departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Geology and Geophysics, and Physics and Astronomy.)

*Apply these courses to either (1) Major Field courses or (3) Other Courses outside the Major Field as appropriate.

Required Courses - Honours Program

Same as for Major Program except that:

1.0 FCE - Minimum number of courses in C1 that must be at the 400 level or higher.

1.0 FCE - Science 502 (Research Project)

Required Courses - Concentrations


Biology Concentration. The requirements for a C1* in Biology are as follows:

2.5 FCE – Biology 231, 233, 311, 313 and 331

2.0 FCE – Courses from the field of Biological Sciences1 at the 300 level or higher.

0.5 FCE – Courses from the field of Biological Sciences at the 400 level or higher.

1 Biology 305, 307, Botany 309 or Zoology 269 are not part of the field of Biological Sciences.

Chemistry Concentration. The requirements for a C1* in Chemistry are as follows:

1.0 FCE – Chemistry 201 and 203

2.0 FCE – Chemistry 311, 331, 351 and 371 or 373

1.5 FCE – Courses from the field of Chemistry at the 300 level or higher.

0.5 FCE – Courses from the field of Chemistry at the 400 level or higher.

Computer Science Concentration. The requirements for a C1* in Computer Science are as follows:

3.5 FCE – Computer Science 231, 233, 265, 313, 331, 349 and Software Engineering 311.

1.0 FCE – Courses in the field of Computer Science.

0.5 FCE – Courses in the field of Computer Science at the 400 level or higher.

Energy Sciences Concentration. The requirements for a C1** in Energy Sciences are as follows:

0.5 FCE – Chemistry 425

2.0 FCE – Physics 221 (C1), Physics 223 or 225 (C1), Physics 301 (C1), Physics 355 (C1)

1.0 FCE – Science 251, Science 321

1.5 FCE – chosen from Science 421, 423, 521, 523, 525

Geosciences Concentration. The requirements for a C1* in Geosciences are as follows:

2.5 FCE – Geology 201, 203, 341, 381, and Geophysics 355

2.0 FCE – Courses in the fields of Geology1 and/or Geophysics1 at the 300 or 400 levels

0.5 FCE – Courses in the fields of Geology and/or Geophysics at the 400 level or higher.

1Students intending to apply for admission into the Geology program could take Geology 311, 313, 337 and 391, those intending to apply for admission into the Applied and Environmental Geology program could take Geology 311, 313, 337 and 373 while students intending to apply for admission into the Geophysics program could take Geophysics 359, 453, 457 and an additional Geology or Geophysics option. Students who wish to remain as Geosciences concentrators are free to mix and match appropriate Geology and Geophysics options.

Mathematics Concentration. The requirements for a C1* in Mathematics are as follows:

0.5 FCE – Mathematics 211 or 221

0.5 FCE – Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

0.5 FCE – Mathematics 253 or 263 or Applied Mathematics 219

2.0 FCE – Mathematics 311, 321[321], 349, 353

1.0 FCE – Courses in the field of General Mathematics.

0.5 FCE – Courses in the field of General Mathematics at the 400 level or higher

Physics Concentration. The requirements for a C1* in Physics are as follows:

1.0 FCE – 211 or 221, 225

3.5 FCE – Courses in the field of Physics at the 300 level or higher.

0.5 FCE – Courses in the field of Physics at the 400 level or higher.

*A C2 in the area consists of a minimum of 3 FCE to a maximum of 5 FCE from the area.

** A C2 is not permitted.

Recommendation for both the Major and Honours Programs

Writing Component

It is strongly recommended that a course emphasizing writing skills be included in the program, e.g., a junior English course or Communications Studies 363 or Science 311.

International Component

This suggestion may be satisfied in various ways, e.g., by completing 1.0 FCE from the list of courses in item 4 of the section "Make Your Degree More International," under "About the University" in the back of the Calendar, or by following one of the other suggestions listed there. If non-science course work is used to satisfy this recommendation, this course work could be part of the required 4.0 FCE from outside of Science.

Suggested Program Sequences

First Year




concentration 1


concentration 2

Computer Science or Science 251

Non-science option


Science 007



concentration 1


concentration 2

Computer Science or option

Non-science option

Second Year


concentration 1


concentration 1


concentration 2

Computer Science or option

Non-science option


concentration 1



concentration 2

Science breadth

Non-science option

Third Year


concentration 1


concentration 2



Non-science option


concentration 1


concentration 1


concentration 2


Non-science option

Fourth Year

Science 501


concentration 1 (400 level or higher)

Science 502*


Non-science option

Science 503

Science concentration 1 (400 level or higher)*

Science 502*


Non-science option

*Required for Honours, replaced by options in the Major program

Combined Degree in Natural Sciences and BEd (Master of Teaching Program)


To be eligible for admission, a student must meet the following requirements:

· A minimum of four FCE of university-level course work, including one FCE in Mathematics as required for the Natural Sciences program, with a GPA over all courses taken of at least 2.50 and a GPA over all Science courses taken of at least 2.50 (Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions).

· Declaration of two Science concentrations as required in the Natural Sciences program.

· All students must satisfy the Effective Writing Requirement.

· A Faculty of Education "Statement in Support of Application" which includes names of three referees.

Note: A maximum of 15 students will be accepted in the program in any one year. Admission to the program is competitive and meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission. Students interested in this combined degree program should consult the Director of the Natural Sciences program at the earliest possible opportunity.


· Students must have completed the 15.0 FCE required for the initial Science portion of the program (see below under Program Structure) with a minimum GPA of 3.00 over the last 5 FCE taken.

· Students must notify the Faculty of Education no later than April 1 of the year that they intend to begin the Faculty of Education portion of the program.

Program Structure

The program is divided into a Science portion, which consists of 15.0 FCE and is completed in the first three years of the program, and an Education portion, which consists of 10.0 FCE and is completed in the last two years of the program. In the Education portion of the program in Year 5, a project course is required amalgamating Science and Education. This course replaces both the 500-level Science project course (Science 501) and the 500-level Interdisciplinary Seminar course (Science 503) required in the regular Natural Sciences program.

In the Science portion, the following concentrations are possible: Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Physics.

Science Portion (15.0 FCE)

The requirements are the same as for the Natural Sciences Major program as specified under Item 6 above except that the 1.0 FCE capstone courses and the 4.0 FCE non-science options must include:

0.5 FCE - Junior English

0.5 FCE - Option from the Faculty of Humanities

1.0 FCE - Options from the Faculty of Social Sciences

0.5 FCE - Option in the Science, Technology and Society area (Consult the Natural Sciences program office for the list.)

2.5 FCE - Options from anywhere

Education Portion (10.0 FCE)

For details see the Fourth and Fifth Years under Suggested Course Sequence

Suggested Course Sequence

First Year


Computer Science 001*


Science 007

Two courses chosen from Applied Mathematics 217, 219, Mathematics 211 or 221, 249 or 251, 253 or 263

Science concentration 1

Science concentration 2

Computer Science 203 or 215 or 231or Science 251

Junior English

Science concentration 1

Science concentration 2

Computer Science 203 or 215 or 231 or option

Non-science option

Second Year

Science concentration 1

Science concentration 1

Science concentration 2


Non-science option

Science concentration 1

Science concentration 1

Science Concentration 2


Non-science option

Third Year

Science concentration 1

Science concentration 1

Science concentration 2



Science concentration 1

Science concentration 1

Science concentration 2



Fourth Year

Studies in

· Learners and learning/Teachers and teaching; School and Community/Workplace placements.

· Curriculum Studies (areas of specialization and interdisciplinarity); Curriculum Contexts; School placements.

Fifth Year

· Praxis (Case Tutorial, School Placement)

· Integration (Case Tutorial, Special Topics Seminar)

· Inquiry project focusing on some aspect of teaching and learning science.

Note: The Special Topics Seminar and Inquiry Project in the final session of the program will also serve as the Capstone courses (i.e., replacing Science 501 and 503) in the Natural Sciences portion of the combined degree program.

*Computer Science 001 is a non-credit course taught during block week before the beginning of the session. It is strongly recommended as preparation for Computer Science 215 or 231. If the course is offered at the beginning of the Winter Session, it can be taken then.


1. This schedule will be adjusted to accommodate individual programs. The options will include any courses that are prerequisite to the concentration courses, but are from another field, and will include the Science Breadth requirements.

2. If the Mathematics courses or the Computer Science courses are part of C1 or C2, the number of C1 and C2 slots in this schedule can be reduced accordingly as per degree requirements.

Biological Sciences

(Return to Top)

Degrees Offered




Biological Sciences

Cellular, Molecular & Microbial Biology









BSc Honours

BSc Honours

BSc Honours

BSc Honours

BSc Honours

BSc Honours

BSc Co-op

BSc Honours Co-op








*Combined degree with the Department of Computer Science

**Combined Degree with the Faculty of Humanities or Social Sciences















1. Programs Offered In Biological Sciences

BSc and BSc Honours in Biochemistry; Biological Sciences; Botany; Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology; Ecology; Zoology

BSc and BSc Honours in Ecology Co-operative Education

Minor in Biological Sciences

2. Department vs. Faculty Regulations

Programs in the Department of Biological Sciences are governed by a combination of general Faculty of Science regulations and the additional program specific regulations listed below.

It is essential for students to be familiar with both sets of regulations. It is helpful to read the general Faculty regulations first (Faculty of Science section of this Calendar, Section III). Students should consult the Degree Navigator periodically to ensure that requirements are being met and that regulations are adhered to.

3. Department Information

Department Head: D.M. Reid

Department Student Office: BI 188

Student enquiries: (403) 220-3140

Department General Office: BI 186

Other enquiries: (403) 220-5261

Fax: (403) 289-9311

Web Site:

4. Enrollment Limitations

Enrollment Limitations in Programs

The number of spaces in Biological Sciences is limited. Students may be directly admitted into the Biological Sciences Major program and, once admitted, a place in this program is assured for students advancing through the second and subsequent years with satisfactory performance. Admission will be granted for Fall Session only and will be based upon academic merit. At the end of the second year, students may continue in this program or appropriately qualified students may seek entrance to one of the other Majors offered by the Department. Due to limited enrollment capacity in many senior courses, it will not always be possible to accommodate every student's choice of a Major in the third and subsequent years.

Students admitted into a Major program, other than the Biological Sciences Major program, will have to meet additional criteria to those listed above in "Faculty Regulations - Admissions." These criteria are:

  • Completion of the Biocore, including Biology 231, 233, 311, 313, and 331 with a grade of "C-" or better in each course.
  • In the event that the number of students choosing one of these other programs exceeds the number that can be accommodated by available resources, students will be admitted to that program in descending rank order of academic performance until the enrollment limit is reached.
  • Academic performance will be measured on the basis of the grade point average calculated over the most recent five FCE (Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions). (New admissions to the University are always subject to the "Admission Requirements" as stated in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.)

Students will be notified of the results of their application by mail (results will not be provided by telephone).

Strictly as space permits, the Department will admit students who transfer from other programs and institutions. Students requesting admission at this level are subject to "Admission Requirements" as stated in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar and must meet additional criteria:

  • Completion of Biology 231 and 233, Chemistry 201 and 203, one of Mathematics 249 or 251 and one of Mathematics 211, 221 or 253 with a grade of "C-" or better in each course.
  • In the event that the number of transfer applicants exceeds the number that can be accommodated by available resources, students will be admitted to the Department in descending rank order of academic performance until the enrollment limit is reached.
  • Academic performance will be measured on the basis of the grade point average calculated over the most recent five FCE (Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions). (New admissions to the University are always subject to the "Admission Requirements" as stated in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.)
  • If successful transfer students wish a program other than the Biological Sciences program, additionally, such students will be subjected to the same criteria (listed above) for students at the end of their second year.

Enrollment Limitations in Courses

Enrollment in many courses offered by the Department of Biological Sciences is limited by available laboratory space. The following courses are available in the first instance only to those students in good standing who meet the prerequisite(s) and have been admitted into a major program that requires the course(s):

· Biochemistry 401, 403 and 443

· Biology 315, 401

· Botany 303, 321, 327, 503, 543

· Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 403, 421, 443, 451, 527

· Ecology 413, 417, 419, 425, 429, 439

· Zoology 269, 361, 363, 461, 463, 477.01, 477.02, 567, 577

Consult the Master Timetable for details regarding enrollment in these courses.

5. Block Transfers between Alberta Universities and Colleges

The Departments of Biological Sciences at the Universities of Alberta and Calgary and the Department of Biology at the University of Lethbridge have a block transfer agreement in effect. Under this agreement, students who have completed successfully two full years of a biological sciences program offered by any of the Universities normally will be able to transfer elsewhere without loss of credit. The same applies to students at the Colleges that follow university credit programs of one of these three Universities.

Note: The Universities of Calgary and Alberta are members of the Western Canadian Universities Marine Sciences Society (WCUMSS). The other member universities are Simon Fraser University, the University of British Columbia and the University of Victoria. Students from any member university of WCUMSS may transfer into the Department of Biological Sciences under the above provisions. Thus, any student from a member university whose program required a half course in Mathematics and a half course in Statistics may present the Statistics course in lieu of a second Mathematics course for transfer purposes. Such students must meet all other transfer requirements. Once accepted into a Biological Sciences program, these students must complete the missing mathematics course as a program requirement.

6. Ethics in the Biological Sciences

Studies in the Biological Sciences involve the use of living and dead organisms. Students taking laboratory-based courses in these disciplines can expect involvement with and experimentation on such materials. Students perform dissections on dead or preserved organisms in some courses. In particular courses, students experiment on living organisms, their tissues, cells, or molecules. Sometimes field work requires students to collect a variety of living materials by many methods, including humane trapping.

All work on humans and other animals conforms to the Helsinki Declaration and to the regulations of the Canadian Council on Animal Care. The Department strives for the highest ethical standards consistent with stewardship of the environment for organisms whose use is not governed by statutory authority. Individuals contemplating taking courses or majoring in one of the fields of study offered by the Department of Biological Sciences should ensure that they have fully considered these issues before enrolling. Students are advised to discuss any concern they might have with the Undergraduate Program Director of the Department.

7. Common First and Second Years

See the subsections on "Enrollment Limitations" in Section III (Faculty Regulations) and in Section V (Program Details) under Biological Sciences.

Required Courses

2.5 FCE - Biology 231, 233, 311, 313, 331 (Biocore)

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201, 203

1.0 FCE - Mathematics 249 or 251 and one of 211, 221, 253 or 263 (see Recommendations below)

1.0 FCE - Computer Science 231 and 233, or 235 and Computer Science option


Geology 201 and 203


Physics 211 or 221, and 223 (see Recommendations below)

0.5 FCE - Biochemistry 393

1.0 FCE - Major options and/or options combination (see Second Year in the Program Sequence Table below)

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 351 and 353 (or Chemistry 351 and option, check details of programs below to see where this is allowed)

2.0 FCE - Non-science options. Note: 1 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities and 1 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences form part of the minimum 4.0 FCE non-science degree requirements. The other 2 FCE may come from anywhere including Humanities and Social Sciences.


·Biology 231, 233, 311, 313, 331 constitute the Biocore and must be taken in the sequence described below if students wish to pursue any of the degree programs offered by the Department of Biological Sciences.

·Students planning a Biochemistry or Zoology major must take Physics 211 or 221, and 223.

·Students planning an Ecology or Zoology major are advised to take a course in linear methods (i.e., Mathematics 211 or 221).

·Prior to registering in the second year, students should consider which program they wish to pursue in the third and subsequent years so that an appropriate choice of major access courses may be made (see Second Year in the Program Sequence Table below.)

·Chemistry 355 is an acceptable substitute for Chemistry 353; it is recommended that students planning Biochemistry Honours complete Chemistry 355.

Common First and Second Years
Program Sequence
First Year for All Programs


Biology 231 or 233

Chemistry 201

Mathematics 249 or 251

Choose either Computer Science 231 or 235 or Geology 201 or Physics 211 or 221*

Non-science option


Biology 233 or 231

Chemistry 203

Mathematics 211, 221, 253 or 263

Continue Computer Science with Computer Science 233 or Computer Science option if 235 is chosen or continue Geology with Geology 203 or continue Physics with Physics 223

Non-science option

Second Year for All Programs


Biology 311

Biology 313

Chemistry 351

Non-science option


Biochemistry 393

Biology 331

Chemistry 353 or option*

Non-science option

Choose one of the following pairs to prepare for the third and fourth years of the intended major.


Chemistry 311

Chemistry 315

Biological Sciences:





Botany 327

Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology:


Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 343



Biology 315


Zoology 375

Zoology 377

*Check program details to see where allowed.

8. Programs in Biochemistry

See the subsections on "Enrollment Limitations" in Section III (Faculty Regulations) and in Section V (Program Details) under Biological Sciences.

Courses constituting the field of Biochemistry

All courses labelled Biochemistry except Biochemistry 341 and 443

Biology 231, 233, 311, 313, 331 and Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 411

Certain Medical Science courses*

* No more than one FCE of such courses (approved by the Department prior to registering in the course) can be counted towards the Major Field.

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Item 4 (Program Requirements), in particular, the regulations on the number of courses at the 200 level and above allowed in a program and on the List of Science-Equivalent Courses in Other Faculties (Table I).

10.0 FCE - Common first and second years including Physics 211 or 221, and 223 (from First Year) and Chemistry 311, 315, 351 and 353 (from Second Year)

2.0 FCE - Biochemistry 401, 403, 431, and 471

2.5 FCE - chosen from Biochemistry 537, 543, 547, 551, 555, 561, 577 or Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 411

2.0 FCE -chosen from Biochemistry 443, 507, 528, 537, 543, 547, 551, 555, 561, 577; Botany 501, 503, 543; Chemistry 331, 333, 421, 453, 515, 553, 557; Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 343, 411, 421, 443, 511, 519, 523, 527, 531, 549; Computer Science 215, 231, 233, 265, 313, 331, 335, 491, and 333 or Software Engineering 311; Statistics 211 or 213; Zoology 461 and 463

2.0 FCE - Non-science options. Note: 1 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities and 1 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences form part of the minimum 4.0 FCE non-science degree requirements. The other 2 FCE may come from anywhere including Humanities and Social Sciences.

1.5 FCE - Options

Required Courses - Honours Program*

Same as in Major Program except:

1.0 FCE - Options are replaced by Biochemistry 530.

*Honours students normally do not register in Biochemistry 507 or 528.


·Biochemistry Program Options

The following sequences of courses are possible for students interested in the indicated areas of Biochemistry, although any sequences that fulfill the program requirements may be taken:

Cellular and Microbial Biochemistry

Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 343, 421, 443, 519

Biochemical Genetics

Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 411, 527, 549

Plant Biochemistry

Botany 303, 501, 503, 543

Animal Biochemistry

Zoology 461, 463, 471; Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 411


Biochemistry 561 and Botany 501

Structural Biology

Biochemistry 543, 551, 555, 577


Biochemistry 543, 551, 577

· Students who wish to enter the Faculty of Medicine should take Zoology 461, 463.

Suggested Program Sequence

Third Year

(Available to Honours students, and Major students after satisfactory completion of Biochemistry 393, and the Biocore program that includes Biology 231, 233, 311, 313 and 331.)


Biochemistry 401

Biochemistry 431 [BCEM431]

Biochemistry 471


Non-science option


Biochemistry 403

Option from the Field*

Option from the Field*


Non-science option

Fourth Year


Biochemistry 530 (for Honours), option (for majors)

Option from the Field*

Option from the Field*


Non-science option


Biochemistry 530 (for Honours), option (for majors)

Option from the Field*



Non-science option

*Choose from either Biochemistry 537, 543, 547, 551, 555, 561, 577 or Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 411

9. Programs in Biological Sciences

See the subsections on "Enrollment Limitations" in Section III (Faculty Regulations) and in Section V (Program Details) under Biological Sciences.

Courses constituting the field of Biological Sciences:

·All courses labelled Biochemistry, except Biochemistry 341*

·All courses labelled Biology*, except Biology 205, 305, 307

·All courses labelled Botany*, except Botany 309

·All courses labelled Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology*

·All courses labelled Ecology*

·All courses labelled Zoology* except Zoology 269

·Most courses labelled Marine Science** including 420, 430, 440, 450, 451, 500, 507, 511, 515, 525, 537, 540, 544, 546, 572, 574, 582

·Certain Medical Science courses***

* Certain courses with restricted enrollments are available in the first instance to those Divisional Honours, Majors and Biological Sciences Honours who have met all prerequisites and whose programs require such courses. After a specific registration period for those students, other students who have met all prerequisites may be accommodated. See Limitation of Enrollment for courses that may apply.

** Applicability to the field depends upon the actual course content. Additional approvals will be granted on a course by course basis. Check the list published by the Department each February.

*** No more than one FCE of such courses (approved by the Department prior to registering in the course) can be counted towards the Major Field.

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Item 4 (Degree Requirements), in particular, the regulations on the number of courses at the 200 level and above allowed in a program and on the List of Science-Equivalent Courses in Other Faculties (Table I).

10.0 FCE -Common first and second years*

3.0 FCE - Options from the Field.

1.0 FCE - Options from the Field chosen from 400- or 500-level offerings

2.0 FCE - Non-science options. Note: 1 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities and 1 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences form part of the minimum 4.0 FCE non-science degree requirements. The other 2 FCE may come from anywhere including Humanities and Social Sciences.

4.0 FCE - Options

* Students have the option of completing Chemistry 353 or substituting 353 with an option.

Required Courses - Honours Program

10.0 FCE - Common first and second years including Chemistry 353 (from Second Year).

6.0 FCE - Two FCE chosen from each of three of the areas that constitute the field. Note: These courses must be different from the Biology core program and Biochemistry 393.

1.0 FCE - Chosen from one of Biochemistry 530 or Botany 530 or Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 530 or Ecology 530 or Zoology 530.

2.0 FCE - Non-science options. Note: 1 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities and 1 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences form part of the minimum 4.0 FCE non-science degree requirements. The other 2 FCE may come from anywhere including Humanities and Social Sciences.

1.0 FCE - Options


·Major options should be selected to satisfy the requirements for entry into another chosen major program or to satisfy the requirements for the Biological Sciences program. (See Required Courses - Major Program and Required Courses - Honours Program.)

·Courses in Marine Science may be taken for credit during the summer and/or students may elect to spend the fall of either the third or fourth year attending the Bamfield Fall Program. Refer to the Marine Science course listings for details.

Suggested Program Sequence

Third Year

(Available to Honours students, and Major students after satisfactory completion of the Biocore program that includes Biology 231, 233, 311, 313 and 331.)






Non-science option






Non-science option

Fourth Year


One of Biochemistry 530, Botany 530, Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 530, Ecology 530, Zoology 530 (for Honours), option (for Majors)




Non-science option


One of Biochemistry 530, Botany 530, Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 530, Ecology 530, Zoology 530 (for Honours), option (for Majors)




Non-science option

10. Programs in Botany

See the subsections on "Enrollment Limitations" in Section III (Faculty Regulations) and in Section V (Program Details) under Biological Sciences.

Courses constituting the field of Botany

·Biology 231, 233, 311, 313, 331, 335, 451, 619

·Biochemistry 443

·All courses labelled Botany except Botany 309

·Ecology 419

·Marine Science 420, 500*, 501*, 502*, 507*, 525

·Certain Medical Science courses**

*Applicability to the field depends upon the actual course content. Approval will have to be granted on an individual basis. Check the list published by the Department each February.

** No more than one FCE of such courses (approved by the Department prior to registering in the course) can be counted towards the Major Field.

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Item 4 (Degree Requirements), in particular, the regulations on the distribution of courses at the 200 level and above allowed in a program and on the List of Science-Equivalent Courses in Other Faculties.

10.0 FCE - Common first and second years, including Botany 327, and Chemistry 353 (from Second Year)

2.5 FCE - Botany 303, 321, 501, 503, 543

0.5 FCE - Choose one from Biology 335, 451, Botany 441, 633, or 645,

1.0 FCE - Options from the Field.

2.0 FCE - Non-science options. Note: 1 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities and 1 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences form part of the minimum 4.0 FCE non-science degree requirements. The other 2 FCE may come from anywhere including Humanities and Social Sciences.

4.0 FCE - Options

Required Courses - Honours Program

Same as in Major Program except:

1.0 FCE - Options are replaced by Botany 530.


·Courses in Marine Science may be taken for credit during the summer and/or students may elect to spend the fall of either the third or fourth year attending the Bamfield Fall Program. Refer to the Marine Science course listings for details.

Suggested Program Sequence

Third Year

(Available to Honours students, and Major students after satisfactory completion of the Biological Sciences core program that includes Biology 231, 233, 311, 313 and 331.)


Botany 303

Botany 321



Non-science option


Botany 503 or 543




Non-science option

Fourth Year


Botany 530 (for Honours), option from Field (for Majors)

Botany 501

One of: Biology 335, 451, Botany 441, or option


Non-science option


Botany 530 continued (for Honours), option from Field (for Majors)

Botany 503 or 543

One of: Botany 633, 645 or option


Non-science option

11. Programs in Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology

See the subsections on "Enrollment Limitations" in Section III (Faculty Regulations) and in Section V (Program Details) under Biological Sciences.

Courses constituting the field of Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology

·Biochemistry 537, 547, 555, 561

·Biology 231, 233, 311, 313, 315, 331, 335

·Botany 501, 543

·All courses labelled Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology

·Marine Science 500*, 501*, 502*, 507*

·Medical Science 612, 613 and certain other Medical Science courses**

·Zoology 373, 471, 531

*Applicability to the field depends upon the actual course content. Approval will have to be granted on an individual basis. Check the list published by the Department each February.

** No more than one FCE of such courses (approved by the Department prior to registering in the course) can be counted towards the Major Field.

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Item 4 (Degree Requirements), in particular, the regulations on the number of courses at the 200 level and above allowed in a program and on the List of Science-Equivalent Courses in Other Faculties (Table I).

10.0 FCE - Common first and second years including Biochemistry 393, Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 343, and Chemistry 353 (from Second Year)

0.5 FCE - Biochemistry 443

1.0 FCE - Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 411, 527

2.0 FCE - Chosen from either (for Molecular Cell Biology) Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 403 and three of 413, 505, 511, 519, 523, 451, 533, 561

or(for Molecular Microbiology) Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 421, 443 and two of 431, 523, 543, 549, Biology 335.

1.0 FCE - Options from the Field.

2.0 FCE - Non-science options. Note: 1 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities and 1 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences form part of the minimum 4.0 FCE non-science degree requirements. The other 2 FCE may come from anywhere including Humanities and Social Sciences.

3.5 FCE - Options

Required Courses - Honours Program

Same as in Major Program except:

0.5 FCE - Options from the Field are replaced by Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 451.

0.5 FCE - Options from the Field are replaced by Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 507.95.

1.0 FCE - Options are replaced by Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 530.


·Students are advised to emphasize either a Molecular Microbiology or a Molecular Cell Biology route to be better equipped for further study and employment in those areas. This listing provides recommended options for students wishing to create a program of courses that explores their particular areas of interest and supports their career goals. It is not expected that students will be able to include all of the suggestions in one area in their programs; neither is the list exhaustive nor exclusive. Some courses may have prerequisites that are not included in the listing.

Molecular Cell Biology

Biochemistry 537, 547, 555, Botany 501, Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 403, 413, 505, 511, 519, 523, 531, 533

Molecular Microbiology

Biochemistry 537, 561, Biology 335, Botany 501, Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 421, 431, 443, 523, 543, 549, Medical Sciences 612, 613

·Some recommended options are Biochemistry 401, 403, 471, 537, 543, 547, Biology 315, Statistics 333, Zoology 375, 377

·Courses in Marine Science may be taken for credit during the summer and/or students may elect to spend the fall of either the third or fourth year attending the Bamfield Fall Program. Refer to the Marine Science course listings for details.

Suggested Program Sequence

Third Year

(Available to Honours students, and Major students after satisfactory completion of the Biological Sciences core program that includes Biology 231, 233, 311, 313 and 331.)


Biochemistry 443

Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 411

Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 403 or 443

Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 421 or option

Non-science option


Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 527

Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 413 or 431 or option

Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 451 (forHonours),option from the Field (for Majors)


Non-science option

Fourth Year


Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 530 (for Honours), option (for Majors)

One of : Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 511, 519 or 549

One of: Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 511, 519 or 549 or option

Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 421 or option

Non-science option


Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 530 continued (for Honours), option (for Majors)

Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 507.95 (for Honours), option from the Field (for Majors)

One of: Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 505, 523, 531, 533, or one of: 523, or 543

One of: Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 505, 523, 531, 533 or 543

Non-science option

12. Programs in Ecology

See the subsections on "Enrollment Limitations" in Section III (Faculty Regulations) and in Section V (Program Details) under Biological Sciences.

Courses constituting the field of Ecology

·Biology 231, 233, 311, 313, 315, 331, 401, 451, 591, 619

·Botany 327*

·All courses labelled Ecology

·Zoology 375*, 377*

·Marine Science 430, 450, 500**, 507**, 525, 537

·Certain Medical Science courses***

* A maximum of two of these courses may be counted towards the field.

** Applicability to the field depends upon the actual course content. Approval will have to be granted on an individual basis. Check the list published by the Department each February.

*** No more than one FCE of such courses (approved by the Department prior to registering in the course) can be counted towards the Major Field.

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Item 4 (Degree Requirements), in particular, the regulations on the distribution of courses at the 200 level and above allowed in a program and on the List of Science-Equivalent Courses in Other Faculties.

10.0 FCE - Common first and second years* including Biology 315 (from Second Year)

0.5 FCE - Biology 401

3.5 FCE - Ecology 413, 417, 419, 425, 429, 439, 501

2.0 FCE - Non-science options. Note: 1 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities and 1 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences form part of the minimum 4.0 FCE non-science degree requirements. The other 2 FCE may come from anywhere including Humanities and Social Sciences.

4.0 FCE - Options

*Students have the option of completing Chemistry 353 or an option if Chemistry 353 is not chosen.

Required Courses - Honours Program

Same as in Major Program except:

1.0 FCE - Options are replaced by Ecology 530.


·This listing provides recommended options for students wishing to create a program of courses that explores their particular areas of interest and supports their career goals. It is not expected that students will be able to include all of the suggestions in one area in their programs; neither is the list exhaustive nor exclusive. Many courses have prerequisites that are not listed.

General Ecology

Biology 451, Botany 327, 441; Marine Science 430; Zoology 375, 477.01 or 477.02; Geography 211; Geology 201 or 209

Aquatic Ecology

Botany 327; Ecology 491, 527, 607; Marine Science 420, 430, 450, 537, 572, 574; Zoology 375; Chemistry 311/315, 351/353, 411/415; Geography 307, 511; Geology 201 or 209

Behavioural Ecology

Ecology 491, 527; Zoology 461, 477.01 or 477.02, 567, 577, 583; Anthropology 351, 361; Psychology 205

Community and Ecosystem Ecology

Biology 335; Botany 327, 441; Ecology 527; Marine Science 430, 537; Zoology 375, 477.01 or 477.02; Geography 211; Geology 201 or 209

Fish and Wildlife Ecology

Biology 451, Botany 327, 441; Ecology 527; Marine Science 430, 450, 540, 544, 574; Zoology 477.01 or 477.02, 483, 567, 577, 583; Economics 377; Geography 333, 433

Physiological Ecology

Botany 303, 503; Ecology 527; Zoology 483, 575

Population Ecology

Biology 451; Botany 323, 441; Ecology 491, 527, 677; Zoology 375, 477.01 or 477.02, 567, 577, 583

Terrestrial Ecology

Biology 335; Botany 441; Ecology 491, 527; Zoology 477.01 or 477.02; Chemistry 311/315, 351/353; Geography 333, 433; Geology 201 or 209

·Students wishing to emphasize evolutionary, behavioural and population ecology are advised to take Biology 401, Ecology 429 and 439 one year and Ecology 417, 419 and 501 the next year. Those students wishing to emphasize community and ecosystems ecology are advised to take Biology 401, Ecology 417 and 419 one year, and Ecology 429, 439 and 501 the next year.

·Recommended options from other Faculties: Economics 201; Geography 305, 321, 333, 421; Greek and Roman Studies 211; History 371, 477.01, 477.02; Philosophy 275, 279, 367.

·Courses in Marine Science may be taken for credit during the summer and/or students may elect to spend the fall of either the third or fourth year attending the Bamfield Fall Program. Refer to the Marine Science course listings for details.

Suggested Program Sequence

Third Year

(Available to Honours students, and Major students after satisfactory completion of the Biological Sciences core program that includes Biology 231, 233, 311, 313 and 331.)


Ecology 417 or 429

Ecology 425

Ecology 413 or option


Non-science option


Biology 401

Ecology 419 or 439



Non-science option

Fourth Year


Ecology 530 (for Honours), option (for Majors)

Ecology 417 or 429

Ecology 413 [ECOL413] or option


Non-science option


Ecology 530 continued (for Honours), option (for Majors)

Ecology 419 or 439

Ecology 501


Non-science option

Ecology Co-operative Education

Application deadline: December 1.

See the subsection on "Co-operative Education/ Internship Programs" in Section III (Faculty Regulations) and the major section on "Co-operative Education/Internship" of this Calendar.

Co-operative Education programs are five-year degree programs which include 16 months of supervised work experience in various industrial and government workplaces. Minimally, students must be in their second year in the Biological Sciences program with a grade point average of 2.30 before applying for admission to the BSc Ecology Co-operative Education program. A grade point average of 3.30 is required for entry into the BSc Honours Ecology Co-operative Education program. In addition, students must complete the courses outlined for the second year of the Ecology program with the same minimum grade point average before commencing the first co-operative education placement (the summer following second year).

Required Courses

20.0 FCE - Same as Ecology Majors or Honours

16 months - Co-operative Education work terms (Co-operative Education 543.01, 543.02, 543.03, 543.04)

Suggested Program Sequence

·All courses in the common second-year program must be completed prior to the start of the first work term.

·The sequence below is only one of several possibilities; students should consult the Ecology Division Co-op Coordinator for other suggestions.

see Common Second Year


Four-month Co-op or defer to Summer of Year Three

Third Year

(Available to Honours students, and Major students after satisfactory completion of the Biological Sciences core program that includes Biology 231, 233, 311, 313 and 331.)


Four-month Co-op


Biology 401

Ecology 419 or option



Non-science option


Fourth Year


Ecology 417 or option

Ecology 425

Ecology 429 or option

Ecology 413 or option

Non-science option


Four-month Co-op


Four-month Co-op

Fifth Year


Ecology 530 (for Honours), option (for Majors)

Ecology 417 or option

Ecology 429 or option

Ecology 413 or option

Non-science option


Ecology 530 continued (for Honours), option (for Majors)

Ecology 419 or option

Ecology 439

Ecology 501

Non-science option

13. Programs in Zoology

See the subsections on "Enrollment Limitations" in Section III (Faculty Regulations) and in Section V (Program Details) under Biological Sciences.

Courses constituting the field of Zoology

·Biology 231, 233, 311, 313, 315, 331, 401, 451, 501, 591, 619

·Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 403, 527, 615

·Ecology 491, 527

·Marine Science 440, 500*, 501*, 507*, 502*, 515, 540, 544, 546, 572, 574, 582

·Certain Medical Science courses**

·All courses in the Calendar labelled Zoology except Zoology 269, 361, 363.

* Applicability to the field depends upon the actual course content. Approval will have to be granted on an individual basis. Check the list published by the Department each February.

** No more than one FCE of such courses (approved by the Department prior to registering in the course) can be counted towards the Major Field.

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Item 4 (Degree Requirements), in particular, the regulations on the number of courses at the 200 level and above allowed in a program and on the List of Science-Equivalent Courses in Other Faculties (Table I).

10.0 FCE - Common first and second years, including Physics 211 or 221, and 223 (from First Year) and Chemistry 353, Zoology 375 and 377 (from Second Year)

2.0 FCE - Biology 315, Zoology 461, 463, 471

1.0 FCE - Zoology courses from the 400- and 500-level offerings (excluding 461, 463, 471)

0.5 FCE - Options from the Field.

2.0 FCE - Non-science options. Note: 1 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities and 1 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences form part of the minimum 4.0 FCE non-science degree requirements. The other 2 FCE may come from anywhere including Humanities and Social Sciences.

4.5 FCE - Options

Required Courses - Honours Program

Same as in Major Program except:

1.0 FCE - Options are replaced by Zoology 530.


·This listing provides recommended options for students wishing to create a program of courses that explores particular areas of interest and that provides support for career goals. Students may not be able to include all suggestions of a given area in their programs; neither is the list exhaustive nor exclusive. Many courses have prerequisites that are not listed.

Animal Development and Morphology

Anthropology 457, Biology 401, Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 403, 505, Kinesiology 261, 263, Medical Science 619.03, Zoology 475, 477.01, 477.02, 531, 573

Animal Physiology

Biochemistry 471, 547, Biology 501, Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 527, Medical Science 623, 627, 629, 631, Zoology 575, 595, 597, 699

Animal Biodiversity and Systematics

Biology 401, 451, 619, Ecology 429, 439, 491, 527, Geology 307, 391, Zoology 475, 477.01, 477.02[ZOOL477], 571, 621

Evolutionary and Ecological Physiology

Biology 401, Botany 303, Ecology 429, Marine Science 515, 546, Zoology 475, 477.01, 477].02[ZOOL477], 567, 575, 691

General (Cell) Physiology

Biology 501, Botany 503, Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology 403, 413, 527, Medical Science 615, 619.01, Zoology 531, 573, 595, 597

Invertebrate Biology

Ecology 417, 419, 491, Geology 391, Marine Science 440, 572, 582, Zoology 475, 483, 567

Vertebrate Biology

Ecology 527, Kinesiology 261, Marine Science 540, 544, 574, Zoology 477.01, 477.02, 531, 567, 571, 573, 577, 583

·Courses in Marine Science may be taken for credit during the summer and/or students may elect to spend the fall of either the third or fourth year attending the Bamfield Fall Program. Refer to the Marine Science course listings for details.

Suggested Program Sequence

Third Year

(Available to Honours students, and Major students after satisfactory completion the Biological Sciences core program that includes Biology 231, 233, 311, 313 and 331.)


Zoology 461

Zoology 471



Non-science option


Biology 315

Zoology 463



Non-science option

*It is highly recommended that students take Biochemistry 443

Fourth Year


Zoology 530 (for Honours), option (for Majors)




Non-science option


Zoology 530 continued (for Honours), option (for Majors)




Non-science option

14. Collaborative Program - Environmental Science

Students may pursue a BSc program in Environmental Science with a concentration in Biological Sciences. This is a single degree, four year program which is jointly administered by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Social Sciences. Program details are listed in the Collaborative Programs section of this Calendar. Since this is a multidisciplinary program with restricted entry, students should consult the Director of the Environmental Science program at their earliest opportunity.

15. Double Major in the Department of Biological Sciences

Programs with two major fields in the Department of Biological Sciences may be completed in the following manner:

·The minimum requirements for both major fields must be fulfilled.

·For all programs the five half courses constituting the Biocore (i.e., Biology 231, 233, 311, 313, 331) will be counted towards both majors.

·For all major fields in the Department of Biological Sciences, no course beyond the Biocore will be counted towards both major fields. If a course constitutes a requirement in both major fields, it will be counted towards only one and a substitution must be made to fulfill the requirements of the other major field.

·It is not possible to combine the Biological Sciences major with any other program offered by the Department into a double-major program.

For further details consult the Office of Student Affairs, Department of Biological Sciences.

16. Minor in Biological Sciences

The requirements for a minor in Biological Sciences are:

1.0 FCE - Any two of Biology 231, 233, 311, 313 or 331

4.0 FCE - courses at the 300 level or higher, except Biology 305, 307, or Botany 309, and Zoology 269

Students will be limited to a maximum of 5.0 FCE of courses offered by the Department.

Note:This minor is available only to students who are not majoring in the Department of Biological Sciences or are not Environmental Science or Natural Sciences concentrators in Biological Sciences. This is the single minor program offered by the Department and none of the other programs exist as minors. Students must be aware that preference in enrollment in many courses offered by the Department of Biological Sciences is given to Majors or Environmental Science or Natural Sciences Concentrators within the Department.

17. Combined Degree with Computer Science

The five-year program, sponsored jointly by the Department of Biological Sciences and the Department of Computer Science, leads to both the Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences and the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science degrees. The program requires careful selection of courses in order to complete the requirements of both the Departments.

Students wishing to embark on the sequence of courses leading to this combined degree may enter the combined program in year one. Otherwise, they may enter the Biological Sciences or Computer Science major program and apply to the combined degree program in subsequent years.

Once admitted to the combined program, a student may elect to remain in it, or switch to either of the two separate degree programs, as long as the requirements of each program continue to be met. Failure to meet requirements will result in a student being required to withdraw from the combined or separate programs, as the case may be.

A total of 25 full-course equivalents are required, which includes the core courses of both programs, options within each field and non-science options. The requirements are as follows:

5.5 FCE Biology 231, 233, 311, 313, 331, Biochemistry 393, Chemistry 201, 203 , 351, Mathematics 249 and 221

3.0 FCE Options from the Field of Biological Sciences, except Biology 205, 305, 307, Biochemistry 341, Botany 309 and Zoology 269

1.0 FCE Options from the Field of Biological Sciences at the 400 or 500 level

0.5 FCE Chemistry 353 or option

1.0 FCE Mathematics 271 and Mathematics option

9.0 FCE Required courses and options in Computer Science (for details see the Computer Science section of this Calendar)

0.5 FCE Philosophy 279 or 377

4.0 FCE Non-science options as follows (check Table I in Section III for ineligible courses):

  • 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities
  • 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

0.5 FCE Option

Note: Students interested in pursuing the combined degree in Biological Sciences and Computer Science should contact the undergraduate advisors of both departments to discuss the program. To be able to finish in 5 years, the course sequence needs to be chosen carefully.

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Degrees Offered In Chemistry



Applied Chemistry

Chemical Physics


BSc Honours

BSc Honours

BSc Co-op

BSc Honours Co-op




*Combined Degree with the Faculty of Humanities or Social Sciences






1. Programs Offered

BSc in Chemistry

BSc Honours in Chemistry

BSc in Applied Chemistry Co-operative Education

BSc Honours in Applied Chemistry Co-operative Education

BSc Honours in Chemical Physics

Minor in Chemistry

2. Departmental vs. Faculty Regulations

Programs in the Department of Chemistry are governed by a combination of general Faculty of Science regulations and the additional program specific regulations listed below. It is essential for students to be familiar with both sets of regulations. It is helpful to read the Faculty Regulations in Section III first.

Students should consult the Degree Navigator periodically to ensure that requirements are being met. Students are also strongly urged to consult the Department at all stages of their program.

3. Departmental Information

Department Head: B.A. Keay

Department Office: SA 105A

Telephone: (403) 220-5340

Undergraduate Advisor: (403) 220-5353

Fax: (403) 284-1372

Web Site:

E-mail: uginfo@chem.ucalgary.ca

4. Enrollment Limitations

Enrollment Limitations in Programs

Due to limited enrollment capacity in many senior courses in which there is a laboratory component, the Chemistry programs have a maximum capacity. For details on entry to the programs, see the Faculty regulations.

Enrollment Limitations in Courses

Enrollment in many courses offered by the Department of Chemistry is limited by laboratory space. The following courses are available in the first instance only to those students in good standing who meet the prerequisite(s) and have been admitted into a major or Natural Sciences program that requires the course(s): Chemistry 311, 315, 331, 333, 351, 353, 355, 371, 373, 453, 471, 515, 535 and 555.

Consult the Master Timetable for details regarding enrollment in these courses.

5. International Exchange

Students in Chemistry programs have the opportunity to study abroad through participation in a Departmental international exchange scheme/arrangement. For further details please contact the Chemistry main office.

6. Programs in Chemistry

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See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsection 2 (Admission).

Courses constituting the field of Chemistry

All courses labelled Chemistry except Chemistry 209, 357, 409, 429, 459 and 579

Biochemistry 341, 393 and 443

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201, 203

1.0 FCE - Physics 211 or 221, 223

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263 or Applied Mathematics 219

5.5 FCE - Chemistry 311, 315, 331, 333, 351, 355, 371, 373, 453, 471, 531 or 533

3.0 FCE - From the field of Chemistry of which at least 1.5 FCE in addition to Chemistry 531 or 533 must be 500-level courses

0.5 FCE - Physics 323

1.0 FCE - Mathematics 221, 331

4.0 FCE - Non- Science Options as follows

(check Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses):

0.5 FCE - Science 311

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

1.5 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

3.0 FCE - Options

Required Courses - Honours Chemistry

The same as in the Major program except that the 3.0 FCE Options are replaced by

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 502

0.5 FCE - Physics 321 or Biochemistry 393 or Mathematics 353 or any Chemistry course at the 500 level (or above) or any other senior Science courses by the consent of the Department

1.5 FCE - Options

Required Courses - Minor in Chemistry

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201 and 203

2.0 FCE - Chemistry 311, 331, 351 and 371 or 373

2.0 FCE - Courses from the field of Chemistry at the 300 level or above


For students who do not have a background in the use of computers, Computer Science 203 is recommended as a first year option.

Science 311 is limited in enrollment. Students may complete it in either the Fall or Winter Session as dictated by the course capacities.

Chemistry 515 is strongly recommended for students planning careers in analytical or environmental chemistry.

Suggested Program Sequences

(a) Major Program

First Year


Chemistry 201

Physics 211 or 221

Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217


Non-science option


Chemistry 203

Physics 223

Mathematics 253 or 263


Non-science option

Second Year

Chemistry 311

Chemistry 351

Physics 323

Mathematics 221

Science 311 or Non-science option

Chemistry 315

Chemistry 355

Chemistry 371

Mathematics 331

Science 311 or Non-science option

Third Year

Chemistry 373

Chemistry 331

Chemistry 453


Non-science option

Chemistry 471

Chemistry 333



Non-science option

Fourth Year

Chemistry 531 or Option




Non-science option

Chemistry 533 or Option



Non-science option

Non-science option

(b) Honours Program

As above except that an option chosen from the list under the section called Required Courses - Honours Chemistry replaces one of the options in Third Year, and Chemistry 502 replaces two of the options in Fourth Year.

7. Programs in Applied Chemistry Co-operative Education

Co-operative Education programs include a minimum of sixteen months of supervised work experience in various industrial, governmental or academic laboratories and thus require a minimum of five calendar years to complete.


See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsection 2 (Admission).

Students following the suggested Applied Chemistry program sequence normally begin this program during the second year. For formal entry into the Applied Chemistry Co-operative Education program see the Calendar section "Co-operative Education/Internship."

A minimum of 4 HCE of the first year of the program as specified in this Calendar (see below) must have been completed with a minimum grade point average of 3.30 overall and in the required Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics courses before the student may apply for admission to the BSc Honours Applied Chemistry Co-operative Education program, or a minimum grade point average of 2.70 overall and in the required Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics courses before the student may apply for admission to the BSc Applied Chemistry Co-operative Education program.

Students must be registered in the second year of the Chemistry Majors or Honours program and must apply to the Career Services Office by December 1. Students who are accepted in to the Co-operative Education program are then required to apply to the Undergraduate Program office for a change of program to the Applied Chemistry program.

Before commencing the first Co-operative Education work term, students must have completed a minimum of 8.0 FCE appropriate to the Chemistry degree program. They must have attained a minimum grade point average of 2.70 over the following second year courses: Chemistry 311, 331 and 351 and they must have completed Chemistry 315, 333 and 355.

The Department requires that a minimum overall GPA of 2.70 at each annual review be maintained for continuation in the program (see Faculty regulations for the Honours Co-operative Education program).

Note: The detailed Co-operative Education program sequence as well as additional rules and regulations must be obtained from the Chemistry Department Office (SA109).

Courses constituting the field of Applied Chemistry

All courses labelled Chemistry except Chemistry 209, 357, 409, 429, 459 and 579

Co-operative Education 503

Biochemistry 341, 393 and 443

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses)

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201, 203

1.0 FCE - Physics 211 or 221, 223

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249


Applied Mathematics 217

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263 or

Applied Mathematics 219

6.5 FCE - Chemistry 311, 315, 331, 333, 351, 355, 371, 373, 425, 453, 471, 515, 531 or 533

2.5 FCE - From the field of Chemistry of which at least 1.0 FCE in addition to Chemistry 515 and 531 or 533 must be 500-level courses

0.5 FCE - Physics 323

1.0 FCE - Mathematics 221, 331

4.0 FCE - Non- Science Options as follows

(check Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses):

0.5 FCE - Science 311

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

1.5 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

2.5 FCE - Options

16 months - Co-operative Education 503.01, 503.02, 503.03 and 503.04

Required Courses - Honours Program

The same as in the Major program except that the 2.5 FCE options are replaced by

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 502

1.5 FCE - Options


For students who do not have a background in the use of computers, Computer Science 203 is recommended as a first year option.

Of the five work terms indicated in the sequence below, four are required.

Science 311 is limited in enrollment. Students may complete it in either the Fall or Winter Session as dictated by the course capacities.

Suggested Program Sequences

(a) Major Program

First Year


Chemistry 201

Mathematics 251 or

249 or Applied Mathematics


Physics 211 or



Non-science option


Chemistry 203

Mathematics 253 or 263

Physics 223

Non-science option

Non-science option



Second Year

Chemistry 311

Chemistry 331

Chemistry 351

Science 311 or option

Mathematics 221

Chemistry 315

Chemistry 333

Chemistry 355

Science 311 or option

Mathematics 331

COOP 503.01

Third Year

COOP 503.02

Chemistry 425

Chemistry 371



Non-science option

COOP 503.03

Fourth Year

Chemistry 373

Chemistry 453

Chemistry 515

Physics 323

Non-science option

COOP 503.04

COOP 503.05

Fifth Year

Chemistry 531 or Option




Non-science option

Chem 471

Chemistry 533 or Option


Non-science option

Non-science option

(b) Honours Program

As above except that Chemistry 502 replaces two of the options in Fifth Year.

8. Program in Honours Chemical Physics

This program is offered in conjunction with the Department of Physics and Astronomy.


See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsection 2 (Admission).

Courses constituting the field of Chemical Physics

Chemistry 201, 203, 331, 333, 351, 355, 371, 373, 471, 502, 571, 573, 575 and 577

Physics 211, 221, 223, 225, 301, 321, 323, 325, 341, 343, 347, 355, 443, 455, 457, 449, 491, 543, 591, 598, 599

Required Courses - Honours Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses)

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201, 203

1.0 FCE - Physics 211 or 221, 225

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 217


Mathematics 251 or 249

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 221

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 219

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 231

3.5 FCE - Chemistry 331, 333, 351, 355, 371, 373, 471

0.5 FCE - One of Chemistry 571 or 573 or 575 or 577

2.5 FCE - Physics 341, 343, 355, 455, 543

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 502 or Physics 598

1.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 307, 309, 433

0.25 FCE - Physics 491

0.25 FCE - Physics 591

4.0 FCE - Non- Science Options as follows

(check Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses):

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

2.5 FCE - Options


Science 311 is recommended as one of the options.

Suggested Program Sequences
Honours Program

First Year



Chemistry 201

Applied Mathematics 217 or

Mathematics 251 or 249

Mathematics 221

Physics 211 or 221

Non-science option

Chemistry 203

Applied Mathematics 219

Computer Science 231

Physics 225

Non-science option

Second Year

Chemistry 351

Physics 341

Physics 355

Applied Mathematics 307

Non-science option

Chemistry 355

Physics 343

Chemistry 371

Applied Mathematics 309

Non-science option

Third Year

Chemistry 373

Chemistry 331

Physics 455

Applied Mathematics 433

Non-science option

Chemistry 471

Chemistry 333

Physics 491


Non-science option

Fourth Year

Chemistry 502 or Physics 598

Physics 543

Option or Chemistry 571 or 573 or 577


Non-science option

Chemistry 502 or Physics 598

Option or Chemistry 571 or 573 or 575 or577

Physics 591



Non-science option

Computer Science

(Return to Top)

Degrees Offered in Computer Science

Computer Science


BA Honours


BSc Honours


BSc Honours INTE



*Combined Degree with the Haskayne School of Business

**Combined Degree with the Faculty of Humanities or Social Sciences




1. Programs Offered

· BSc and BSc Honours in Computer Science

· BA and BA Honours in Computer Science

· BSc and BSc Honours in Computer Science Internship

· BSc and BComm in Computer Science and Business

· BSc in Computer Science and Biological Sciences

· BSc Double Major in Computer Science and General Mathematics

· Minor in Computer Science

2. Department vs. Faculty Regulations

Programs in the Department of Computer Science are governed by a combination of general Faculty of Science regulations and the additional program specific regulations listed below. It is essential for students to be familiar with both sets of regulations. It is helpful to start by reading the Faculty Regulations in Section III first. Students should consult the Degree Navigator periodically to ensure that requirements are being met.

3. Department Information

Department Head: K.E. Barker

Department Office: ICT 602

Telephone: (403) 220-6015

Undergraduate Advisor: ICT 602

Fax: (403) 284-4707

Web Site:

E-mail: cpsc@cpsc.ucalgary.ca

4. Limitation of Enrollment in Computer Science

In some instances, certain Computer Science courses are available initially to students in good standing who meet the prerequisite(s) and have been admitted into a major program that requires the course(s). See the Course Registration and Planning Guide for details for any given year.

The number of places in Computer Science programs is limited. Once admitted, a place in a Computer Science program is assured for students advancing through subsequent years with satisfactory performance. However, due to limited capacity in many senior Computer Science options, it may not always be possible to accommodate every student's first choice of courses.

The Department reserves a certain number of places for students who wish to gain admission to the third year of a Computer Science program by transferring from other institutions or programs. Any student requesting admission at this level is subject to "Admission Requirements" as stated in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar. If demand exceeds capacity, selection for these places will be based on the grade point average over the most recent course work to a maximum of five FCE (University of Calgary courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions).

5. Advanced Placement in Computer Science

Students in International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP) programs may be eligible for advanced credit in Computer Science courses, including Computer Science 231 and 233. See the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar (Alternatives to Regular Course Credit) for additional details.

Other students with backgrounds in Computer Science equivalent to Computer Science 231 or 231/233 may request advanced placement in Computer Science in order to have admission and prerequisite requirements for these courses waived, after successful completion of an advanced placement examination. Interested students should see the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar (Alternatives to Regular Course Credit) for additional details, and contact the Department of Computer Science to apply.

6. Programs in Computer Science


See the subsections on Enrollment Limitations in Section III (Faculty Regulations) and in Section V (Program Details) under Computer Science.

In some cases, courses that are no longer offered can be substituted for newer courses listed in the following requirements. Additional information about course substitutions is available at the Department's web site.

Courses constituting the field of Computer Science

· All courses labelled Computer Science except Computer Science 203 and 215;

· Applied Mathematics 491, 493;

· Pure Mathematics 329;

· All courses labelled Software Engineering.

Required Courses - BSc Major Program

5.0 FCE - Computer Science 231, 233 (Computer Science 235 plus another 0.5 FCE from the field of computer science at the 300 level or above can replace 231 and 233.), 265, 313, 325, 331, 349, 413, 457 and Software Engineering 311 (or Computer Science 333).

2.0 FCE - Mathematics 221, 249 or 251, 271, and one of Statistics 211, Mathematics 321, or an alternative course in Statistics with the consent of the Department. Students should note that Mathematics 321 has Mathematics 253 as a prerequisite. Mathematics 253 and 321 are recommended over Statistics 211.

0.5 FCE - Philosophy 279 or 377.

4.0 FCE - Taken from the field of Computer Science: one and one-half numbered 500 or above, two numbered 400 or above, and one-half numbered 300 or above.

3.5 FCE - Non-science options as follows (check Table I in Section III for ineligible courses):

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences.

4.5 FCE - Options

The Department offers several concentrations that can provide focus on specific areas of computer science. Students interested in these concentrations need to choose their options carefully, including the options taken in the first two years of the program, to fulfill the concentration requirements.

Required Courses - BSc Honours Program

6.5 FCE - Computer Science 231, 233 (Computer Science 235 plus another 0.5 FCE from the field of computer science at the 300 level or above can replace 231 and 233.), 265, 313, 325, 331, 349, 413, 457, Software Engineering 311 (or Computer Science 333), one of Computer Science 502 or 510 or 594 and one of 511, 513, 517 or 519.

2.0 FCE - Mathematics 221, 249 or 251, 271, and one of Statistics 211, Mathematics 321, or an alternate course in Statistics with the consent of the Department. Students should note that Mathematics 321 has Mathematics 253 as a prerequisite. Mathematics 253 and 321 are recommended over Statistics 211.

1.0 FCE - Philosophy 279 or 377, and Philosophy 379

3.5 FCE - Taken from the field of Computer Science: two numbered 500 or above, and one and one-half numbered 400 or above.

3.0 FCE - Non-science options as follows (check Table I in Section III for ineligible courses):

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences.

3.0 FCE - Options

The Department offers several concentrations that can provide focus on specific areas of computer science. Students interested in these concentrations need to choose their options, including the options taken in the first two years of the program, carefully to fulfill the concentration requirements.

Required Courses - BA Major Program

4.0 FCE - Computer Science 231, 233 (Computer Science 235 plus another 0.5 FCE from the field of computer science at the 300 level or above can replace 231 and 233.), 265, 331, 349, 441, 481, and Software Engineering 311 (or Computer Science 333).

1.5 FCE - Mathematics 221, 249 or 251, and 271.

1.0 FCE - Philosophy 279 and 379.

3.0 FCE - Taken from the field of Computer Science: one numbered 500 or above, one and one-half numbered 400 or above, and one-half numbered 300 or above.

4.0 FCE - Non-science options as follows (check Table I in Section III for ineligible courses):

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences.

6.5 FCE - Options; no more than 1 FCE from the Faculty of Science or science equivalent. (See Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses.)


· Computer Science 001, 002, and Mathematics 041 are recommended but not required. These are offered during Block Weeks preceding the beginning of session, but may not be available in all years.

· Students unable to take Philosophy 279 in first year may substitute Philosophy 377 and should take this course in the Fall of second year. Philosophy 379 is not required for a BSc in Computer Science but is recommended. This course is required for an Honours BSc in Computer Science.

· Communications Studies 363 is strongly recommended but not required. Students interested in taking a technical writing course who are unable to register in Communications Studies 363 should consider Science 311.

· Courses offered by the Haskayne School of Business are often a good choice for non-science options for future software developers. Calendar entries from the Haskayne School of Business show: "Students have the opportunity to take courses offered by the Haskayne School of Business without the stated prerequisites, with the written permission of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) as appropriate, upon the recommendation of the instructor of the course. However, should a student fail to achieve satisfactory standing in any course for which the stated prerequisite(s) is (are) lacking, he/she may be required to successfully complete the stated prerequisite(s) prior to being permitted to repeat the course. Students are required to have consent of the Haskayne School of Business Office before registering in 600-level courses offered by the Haskayne School of Business."

Recommended Program Sequence BSc (Majors and Honours)

Students interested in a specific concentration need to choose their computer science, science and non-science options according to the concentration requirements. This includes options taken in year 1 and 2 of the program.

First Year



Computer Science 001

Computer Science 231 or 235

Mathematics 221

Mathematics 249 or 251

Philosophy 279

Non-science option

Mathematics 041

Computer Science 233

Computer Science 265

Mathematics 271

Mathematics 253 or Statistics 211 or option

Non-science option

Second Year

Computer Science 002

Computer Science 325

Computer Science 331

Statistics 211 or Mathematics 321 or option


Communications Studies 363 or Non-science option

Computer Science 313

Software Engineering 311 or Computer Science 333

Computer Science 349

Philosophy 379*

Communications Studies 363 or Non-science option

Third Year

Computer Science 413

Computer Science 457

Computer Science option


Non-science option

Computer Science 400-level option

Computer Science 400-level option

Computer Science 400-level option


Non-science option

Fourth Year

Computer Science 502 or 510 or 594*

Specified Computer Science 500-level option*

Computer Science 400-level option


Non-science option

Computer Science 502 or 510 or 594*

Computer Science 500-level option

Computer Science 500-level option


Non-science option


Students may focus their program on one of six areas of interest by including a specified set of courses, into their Major or Honours degree. Successful completion will mean that the area of concentration will appear on the transcript. The concentrations and course requirements are:

A. Concentration in Computer Game Design

· Mathematics 253 and 331;

· Physics 211 or 221 and 1.5 FCE from the Faculty of Science that are not in the field of Computer Science or already required in the program;

· Computer Science 453 and 585;

· One of Computer Science 441, 461, or 481;

· One of Computer Science 587, 589 or 591;

· One of Computer Science 433, 531, or 535;

· One FCE selected from:

Art 231, 233, 241, 243, 339, 341, 343, 345, 347

Drama 222, 317, 319

English 231, 393, 395, 399

Communications Studies 201, 367

Operations Management 301

any course named Music Theory and Composition.

B. Concentration in Software Engineering

· Software Engineering 411 or Computer Science 451;

· Computer Science 481 and 594;

· Software Engineering 421 or 443;

· One and one-half FCE chosen from any Software Engineering course at the 400 or 500 level or from Computer Science 411, 433, 471, 501, 525, 565, or 567. At most one-half FCE can be chosen at the 400 level;

· At least one FCE of the non-science options need to be chosen from Economics 201 and courses offered by the Haskayne School of Business;

· Note: Students concentrating in software engineering are strongly recommended to take Mathematics 323 as part of their science options;

· Note: Recommended courses from the Haskayne School of Business include Business and Environment 291, Management Studies 391, Operations Management 301, 317 403, 407, Management Information Systems 463, 465, Accounting 317, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 201, 381, 403, Marketing 317, 341. Computer Science students who want to take courses from the Haskayne School of Business are advised that the Haskayne School of Business will consider waiving the prerequisites for senior courses (particularly Management Information Systems 463 and 465) on an individual request basis. Students should contact the area chair regarding prerequisite waivers;

· Note: Operations Management 411 and Management Information Systems 455 will not be accepted for credit towards the software engineering concentration;

· Note: Students pursuing the software engineering concentration are advised to look at the 5 year, combined degree BSc in Computer Science/BComm that is offered jointly by the Faculty of Science and the Haskayne School of Business (see below in Section 9 of the Department of Computer Science Calendar entry).

C. Concentration in Algorithms and Complexity Theory

· Computer Science 511;

· At least three of Computer Science 491, 513, 517, 518 (or 667), 519, 561 (or 661), 557, 653, Pure Mathematics 321, 329;

· Philosophy 379;

· Mathematics 253, 311, 321;

· Pure Mathematics 315;

· At least three of Mathematics 323, 349, 353, Pure Mathematics 371, 419, 427, 429, 431, 503, 519, 529.

D. Concentration in Scientific Computation

· Computer Science 461, 471, 491 and one of 501, 517, 531 or 559;

· Mathematics 253 and 331;

· Applied Mathematics 311 and 413;

· 2 FCE in Science not in the Field of Computer Science and not offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

E. Concentration in Programming Languages and Compilers

· Computer Science 401, 411, 417, 510, 523;

· Note: Philosophy 379 is strongly recommended.

F. Concentration in Computer Graphics

· Mathematics 253 and 349;

· Computer Science 453, 481, 491, 587, 589, 591

· One-half FCE chosen from Art 231, 233, 241, 339, 341 or Physics 211, 221.

· G. Concentration in Information Security

· Pure Mathematics 329;

· One of Philosophy 329, or Business and Environment 561;

· Computer Science 429, 441, and 529;

· One-half FCE chosen from Computer Science 527, 528, or Software Engineering 521. One-half FCE chosen from Art 231, 233, 241, 339, 341 or Physics 211, 221.

7. BSc Major and Honours in Computer Science Internship Programs

The Internship programs in Computer Science are five-year (20 FCE) degree programs that include a 12- or 16-month Internship period of supervised work experience.

Before starting their first Internship work period, students must meet the admission requirements specified in the Co-operative Education/Internship section of this Calendar. In addition, students must be Computer Science majors or Computer Science honours students, and must currently be taking and/or have completed between 15 and 17.5 FCE appropriate to their degree program, including

(a) Computer Science 313, 325, 331, 349, and Software Engineering 311 (or Computer Science 333);

(b) At least one of Computer Science 413 or 457;

(c) Philosophy 279 or 377;

(d) An additional three FCE in the field of Computer Science, including two and one-half courses numbered 400 or above, and one half course numbered 300 or above.

Students should have a minimum grade point average of 2.50 calculated over the most recent course work to a maximum of five FCE at the time of application to the Internship Major program. Honours students in good standing at time of application will be admitted to the Internship Honours program.

Students who are very close to these admission criteria are also encouraged to apply; admission will be decided on a case by case basis.

Students must apply to Career Services prior to completing the admission requirements outlined above, and by the dates given below. Transcripts must show that the student is enrolled in any courses necessary to complete the admission requirements. Application dates are:

· December 1 for a May 1 first Internship placement;

· May 1 for a September 1 first Internship placement;

· September 1 for a January 1 first Internship placement.


Students in the BSc in Computer Science Internship program must meet all requirements for the BSc Major in Computer Science degree program. Students in the BSc Honours in Computer Science Internship program must meet all requirements for the BSc Honours in Computer Science program, with one exception: The honours requirement for one of Computer Science 502, 510 or 594 is replaced by one FCE in the field of Computer Science numbered 400 or above (which may include one of these courses).

In addition to the above requirements, students must complete the following three courses (which represent the individual Internship work terms):

Internship 503.01, 503.02, 503.03

(Internship 503.04 is recommended but not required.)

Students must take all their Internship work terms consecutively and be registered full time. Upon completion of each Internship work term, the student must present a work term report to the Department of Computer Science Internship Representative. Reports and work terms are evaluated on a CR/F grade, based on job performance and completion of a work term report that meets the standards of the Department of Computer Science. Students should also be aware of the policy concerning course withdrawal, as specified in the Co-operative Education/Internship section of this Calendar.

For further details and information, see the Department of Computer Science Web Page (http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/Coop/), or contact the Department of Computer Science and ask for the Department of Computer Science Internship Representative.

Program Sequence

The Internship period, consisting of the consecutive Internship 503.01, 503.02, 503.03 and optional 503.04 Internship work terms, is normally taken shortly after completing the required courses as indicated above. This typically occurs after year three (minimum fifteen FCE) but before completing year four (maximum seventeen and one-half FCE).

The combination of Internship and study sessions will allow completion of the program in five years.

8. Double Major in Computer Science and General Mathematics

Admission into the Double Major program in Computer Science and General Mathematics is governed by the same criteria as other Computer Science programs; see Limitations of Enrollment in Computer Science above.

Requirements for this program are extremely tight, and students should choose courses carefully in order to ensure that all courses can be used to satisfy graduation requirements. Students interested in this program should consult the Department of Computer Science or the Department of Mathematics and Statistics for additional information about course selection.

9. Combined Degree, BComm/BSc (Computer Science)

The five-year program, sponsored jointly by the Haskayne School of Business and the Department of Computer Science, leads to both the Bachelor of Science and the Bachelor of Commerce degrees. The program requires careful selection of courses in order to complete the requirements of both the Haskayne School of Business and the Faculty of Science.

Students wishing to embark on the sequence of courses leading to this combined degree may enter the combined program in year one, otherwise they may enter the Faculty of Science in first year and be accepted into the Computer Science program. By the end of the second year of studies students should then apply to the Haskayne School of Business, either to pursue the Bachelor of Commerce degree or to pursue the combined degree.

Once admitted to the combined program, a student may elect to remain in it, or switch to either of the two separate degree programs, as long as the requirements of each Faculty continue to be met. Failure to meet requirements will result in a student being required to withdraw from the combined or separate programs, as the case may be.

For program details, please see the Haskayne School of Business section of this Calendar.

10. Combined Degree, BSc (Computer Science)/BSc (Biological Sciences)

The five-year program, sponsored jointly by the Department of Biological Sciences and the Department of Computer Science, leads to both the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and the Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences degrees. The program requires careful selection of courses in order to complete the requirements of both the Departments.

Students wishing to embark on the sequence of courses leading to this combined degree program may enter the combined program in year one, otherwise they may enter the Faculty of Science in first year and be accepted into the Computer Science program or the Biological Sciences program.

Once admitted to the combined program, a student may elect to remain in it, or switch to either of the two separate degree programs, as long as the requirements of each program continue to be met. Failure to meet requirements will result in a student being required to withdraw from the combined or separate programs, as the case may be.

For program details, please see the Department of Biological Sciences section of this Calendar.

11. Required Courses - Minor Program

· 3.5 FCE - Computer Science 231, 233, 265, 313, 331, 349 and Software Engineering 311.

· 1.0 FCE - Mathematics 221 or 211; Mathematics 271.

· 0.5 FCE - Philosophy 279 or 377.

· 1.5 FCE - courses in the field of Computer Science. 0.5 FCE must be numbered 400 or above and 1.0 FCE must be numbered 300 or above.

Admission into a minor program in Computer Science is governed by the same criteria as admission into the major programs; see Limitation of Enrollment in Computer Science above.

*Required for Honours program. Majors may substitute optional courses as their program and concentration allows.

Degrees Offered in Geology and Geophysics




Applied and Environmental Geology




BSc Honours

BSc Honours

BSc Honours




*Combined Degree with the Faculty of Humanities or Social Sciences






Geology and Geophysics

(Return to Top)

1. Programs Offered

· BSc and BSc Honours in Geology, Applied and Environmental Geology, Geophysics

· Minors in Geology, Applied and Environmental Geology, Geophysics and Earth Science

Collaborative Programs

The Earth Science and Environmental Science (Geology) programs are single degree, four year programs jointly administered by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Program details are listed in the Collaborative Programs section of this Calendar. Since these are multidisciplinary programs with restricted entry, students should consult the respective program Directors at their earliest opportunity.

Double Major and Double Degree Programs

· Double major programs combining any two of Geology, Applied and Environmental Geology, Geophysics, Earth Science or Environmental Science (Geology) are allowed.

· Double degree programs are allowed combining Geophysics with one of Geology, Applied and Environmental Geology, or Environmental Science (Geology)

2. Department vs. Faculty Regulations

Programs in the Department of Geology and Geophysics are governed by a combination of general Faculty of Science regulations and the additional program specific regulations listed in sections 4-7. It is essential for students to be familiar with both sets of regulations. It is helpful to read the Faculty Regulations in Section III first.

Students should consult the Degree Navigator periodically to ensure that requirements are being met. Students should also consult the Department when necessary.

APEGGA Requirements

The practice of geology and geophysics in Alberta is governed by Provincial law and regulated by the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA). Members of the Rundle Group and the Geophysics Society are automatically student members of APEGGA.

In order to meet the requirements of professional registration, specific academic training and four years of appropriate full-time experience as a geologist- or geophysicist-in-training following graduation are needed.

The Majors and Honours BSc programs in Geology, Applied and Environmental Geology, and Geophysics, whose course requirements are stipulated in sections 5-7, meet the current academic requirements for professional registration with APEGGA. These academic requirements are available on the APEGGA web page www.apegga.org/members/registration/exams.htm.

3. Department Information

Department Head: L.R. Lines

Assistant Department Head and Undergraduate Programs Manager: R.J. Spencer (220-5850)

Department Office: ES 118

Telephone: 220-5841

Fax: 284-0074

Web Site:

E-mail: geoscience@ucalgary.ca

4. Enrollment Limitations

Program Enrollment Limits

The Department of Geology and Geophysics limits enrollment in all programs. The BSc programs in Geology, Geology (Petroleum Geology Concentration), and Applied and Environmental Geology have a common first two years, designated as the "Geological Sciences" core. Students may be directly admitted into the "Geological Sciences" or "Geophysics". Students in Geophysics complete the required courses listed in the "Geophysics Programs" section. Students in Geological Sciences may apply for admission into either the Geology, Geology (Petroleum Geology Concentration), or Applied and Environmental Geology program, after they have completed all of the following 7.5 FCE (the specified science courses required in the two year core) with a grade of "C-" or better in each course:

As space permits, the Department will accept a certain number of students who wish to gain admission to the third year of the Geology, Geology (Petroleum Geology Concentration), or Applied and Environmental Geology programs by transferring from other institutions or programs. Any student requesting admission at this level is subject to "Admission Requirements" as stated in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar and, in addition, must meet the following criterion: completion of the 7.5 FCE listed above ( Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions) with a grade of "C-" or better in each course.

In the event that the number of students choosing one of these programs exceeds the number that can be accommodated by available resources, students will be admitted to that program in descending rank order of academic performance until the enrollment limit is reached.

2. As space permits, the Department will accept a certain number of students who wish to gain admission to the second year of the Geological Sciences core, or the second or third year of the Geophysics or Environmental Science (Geology) Major or Minor programs or the Natural Science (Geosciences) Concentration program by transferring from other institutions or programs. Any student requesting admission at this level is subject to "Admission Requirements" as stated in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar and, in addition, must meet the following criteria:

Completion of the following courses with a grade of "C-" or better in each course:

For Geological Sciences and Environmental Science (Geology):

For Geophysics:

  • Geology 201 and 203
  • Physics 211 or 221 and 223
  • Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217 and one of Mathematics 253 or 263 or 221 or Applied Mathematics 219
  • For the Natural Sciences program (Geosciences Concentration):

    In the event that the number of students choosing one of these programs exceeds the number that can be accommodated by available resources, students will be admitted to that program in descending rank order of academic performance until the enrollment limit is reached.

    Academic performance will be measured on the basis of the grade point average calculated over the most recent five FCE ( Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions). New admissions to the University are always subject to the "Admission Requirements" as stated in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.

    3. Once admitted, a place in the Department's programs is assured for students advancing through the second and subsequent years with satisfactory performance. Admission will be granted for Fall Session only and will be based upon academic merit. Due to limited enrollment capacity in many senior courses, it will not always be possible to accommodate every student's choice of optional geology courses in the third and subsequent years.


Course Enrollment Limitations

Geology 311, 313, 337, 341, 373, 381, 391, 401, 429, 437, 439, 441, 503, 541, Geophysics 355, 453, 457, 549, 557, and 559 are limited enrollment courses.

Students registered in one of the following programs will have priority in the indicated courses:

Geological Sciences/Geology, Geology (Petroleum Geology Concentration)

Geology 311, 313, 323, 337 341, 373, 381, 391, 401, 429, 437, 439, 449, 541, Geophysics 355, 449, 453, 559

Geological Sciences/Applied and Environmental Geology

Geology 311, 313, 323, 337, 341, 373, 381, 401, 429, 437, 439, 441, 503, Geophysics 355, 453, 559


Geology 311, 341, 381, 401, 449, 541, Geophysics 355, 449, 453, 457, 549, 557, and 559

Natural Sciences Program (Geosciences)

Geology 311, 313, 337, 341, 381, 429, Geophysics 355, 453, 457, 557, and 559

Environmental Science (Geology)

Geology 311, 313, 337, 341, 373, 381, 401, 429, 503, Geophysics 355

5. Geology Programs


See the sections on "Enrollment Limitations" under the Department of Geology and Geophysics and under Section III (Faculty Regulations).

Courses constituting the field of Geology

All courses labelled Geology excluding Geology 209, 301, 303, 307, 309, 317, 377, 415, 471, and 499.

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

7.5 FCE - Geology 201, 203, 311, 313, 323, 337, 341, 381, 391, 429, 437, 439, 443, 461, 555

1.5 FCE - Options from the field of Geology

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201, 203

0.5 FCE - Geophysics 355

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263 or Applied Mathematics 219

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 221

1.0 FCE - Physics 211 or 221, 223

0.5 FCE - Science options from the following:

1.0 FCE - Geology, Geophysics or Engineering options from the following:

  • Petroleum Engineering 507, 513, 515
  • courses in the field of Geophysics
  • courses in the field of Geology

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows (check Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses):

  • 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities
  • 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

1.0 FCE - Options (Science options are recommended)

Note: The Major program must contain at least 10 FCE from outside the field of Geology, and the Honours program must contain at least 8 FCE from outside the field of Geology.

Note: 600-level courses are available to fourth year students with prerequisites and consent of the Department.

Required Courses - Honours Program

Same as the Major degree program in Geology except that the 2.0 FCE of Geology options, the 1.0 FCE of Geology, Geophysics or Engineering options, and the 1.0 FCE of Options must include the following courses:

  • 1.0 FCE - Geology 510
  • 0.5 FCE - Geophysics 453 or 465

Required Courses - Minor Program

5.0 FCE in the field of Geology

Suggested Program Sequence

(Majors and Honours)

First Year



Geology 201

Chemistry 201

Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

Physics 211 or 221

Non-science option

Geology 203

Chemistry 203

Mathematics 253 or 263 or Applied Mathematics 219

Physics 223

Non-science option

Second Year

Geology 311

Geology 337*

Geology 381

Mathematics 221

Non-science option

Geology 323

Geology 341

Geophysics 355**

Science option

Non-science option

Third Year

Geology 437*

Geology 313

Geology 391

Geology 429

Non-science option

Geology 443

Geology 439***

Geology 461

Science option

Non-science option

Fourth Year

Geology option

Geology option (for Majors), Geology 510 (for Honours)

Option (for Majors), or Geophysics 453 or 465 (for Honours)

Geology, Geophysics or Engineering option

Non-science option

Geology 555

Geology option (for Majors), Geology 510 (for Honours)




Geology, Geophysics or Engineering option

Non-science option

*Geology 437 is a field schools which runs for about 10-12 days prior to the Fall Session.

**Only one of Geophysics 355 and 453 is required.

***Geology 439 is a field school which runs for about 12-14 days after the Winter Session.

Note:Students taking a geology field school course in a session are permitted to register in an additional 2.5 FCE in that session (for a total of 3.0 FCE).

6. Geology (Petroleum Geology Concentration) Programs


See the sections on "Enrollment Limitations" under the Department of Geology and Geophysics and under Section III (Faculty Regulations).


Courses constituting the field of Geology (Petroleum Geology Concentration)

All courses labelled Geology excluding Geology 209, Geology 301, Geology 303, Geology 307, Geology 309, Geology 317, Geology 377, Geology 415, Geology 471, and Geology 499.

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements – Major Degree Programs) and 5B (Introductory Courses for Science Degree Programs).

11.0 FCE - Geology 201, 203, 311, 313, 323, 337, 341, 381, 391, 429, 437, 439, 443, 461, 555, 589.01, 589.02, 589.03, 589.06, 593.02, 593.03, 595.03

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201, 203

0.5 FCE - Geophysics 355

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263 or Applied Mathematics 219

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 221

1.0 FCE - Physics 211 or 221, 223

0.5 FCE - Science options from the following:

1.0 FCE - Geology, Geophysics or Engineering options from the following:

  • Petroleum Engineering 507, 513, 515
  • courses in the field of Geophysics
  • courses in the field of Geology

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows (check Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses):

  • 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities
  • 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

1.0 FCE - Options (Science options are recommended)

0.5 FCE - Petroleum Geology options chosen from Geology 577, 589, 593, 595, 596

1.0 FCE - Geophysics 449[449] and 559[559]

1.0 FCE – Geology, Geophysics or Engineering options from the following:

  • Petroleum Engineering 507, 513, 515
  • Courses in the field of geology
  • Courses in the field of geophysics

0.5 FCE - Science option chosen from the list of specified Science options for the Geology Majors program

Note: The Major program must contain at least 10 FCE from outside the field of Geology, and the Honours program must contain at least 8 FCE from outside the field of Geology.



Note: 600-level courses are available to fourth year students with prerequisites and consent of the Department.


Required Courses - Honours Program

Same as the Majors program except that Geology 510 is taken instead of the 1.0 FCE of Geology, Geophysics or Engineering options.

Required Courses - Minor Program

5.0 FCE in the field of Geology, with at least 2.0 FCE of these chosen from Geology 449, Geology 577, Geology 589, Geology 593, Geology 595, Geology 596.

Suggested Program Sequence

(Majors and Honours)

First and Second Years -- see the Suggested Course Sequence for the Geological Sciences common core

Third Year

Geology 437*

Geology 439**

Geology 313

Geology 443

Geology 391

Geology 461

Geology 429

Science option

Geophysics 449

Non-science option

Fourth Year

Geology 589.01, 589.02, 589.03, 589.06

Geology 593.02 and 593.03

Petroleum Geology option

Geology 595.03

Geology, Geophysics or Engineering option (for Majors), or Geology 510 (for Honours)

Geology, Geophysics or Engineering option (for Majors), or Geology 510 (for Honours)

Non-science option

Geophysics 559

Non-science option

Non-science option

* Geology 437 is a field school which runs for about 10-12 days prior to the Fall Session.

** Geology 439 is a field school which runs for about 12-14 days after the Winter Session.

Note: Students taking a geology field school course in a session are permitted to register in an additional 2.5 FCE in that session (for a total of 3.0 FCE).


7. Applied and Environmental Geology Programs


See the sections on "Enrollment Limitations" under the Department of Geology and Geophysics and under Section III (Faculty Regulations).

Courses constituting the field of Applied and Environmental Geology:

Geology 201, 203, 311, 313, 323, 337, 341, 373, 381, 401, 429, 437, 439, 441, 503, 505, 571, 597

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

8.5 FCE - Geology 201, 203, 311, 323, 313, 337, 341, 373, 381, 401, 429, 437, 439 or 441, 503, 505, 571, 597

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201, 203

1.0 FCE - Geophysics 355, 465

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263 or Applied Mathematics 219

1.0 FCE - Mathematics 221, 331

1.0 FCE - Physics 211 or 221, 223

0.5 FCE - Statistics 357 or 327

2.0 FCE - Science or Engineering options chosen from the following:

· Applied Mathematics 309*, 311*, 413*, 415*

· Chemistry 311, 315, 331, 333, 351, 353, 371, 373, 421*

· Civil Engineering 423*, 523*, 525*

· Computer Science 215, 231, 233, 235

· Engineering 481*

· Geology courses (from the field of Geology)*

· Geophysics 359*, 453*, 457*, 559*, or other courses from the field of Geophysics

· Mathematics 311*, 349*, 353*

· Petroleum Engineering 507*, 513*, 515*

· Physics 321, 323, 325

*Recommended options

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows (check Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses):

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

0.5 FCE - Option (a Science option is recommended)

Note: The Major program must contain at least 10 FCE from outside the field of Applied and Environmental Geology, and the Honours program must contain at least 8 FCE from outside the field of Applied and Environmental Geology.

Note: 600-level courses are available to fourth year students with prerequisites and consent of the Department.

Required Courses - Honours Program

Same as the Major degree program in Applied and Environmental Geology except that the 2.0 FCE of Science or Engineering options and the 0.5 FCE Option must include the following course:

  • 1.0 FCE - Geology 510

Required Courses - Minor Program

· Geology 373, 401, 503, 505, 571

· 2.5 FCE selected from:

Geology 311, 313, 337, 341, 381, 429

Geophysics 355, 457, 465

Suggested Program Sequence

(Majors and Honours)

First Year



Geology 201

Chemistry 201

Mathematics 249 or 251

Physics 211 or 221

Non-science option

Geology 203

Chemistry 203

Mathematics 253 or 263

Physics 223

Non-science option

Second Year

Geology 311

Geology 337*

Geology 381

Mathematics 221

Non-science option

Geology 313

Geophysics 355

Geology 341

Geology 373

Non-science option

Third Year

Geology 401

Geology 429

Geology 437*

Science or Engineering option

Non-science option

Geology 439 or 441**

Mathematics 331

Statistics 357

Science or Engineering option

Non-science option

Fourth Year

Geology 503

Geology 597

Geophysics 465

Science or Engineering option (for Majors), Geology 510 (for Honours)

Non- science option

Geology 505

Geology 571


Science or Engineering option (for Majors), Geology 510 (for Honours)

Non-science option

* Geology 337 and 437 are field schools which run for about 10-12 days prior to the Fall Session.

**Geology 439 and 441 are field schools which run for about 12-14 days after the Winter Session.

Note:Students taking a geology field school course in a session are permitted to register in an additional 2.5 FCE in that session (for a total of 3.0 FCE).

7. Geophysics Programs


See the sections on "Enrollment Limitations" under the Department of Geology and Geophysics and under Section III (Faculty Regulations).

Courses constituting the field of Geophysics

· All courses labelled Geophysics excluding Geophysics 365 and 375

· Geology 201, 203, 341, 381

· Physics 211, 221, 223, 321, 323

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

4.5 FCE - Geophysics 355, 359, 453, 457, 547, 549, 551, 557, 559

2.0 FCE - Geology 201, 203, 341, 381

0.5 FCE - course in the field of Geology

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 415

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201, 203

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 215 or 231 or 235

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

1.5 FCE - Mathematics 221, 253 or 263, 331

2.0 FCE - Physics 211 or 221, 223, 321, 323

1.0 FCE - Science or Engineering options from the following:

· Applied Mathematics 311, 413, 433

· Applied Physics 427, 407, 573, 575

· Mathematics 311, 349, 411

· Petroleum Engineering 507, 513, 515

· Physics 301, 325, 341, 343, 347, 443, 455, 533

· Pure Mathematics 421

· Statistics 357

· courses in the field of Geophysics

· courses in the field of Geology

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows (check Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses):

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

2.0 FCE - Options (Science options are recommended)

Note: The Major program must contain at least 10 FCE from outside the field of Geophysics, and the Honours program must contain at least 8 FCE from outside the field of Geophysics.

Note: 600-level courses are available to fourth year students with prerequisites and consent of the Department.

Required Courses - Honours Program

Same as the Major degree program in Geophysics except that the 1.0 FCE of Science or Engineering options and the 2.0 FCE of Options must include the following courses:

  • 0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 413
  • 0.5 FCE - Geophysics 509
  • 0.5 FCE - Statistics 357

Required Courses - Minor Program

· Geophysics 355, 359, 453 or 465

· Geology 201, 203

· Physics 211 or 221, 223

· Geology 341 or Physics 321

· Plus two of Geophysics 547, 551, 557, 559

Suggested Program Sequence

(Majors and Honours)

First Year



Geology 201

Mathematics 249 or 251

Chemistry 201

Physics 211 or 221

Non-science option

Geology 203

Mathematics 253 or 263

Chemistry 203

Physics 223

Non-science option

Second Year

Geophysics 359

Geology 381

Mathematics 221

Physics 323

Non-science option

Geophysics 355

Mathematics 331

Science or Engineering option (for Majors), Statistics 357 (for Honours)


Non-science option

Third Year

Geophysics 453

Science or Engineering option (for Majors), Applied Mathematics 413 (for Honours)

Computer Science 215 or 231 or 235

Physics 321

Non-science option

Geology 341

Geophysics 457

Applied Mathematics 415


Non-science option

Fourth Year

Geophysics 549*

Geophysics 551

Option (for Majors), Geophysics 509 (for Honours)


Non-science option

Geophysics 547

Geophysics 557

Geophysics 559

Geology option

Non-science option

* Geophysics 549 is a field school which runs for about 10-12 days prior to the Fall Session.

Mathematics and Statistics

(Return to Top)

Degrees Offered in Mathematics and Statistics


Applied Math

Pure Math


Actuarial Science

General Mathematics






BA Honours

BA Honours

BA Honours

BA Honours






BSc Honours

BSc Honours

BSc Honours

BSc Honours

BA Co-op

BA Honours Co-op

BSc Co-op

BSc Honours Co-op







BSc or BA/BEd***

*Combined Degree with the Haskayne School of Business

** Combined Degree with the Faculty of Humanities or Social Sciences

*** Combined Degree with the Faculty of Education










1. Programs Offered in Mathematics and Statistics

  • BA and BA Honours in Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science
  • BSc and BSc Honours in Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science
  • BA or BSc in General Mathematics
  • BA or BSc and BA or BSc Honours in Actuarial Science Co-operative Education
  • BComm/BSc Combined Degree in Actuarial Science and Business
  • BSc or BA/BEd (Master of Teaching Program) Combined Degree in General Mathematics in Education
  • Minors in Applied or Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science

2. Department vs. Faculty Regulations

Programs in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics are governed by a combination of general Faculty of Science regulations and the additional program specific regulations listed below. It is essential for students to be familiar with both sets of regulations. It is helpful to read Section III (Faculty Regulations) first.

Students are advised to check the Degree Navigator periodically to ensure that all requirements are being met.

3. Department Information


  • Division of Applied Mathematics
  • Division of Pure Mathematics
  • Division of Statistics and Actuarial Science

Courses offered by the Department bear the labels Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Statistics, and Actuarial Science. Note that (1) the course descriptions appear in the back of this Calendar in five non-contiguous alphabetically arranged blocks, and (2) "Mathematics" is a course label but not a Major field.

All students intending to pursue a Major or Honours program in Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Statistics, or Actuarial Science should consult the Undergraduate Director. The Undergraduate Director can provide advice on such important matters as specialized programs available within the field, recommended course sequences, possible combinations of Major and Minor fields and recommended undergraduate study leading to graduate study.

Mathematics and Statistics

Department Head: T. Bisztriczky

Department Office: MS 476

Undergraduate Director: W.E. Couch

Undergraduate Office: MS 476

Telephone: (403) 220-5203

Fax: (403) 282-5150

Web Site:


4. Mathematics Diagnostic Test

Mathematics II, offered by Continuing Education, with a grade of "D" or better is acceptable in lieu of Pure Mathematics 30 for general admissions requirements.

Students who wish to enroll in courses in the Faculty of Science for which Pure Mathematics 30 is a prerequisite, and who wish to use Mathematics II to satisfy that prerequisite, must achieve a grade of "C-" or higher in Mathematics II.

Students whose programs require Mathematics 211 or 221 and/or 249 should note that entry to these courses is restricted to students who have met one of the following three prerequisites:

(a) a grade of 70% or higher in Pure Mathematics 30;

(b) a grade of "B-" or better in the non-credit courses Mathematics II or College Algebra and Trigonometry offered by Continuing Education.

(c) a grade of 70% on the Mathematics Diagnostic Test administered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

For entry to Mathematics 251, students must present one of the above and Mathematics 31.


1. Students meeting prerequisite (a) should enroll directly into Mathematics 211 or 221 and/or 249; students meeting prerequisite (a) plus Mathematics 31 should enroll directly into Mathematics 251; all other students must take either Mathematics II or College Algebra and Trigonometry or must write the Mathematics Diagnostic Test.

2. The prerequisite for Mathematics II is Mathematics I or Pure Mathematics 20. Students who have not completed one of these prerequisites (including those who have completed Applied Mathematics 30) are directed to begin with Mathematics I.

3. Students who have completed Pure Mathematics 20, but feel their skills are not current enough to take Mathematics II, are encouraged to take the Mathematics II Assessment Test administered by Continuing Education.

4. Students from outside Alberta, who may have previously studied the material in Mathematics I may also be required to take the Mathematics II Assessment Test.

The Mathematics Diagnostic Test is a one hour test of the student's mastery of topics in Pure Mathematics 10, 20 and 30. It is offered four times per year. Newly admitted students who wish to write the Mathematics Diagnostic Test are advised to do so at their earliest convenience after they have received their notice of admission.

The test will be offered during the week preceding the start of classes in each of the Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Sessions.

The test fee is $50.00 for each writing. The fee must be paid at the Fees Office in advance of the test date; students will be required to present proof of payment for admission to the test.

The test is administered on a computer and the results are available to the student immediately.

The Mathematics Diagnostic Test has the same status as a University final examination. Accordingly, any form of cheating will be considered grounds for suspension or expulsion from the University. Proof of identity will be required during the test. Students more than 30 minutes late will not be admitted to the examination.

Information about the test is available from the Undergraduate Office in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

5. Special Assessment (Challenge Examinations)

Students who are enrolled in Mathematics 211 or 221 or 249 or 251 or 253, but who feel that they have already mastered the course material, may take a challenge examination during the first week of classes. Students who pass the test may be granted special assessment status for that course and direct entry into Mathematics 253, 271, 311 or 349. Credit will be given for the course taken by special assessment, a grade assigned, and the regular course fee will be assessed. Students interested in pursuing special assessment should consult the Department during the first week of classes.

6. Core Courses

All programs include the following common core of courses:

· Mathematics 211 or 221

· Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

· Mathematics 253 or 263

· Mathematics 311

· Mathematics 321

· Mathematics 349

· Mathematics 353

· Computer Science 231 or 215.

7. Recommended First and Second Year Sequence

First Year for all Programs



Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

Mathematics 211 or 221

Humanities or Social Sciences option


Non-Science option

Mathematics 253 or 263 *

Computer Science 231 or 215

Humanities or Social Sciences option


Non-Science option

Second Year for all Programs



Mathematics 349

Mathematics 321

Mathematics 311

Option or Applied Mathematics 311 or Actuarial Science 325**

Non-Science option

Mathematics 353

Mathematics 323 or Pure Mathematics 315***

Option or Actuarial Science 327**


Non-Science option

*Students in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics programs are strongly recommended to take Mathematics 263 for an early exposure to rigorous analysis in preparation for senior required courses.

**Students in the Actuarial Science program should choose Actuarial Science 325 and 327; students in the Applied Mathematics program should choose Applied Mathematics 311.

***Students in Statistics, Actuarial Science, or Applied Mathematics concentration programs should choose Mathematics 323; students in Pure Mathematics, Pure Mathematics concentration, or Applied Mathematics major programs should choose Pure Mathematics 315

8. Programs in Applied Mathematics

Courses constituting the field of Applied Mathematics

· All courses labelled Applied Mathematics

· All courses labelled Mathematics except Mathematics 205, 271 and 331

· Pure Mathematics 315, 421, 431, 435, 445, 521, 545

Required Courses -Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

Mathematics 099

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 221

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

2.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263, 311, 321, 349, 353

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 231 or 215

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 311

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 315 or Mathematics 323

1.0 FCE - Two from the list:

Physics 211 or 221, 223,

Astronomy 211, 213,

Chemistry 201, 203,

Computer Science 233, 313, 331,

Biology 231, 233,

Geophysics 355, 365

1.0 FCE - Applied Mathematics 413, Mathematics 411

1.0 FCE - Pure Mathematics 435, 445

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 421 or 521

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 491

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 411 or 425 or 451 or 493

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

6.5 FCE - Options

Required Courses -Honours Program

The first 9.0 FCE required in the Honours program, up to and including Applied Mathematics 491, are the same as in the Major program. The remaining 11.0 FCE required in the Honours program are:

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 411

0.5 FCE - One from the list: Applied Mathematics 425, 451, 481, 483, 491, Pure Mathematics 545.

1.0 FCE - Any 500 level or above in Applied Mathematics.

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

5.0 FCE - Options

Other Requirements

Students in the Major and Honours programs of Applied Mathematics are required to fulfill an oral component by the successful completion of Mathematics 099.


It is recommended that the 200- and 300-level courses listed above be taken in the first two years of study. Students should consult with the Undergraduate Director on a regular basis throughout their program.


Students may focus their program on one of two areas of interest by including a specified set of courses into their Major degree. Successful completion will mean that the area of concentration will appear on the transcript. Students should carefully plan their course selections to ensure that prerequisites for upper-level courses are obtained. Consultation with the Undergraduate Director on a regular basis is highly recommended.

A. Concentration in Mathematical Finance and Risk Management

The first 4.5 FCE required in the Concentration, up to and including Applied Mathematics 311, are the same as in the Major program. The remaining 15.5 FCE required in the Concentration are:

1.0 FCE - Mathematics 323 and Computer Science 233

1.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 421, 435, 445

1.0 FCE - Statistics 407, 409

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 411

3.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 371, 413, 481, 483, 491, 493, 581

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

4.0 FCE - Options

B. Concentration in Computational Applied Mathematics

The first 4.5 FCE required in the Concentration, up to and including Applied Mathematics 311, are the same as in the Major program. The remaining 15.5 FCE required in the Concentration are:

2.0 FCE - Mathematics 323, Computer Science 233, 331 and 333 or Software Engineering 311

1.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 421, 435, 445

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 411

3.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 371, 413, 425, 451, 491, 493, 503

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

4.0 FCE - Options

Required Courses - Minor Program

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 221

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263

or Applied Mathematics 219

1.0 FCE - Mathematics 311, 349

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 353

or Applied Mathematics 309

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 311 or 307

1.5 FCE - From the list:

Mathematics 321, 323, Applied Mathematics 371, any course labelled Applied Mathematics at the 400 level or above.

9. Programs in Pure Mathematics

Courses constituting the field of Pure Mathematics

· Mathematics 221, 249, 251, 253, 263, 271, 311, 321, 323, 349, 353, 401, 411

· Applied Mathematics 217, 219 and 311

· All courses labelled Pure Mathematics

Required Courses -Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

Mathematics 099

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 221

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249

or Applied Mathematics 217

2.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263, 311, 321, 349, 353

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 315

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 231 or 215

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 311

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 323

or Computer Science 233

or Physics 211 or 221

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 411

1.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 431, 435, 445

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 421 or 521

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 415 or 423 or 427

0.5 FCE - One of:

Mathematics 271, 401, Pure Mathematics 371, 419, 425, or any 500-level course in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, or Statistics

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

7.0 FCE - Options

Required Courses -Honours Program

The requirements for the Honours program are the same first 4.5 FCE as in the Major program up to and including the 0.5 FCE - Computer Science 231 or 215, plus the following:

0.5 FCE - One of:

Applied Mathematics 311, Mathematics 323, Computer Science 233, Physics 211 or 221

2.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 431, 435, 445, 505, 511

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 545 or Applied Mathematics 411

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 421 or 521. Choice must be Pure Mathematics 521 if Applied Mathematics 411 is chosen in item above.

1.0 FCE - Any courses at the 400 level or above in Pure Mathematics

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

6.5 FCE - Options

Other Requirements

Students in the Major and Honours programs of Pure Mathematics are required to fulfill an oral component by the successful completion of Mathematics 099.


It is recommended that the 200- and 300-level courses listed above be taken in the first two years of study. It is highly recommended that students take Philosophy 279 or 377 to complement Mathematics 271. Students should consult with the Undergraduate Director on a regular basis throughout their program.

It is recommended that students include an international component in their program. Consult the Undergraduate Director for details.


Students may focus their program on one of two areas of interest by including a specified set of courses into their Major or Honours degree. Successful completion will mean that the area of concentration will appear on the transcript. Students should carefully plan their course selections to ensure that prerequisites for upper-level courses are obtained. Consultation with the Undergraduate Director on a regular basis is highly recommended.

A. Concentration in Cryptography

For Major with Concentration: The first 3.5 FCE required in the Major Concentration, up to and including Mathematics 353, are the same as in the Major program. The remaining 16.5 FCE required in the Major Concentration are:

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 271

1.0 FCE - Computer Science 231, 233

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 265, 313 or 331

4.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 315, 329, 419, 427, 429, 431, 435, 445, 529

1.0 FCE - Applied Mathematics 311 and Mathematics 411

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 421 or 521

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

4.5 FCE - Options

For Honours with Concentration:

10.0 FCE - Same as the Major Concentration program above, up to and including Pure Mathematics 529.

1.0 FCE - Pure Mathematics 505, 511

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 545 or Applied Mathematics 411

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 421 or 521 (Choice must be 521 if Applied Mathematics 411 is chosen in item above)

· 4.0 FCE - Non-Science options, same as Major Concentration program.

4.0 FCE - Options

B. Concentration in Computational Discrete Mathematics

For Major with Concentration: The first 3.5 FCE required in the Major Concentration, up to and including Mathematics 353, are the same as in the Major program. The remaining 16.5 FCE required in the Major Concentration are:

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 271

1.0 FCE - Computer Science 231, 233

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 265 or 331 (331 is recommended)

4.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 315, 371, 419, 427, 431, 435, 445, 471, 519

1.0 FCE - Applied Mathematics 311 and Mathematics 411

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 421 or 521

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

4.5 FCE - Options

For Honours with Concentration:

10.0 FCE - Same as the Major Concentration program above, up to and including Pure Mathematics 519

1.0 FCE - Pure Mathematics 505, 511

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 545 or Applied Mathematics 411

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 421 or 521 (Choice must be 521 if Applied Mathematics 411 is chosen in item above)

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options, same as Major Concentration program.

4.0 FCE - Options

Required Courses - Minor Program

5.0 FCE - Selected from the field of Pure Mathematics.

The selection might include:

· Mathematics 221

· Mathematics 251 or 249

or Applied Mathematics 217

· Mathematics 253 or 263, 311, 349, 353.

10. Programs in Statistics

Courses constituting the field of Statistics

· Mathematics 211, 221, 249, 251, 253, 263, 311, 321, 323, 349, 353, and 401

· Applied Mathematics 217

· All Statistics courses numbered 400 or higher

Required Courses -Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 211 or 221

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249

or Applied Mathematics 217

3.0 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263, 311, 321, 323, 349, 353

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 231 or 215.

1.5 FCE - Statistics 421, 429, 513, 515

3.0 FCE - Selected from any courses labelled Statistics at the 400 level or above

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

7.0 FCE - Options

Required Courses -Honours Program

The first 6.0 FCE required in the Honours program, up to and including Statistics 421, 429, 513, 515, are the same as in the Major program. The remaining 14.0 FCE required in the Honours program are:

4.0 FCE - Selected from any courses labelled Statistics at the 400 level or above

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 435

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 445 or 421.

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

5.0 FCE - Options


It is recommended that 200- and 300-level courses listed above should be taken in the first two years of study. Pure Mathematics 421 is a recommended option. Students should consult with the Undergraduate Director on a regular basis throughout their program.

For Statistics majors who wish to pursue a Computer Science minor, see Section 16 below.

Required Courses - Minor Program

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

2.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263, 321, 323, 349 and 353

2.0 FCE - Selected from any courses labelled Statistics at the 400 level or above.

11. Programs in Actuarial Science

Courses constituting the field of Actuarial Science

Note: Courses in Risk Management and Insurance are not included in the field, but are relevant and are recommended electives for Actuarial Science students. Interested students should consult the Division or the Chair in Risk Management and Insurance in the Haskayne School of Business.

Required Courses -Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 211 or 221

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 251 or 249

or Applied Mathematics 217

3.0 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263, 311, 321, 323, 349, 353

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 231 or 215

2.0 FCE - Actuarial Science 325, 327, 427, 527

0.5 FCE - Statistics 421

3.0 FCE - Selected from the list:

courses labelled Actuarial Science,

Statistics 407, 429, 433, 437, 505.

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

  • 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities
  • 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences
  • 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

6.0 FCE - Options

Not every 400- and 500-numbered Statistics and Actuarial Sciences course is offered every year. Students in third year should ensure they take a sufficient number of these in order to graduate at the end of their fourth year.

Required Courses - Honours Program

The first 10.0 FCE required for the Honours program are the same as the first 10.0 FCE in the Major program, up to and including the 3.0 FCE selected from a list. The remaining 10.0 FCE are as follows:

1.0 FCE - Selected from the list:

all Actuarial Science courses;

any course in Economics at the 400 level or above;

any course in Risk Management and Insurance at the 300 level or above;

any additional 400- or 500-level course in Statistics

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

5.0 FCE - Options


· It is recommended that 200- and 300-level courses listed above should be taken in the first two years of study. Not every 400- and 500-numbered Statistics and Actuarial Sciences course is offered every year. Students should consult with the divisional office to plan for the upcoming cycle of offered courses as well as for a progress assessment on a regular basis throughout their program.

· The following courses are some of the recommended options for Actuarial Science students in second (or subsequent) years:

Accounting 317

Communication Studies 361, 363

Economics 301

Economics 309 or 357

Risk Management and Insurance 317 (strongly recommended).

Options in first year should be selected with these second year options in mind, in order to satisfy prerequisites. At least one half course in Economics is strongly recommended.

· The following courses are some of the recommended options for Actuarial Science students in third and fourth years:

Finance 317

Finance 443, 463

Risk Management and Insurance 449, 459, 559.01, 559.02

Actuarial Science students are advised to register for Finance 317 in the Winter Session of their third year as it is not normally available to them in Fall Session.

· While a university program will prepare you to join the ranks of the actuarial profession, it is also important for a student to begin writing the professional examinations of the Society of Actuaries and/or Casualty Actuarial Society as soon as possible - but normally not before the end of second year studies - if he or she wishes to find employment in the actuarial industry after graduation. The professional examinations are normally offered on campus twice a year. For more information, please contact an advisor in the Division of Statistics and Actuarial Science.

Required Courses - Minor Program

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 249 or 251 or Applied Mathematics 217

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263

2.0 FCE - Mathematics 321, 323, 349 and 353

1.0 FCE - Actuarial Science 325 and 327

1.0 FCE - Selected from the following:

all Actuarial Science courses, Statistics 407, 421, 433, 437.

12. Actuarial Science Co-operative Education Program


Application deadlines: December 1, May 1, and September 1. Students are normally required to apply to the Career Services Office.

The Actuarial Science Co-operative Education programs are five-year degree programs which include 16 months of supervised work experience in various companies and government agencies. Students who wish to enter the Actuarial Science Co-operative Education program are urged to discuss their pre-admission course selection with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics as early in their program as possible.

Students must have successfully completed at least eight FCE appropriate to their degree program, including Mathematics 321 and 323 and Actuarial Science 327, before commencing the first co-operative education placement. Students must have a minimum grade point average of 2.70 in the field before commencing the Co-operative Education major program, or a minimum grade point average of 3.30 in the field before commencing the Co-operative Education honours program.


· Students must complete the following four courses in addition to the regular requirements for the BA or BSc and the BA or BSc Honours in Actuarial Science degree programs: Co-operative Education 501.01, 501.02, 501.03, 501.04. Co-operative Education 501.05 is not required but may be completed.

· In addition to the Faculty and Departmental regulations governing Honours and Major programs and the regulations governing Co-operative Education programs, the following regulations apply. A minimum grade point average of 2.70 must be maintained for continuation in the BA or BSc degree programs. A minimum grade point average of 3.30 must be maintained for continuation in the BA or BSc Honours degree program. In the Co-operative Education programs students must take study and work sessions consecutively and be registered full time. The Co-operative Education courses are in addition to the normal requirements for the BA or BSc degree programs in Actuarial Science. Students must complete the same required courses and number of courses as required for a student completing the traditional degree program. Upon completion of each Co-operative Education work term, the student must present a work term report to the Co-operative Education representative in the Division of Statistics and Actuarial Science.

Program Sequence

The first four-month work term (Co-operative Education 501.01) is normally taken in the summer between years two and three. The remaining four-month work terms are taken during the last three years of the program. (Note that additional faculty requirements are not included.) Other combinations of work and study sessions are also possible.

It is suggested that students follow either Sequence A or Sequence B.

Sequence A

First Year




Mathematics 211 or 221

Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

Computer Science 231 or 215

Mathematics 253 or 263

Second Year

Mathematics 321

Mathematics 311

Mathematics 349

Actuarial Science 325

Mathematics 323

Mathematics 353

Actuarial Science 327

Co-operative Education 501.01

Third Year

Co-operative Education 501.02

Required courses in Actuarial Science or Statistics offered this session

Co-operative Education 501.03

Fourth Year

Statistics 421, Actuarial Science 427 and other required courses in Actuarial Science or Statistics offered this session

Co-operative Education 501. 04 and other required courses in Statistics offered this session

Co-operative Education 501.05 (optional) and/or remaining required courses in Statistics to complete the program

Fifth Year

Remaining courses in Statistics or Actuarial Science to complete the program

Remaining courses in Statistics or Actuarial Science to complete the program

Sequence B

First Year




Mathematics 211 or 221

Mathematics 251 or 249 or Applied Mathematics 217

Computer Science 231 or 215

Mathematics 253 or 263

Second Year

Mathematics 321

Mathematics 311

Mathematics 349

Actuarial Science 325

Mathematics 323

Mathematics 353

Actuarial Science 327

Co-operative Education 501.01

Third Year

Statistics 421, Actuarial Science 427 and other required courses in Actuarial Science or Statistics offered this session

Co-operative Education 501.02

Required courses in Statistics or Actuarial Science offered this session

Fourth Year

Co-operative Education 501.03

Required courses in Statistics offered this session

Co-operative Education 501.04

Fifth Year

Co-operative Education 501.05 Optional) and/or remaining courses in Statistics or Actuarial Science to complete the program

Remaining required courses in Statistics or Actuarial Science to complete the program.

13. General Mathematics Program

Courses constituting the field of General Mathematics

· All courses offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and Computer Science 491.

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

Mathematics 099

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 211 or 221

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 249 or 251

or Applied Mathematics 217

2.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 263, 311, 321, 349, 353

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 231 or 215.

0.5 FCE - Selected from the field of General Mathematics

1.0 FCE - Selected from the field of General Mathematics at the 300-level or above

2.0 FCE - Selected from the field of General Mathematics at the 400-level or above

4.0 FCE - Non-science options as follows: (check Table I, Section III for ineligible courses)

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

· 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

· 2.0 FCE from any faculty outside Science including Humanities and Social Sciences

8.5 FCE - Options from anywhere

Other Requirements

Students in the program of General Mathematics are required to fulfill an oral component by the successful completion of Mathematics 099.


1. Mathematics 205.

2. A Minor to complement this Major is strongly recommended, e.g., in Economics, Physics, Computer Science, or Music.

3. It is recommended that students include an international component in their program.

Students should consult with the Undergraduate Director on a regular basis throughout their program.

14. Double Major and Major/Minor Combinations

A Double Major program combining any two of Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics or Actuarial Science can be obtained by a program of study meeting the requirements of both Major programs. A Major in General Mathematics cannot be combined with any other Major or Minor program offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Note in particular the Faculty of Science requirement that at least seven FCE in each of the two fields be included. For Major/Minor combinations within Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, the student must obtain the permission of the Undergraduate Director.

Combined degree programs are not available within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

15. Statistics Major with Computer Science Minor

A student intending to obtain a BSc in Statistics with a Minor in Computer Science should take Computer Science 231 (rather than Computer Science 215) in the first year of study. Computer Science 233 and Mathematics 271 should also be included in the first year program. Subsequent courses necessary for the Computer Science Minor are listed in the Computer Science portion of the Calendar. The student should consult the Department of Computer Science section about enrollment limitations in Computer Science courses.

16. Combined Degree in General Mathematics in Education and BEd (Master of Teaching Program)


Intention to register with Education deadline: April 1

The combined BA or BSc (General Mathematics in Education)/BEd (Master of Teaching Program), administered by the Faculty of Science, is a five year degree program which leads to both the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science (General Mathematics in Education) and Bachelor of Education (Master of Teaching Program) degrees. This program requires careful selection of courses in order to ensure completion of proper prerequisites for senior level courses.

The BA or BSc (General Mathematics in Education) degree will not be awarded until the student has completed all five years of the program.

A maximum of fifteen students will be accepted in the program in any one year. Admission to the program is on a competitive basis and meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.


(i) Students will be admitted to the program by the Faculty of Science and must apply before April 1 after completing their first year of studies. In order to be considered for admission, students must have completed a minimum of four FCE which must include Mathematics 221, 251, 253 or 263; one of Mathematics 205, 271, Statistics 201 or 211; and either Computer Science 231 or 215, with a grade of "C-" or better in each, and also have a grade point average of at least 2.50 calculated over the most recent course work to a maximum of five FCE.

(ii) A Faculty of Education Statement must be submitted in support of the application (structured resume which includes the names of three referees).


(i) Admission will be granted in the Fall Session only. Students will be admitted to the program in descending rank order of grade point average calculated over the most recent course work to a maximum of five FCE (Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions). All grades within a session will be included except where the number of courses taken within a session exceeds that required to fulfill (to a maximum of) five FCE, in which case the highest grades will be used. Spring and Summer Session courses taken after May 1 will not count towards determining admissibility if taken in the year of application.

(ii) Students accepted into the program have three years from the time of acceptance to commence the Faculty of Education component of the program. Students not registering for this component within that time will be considered to have left the combined program and remain as Science students only. Students may also choose to leave the combined program at any time and continue a program within the Faculty of Science. Regular Science program regulations will apply to these students.

(iii) Satisfactory completion of the Effective Writing Requirement as outlined in the Academic Regulations section of this Calendar.

Intention to Register

Students must have completed the 15.0 FCE required for the initial Science portion of the program (see below under Program Structure) with a minimum GPA of 3.00 over the last 5 FCE taken.

A student must notify the Faculty of Education no later than March 1 of the year that he or she intends to begin the Faculty of Education portion of the program.


Compared to the General Mathematics major, students in this combined degree program (General Mathematics in Education major) are not required to complete Mathematics 321 and 353, but are required to complete at least one half course in English. Fifteen FCE in the Faculty of Science part of the program must be completed for graduation purposes.

Students who withdraw from the Education component of the combined degree program will be required to complete additional courses to obtain the BA or BSc in General Mathematics.

The General Mathematics in Education degree is only awarded to students who complete all five years of the combined degree program.

Recommended Course Sequence

Although this course sequence appears flexible with respect to course choices, students should carefully plan their course selections to ensure that prerequisites for upper-level courses are obtained. For example, students interested in taking senior statistics courses should take Mathematics 321 and 323 in Year 2, item 2.; students interested in senior Pure Mathematics courses should take Pure Mathematics 315 in Year 2, item 2.; students interested in senior Applied Mathematics courses should take Applied Mathematics 311 in Year 2, item 2., etc.

First Year

1. 0.5 FCE English and 0.5 FCE Non-Science option

2. Mathematics 251 or 249, and 221

3. Mathematics 253 or 263 and 0.5 FCE from the list: Mathematics 205, 271, Statistics 201 or 211

4. Computer Science 231 or 215 and 0.5 FCE Science or Non-Science option

5. 1.0 FCE Non-Science option

Second Year

1. Mathematics 349 and 311

2. 1.5 FCE - from the list: Applied Mathematics 311, Pure Mathematics 315, 329, 371, Mathematics 321, 323, 353

3. 0.5 FCE Pure Mathematics 319

4. 1.0 FCE Science or Non-Science option

5. 1.0 FCE Non-Science option

Third Year

1. 2.0 FCE at the 400 level or higher offered by the Department

2. 3.0 FCE senior level options

Fourth Year

Studies in

1. Learners and learning/Teachers and teaching; School and Workplace placements.

2. Curriculum Studies (areas of specialization and interdisciplinarity)/ Educational contexts; School placements.

Fifth Year

1. Tutorials, directed studies; Project work in area of specialization and interdisciplinarity; School placements (13 weeks for 4 days per week)

2. Action research (minor thesis); School or workplace placement (for work related to action research project)

It is a Faculty of Science requirement that students must take at least 1.0 FCE in the Faculty of Humanities and at least 1.0 FCE in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

It is recommended that some courses in the history or philosophy of science and technology be included in the program. Possibilities are: Engineering 481, General Studies 341, Science, Technology and Society 325, History 371, Philosophy 367, Greek and Roman Studies 221.

It is the responsibility of the student to include the prerequisites for courses in Third Year, Item 1 in his or her program.

17. Combined Degree Program in Actuarial Science and Business

For information on the combined degree BComm/BSc (Actuarial Science) program see the Haskayne School of Business section of this Calendar for details.

18. Actuarial Science and Economics or Statistics

Double Major programs are offered in Actuarial Science and Economics and in Actuarial Science and Statistics. See the Actuarial Science/Statistics Division for program details.

19. General Mathematics and Computer Science

A Double Major program is also offered in General Mathematics and Computer Science. Admission into this program is governed by the same criteria as other Computer Science and Mathematics/Statistics programs. Requirements for this program are extremely tight and students should choose courses carefully in order to ensure that all courses taken can be used to satisfy graduation requirements. Students interested in this program should consult the Department of Computer Science or the Department of Mathematics and Statistics for information about course selection and admission criteria.

Physics and Astronomy

(Return to Top)

Degrees offered in Physics and Astronomy




Applied Physics

Chemical Physics




BSc Honours

BSc Honours

BSc Honours





*Combined Degree with the Faculty of Humanities or Social Sciences






1. Programs offered in Physics and Astronomy

BSc in Physics, Astrophysics, Applied Physics

BSc Honours in Physics, Astrophysics, Chemical Physics

Minors in Physics and Astrophysics

2. Department vs. Faculty Regulations

Programs in the Department of Physics and Astronomy are governed by a combination of general Faculty of Science regulations and the additional program specific regulations listed below. It is essential for students to be familiar with both sets of regulations. It is helpful to read Section III of the Faculty Regulations first.

Students should consult the Degree Navigator periodically to ensure that requirements are being met. Students are also strongly urged to consult the Department at all stages of their program.

3. Department Information

Department Head: R. B. Hicks

Assistant Head: W. J. F. Wilson

Program Advisor: W. J. F. Wilson

Department Office: SB 605

Telephone: (403) 220 - 5385

Fax: (403) 289 - 3331

Web Site:

4. Programs in Physics

Courses constituting the field of Physics

All courses labelled Physics

Applied Physics 407, 427, 571, 573, 575, 577, 579

Astrophysics 609

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

1.0 FCE - Physics 211 or 221, 225

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 221

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 217 or Mathematics 249 or 251

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 219

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201, 203

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 231

7.0 FCE - Physics 301, 325, 341, 343, 347, 355, 443, 449, 455, 471, 491*, 499, 591*, 597, 599 or 598

0.5 FCE - Applied Physics 407

2.0 FCE - Applied Mathematics 307, 309, 413, 433

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows (check Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses):

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

2.0 FCE from any faculty other than Science

2.5 FCE - Options

* Physics 491 and 591 are quarter courses, with a combined credit value of 0.5 FCE.

Note: Students transferring into the Physics program from the Applied Physics program may replace Physics 597 with Applied Physics 599.

Required courses - Honours Program

Same as in Major Program except that Physics 599 and 2.5 FCE Options are replaced by:

1.0 FCE - Physics 598

1.0 FCE - Physics 457, 543

0.5 FCE - Option in the field of Physics at the 500 or 600 level

0.5 FCE - Option


(a) Courses whose numbers start with 0 are taught during block week prior to commencement of regular courses. These courses are recommended, but not required. No credit is given for these courses and no fees are charged.

(b) It is strongly recommended that Applied Mathematics 217 be taken in preference to Mathematics 249 or 251 whenever the option to do so exists.

Suggested Program Sequences

(a) Major Program

First Year



Computer Science 001 (intended to precede Computer Science 231; may be taken in January if available)

Physics 211 or 221

Mathematics 221

Applied Mathematics 217

Chemistry 201

Non-science option

Physics 225

Computer Science 231

Applied Mathematics 219

Chemistry 203

Non-science option

Second Year

Physics 020

Physics 301

Physics 341

Physics 355

Applied Mathematics 307

Non-science option

Physics 325

Physics 343

Applied Mathematics 309


Non-science option

Third Year

Physics 030

Physics 455

Applied Mathematics 413

Applied Mathematics 433

Non-science option

Non-science option

Physics 347

Physics 443

Physics 471

Physics 491*

Applied Physics 407

Fourth Year

Physics 040

Physics 449

Physics 599 (Physics 598 may be taken instead)

Physics 597


Non-science option

Physics 041

Physics 499

Physics 591*




Non-science option

* Physics 491 and 591 are quarter courses.

(b) Honours Program

First Year

Same as for the Physics Major program

Second Year



Physics 020

Physics 301

Physics 341

Physics 355

Applied Mathematics 307

Non-science option

Physics 325

Physics 343

Physics 347

Applied Mathematics 309

Non-science option

Third Year

Physics 030

Physics 449

Physics 455

Applied Mathematics 413

Applied Mathematics 433

Non-science option

Physics 443

Physics 457

Physics 471

Applied Physics 407

Physics 491*

Physics 499

Fourth Year

Physics 040

Physics 598

Physics 543

Physics 597

Non-science option

Non-science option

Physics 041

Physics 598

Physics 591*


500-level Physics

Non-science option

* Physics 491 and 591 are quarter courses.

Minor in Physics

  • Physics 211 or 221, 225
  • Four FCE at the 300 level or higher in the field of Physics
  • Mathematics prerequisites as needed

5. Applied Physics Program

Courses constituting the field of Applied Physics

All courses labelled Applied Physics

All courses labelled Physics

Required Courses

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

1.0 FCE - Physics 211 or 221, 225

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 221

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 217

or Mathematics 249 or 251

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 219

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201, 203

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 231

2.5 FCE - Applied Physics 407, 599, plus 1.5 FCE Applied Physics

5.0 FCE - Physics 301, 325, 341, 343, 347, 355, 443, 449, 455, 491*, 591*

2.0 FCE - Applied Mathematics 307, 309, 413, 433

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows (check Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses):

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

2.0 FCE from any faculty other than Science

2.5 FCE - Options

* Physics 491 and 591 are quarter courses, with a combined credit value of 0.5 FCE.

Suggested Program Sequence

Note: At least 1.5 FCE options in the Applied Physics Third and Fourth Year Sequence must be from Applied Physics. The schedule of course offerings may change from year to year, so students should consult with the Department when developing their course sequences.

First and Second Years

Same as for the Physics Major program

Third Year



Physics 030

Physics 455

Applied Mathematics 413

Applied Mathematics 433


Non-science option

Physics 347

Physics 443

Physics 491*

Applied Physics 407

Non-science option

Fourth Year

Physics 040

Physics 449




Non-science option

Physics 041

Applied Physics 599

Physics 591*




Non-science option

* Physics 491 and 591 are quarter courses,

Applied Physics/Physics Combinations

Students in the Applied Physics program are not allowed to declare a Minor in Physics. A double Major in Applied Physics and Physics is not allowed.

6. Programs in Astrophysics

Courses constituting the field of Astrophysics

· Astronomy 211 and 213

· All courses labelled Astrophysics

· Physics 030, 040, 041, 211, 221, 223, 225, 301, 321, 323, 325, 341, 343, 347, 355, 443, 449, 455, 457, 499, 533, 535, 543, 598, 599

Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section III (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 4A (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

1.0 FCE - Astronomy 211, 213

1.0 FCE - Physics 211 or 221, 225

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 221

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 217

or Mathematics 249 or 251

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 219

1.0 FCE - Chemistry 201, 203

3.0 FCE - Astrophysics 309, 401, 403, 501, 503, 507

4.5 FCE - Physics 301, 325, 341, 343, 347, 355, 443, 499, 599 or 598

2.0 FCE - Applied Mathematics 307, 309, 413, 433

4.0 FCE - Non-Science options as follows (check Table I in Section III, Faculty Regulations, for ineligible courses):

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Humanities

1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Social Sciences

2.0 FCE from any faculty other than Science

2.0 FCE - Options

Note: Suggested Science options are Physics 501, 503, 505, 507, Computer Science 491.

Required Courses - Honours Program

Same as in Major program, except that Physics 599 or 598, and 2.0 FCE Options are replaced by:

2.5 FCE - Physics 449, 455, 457, 543, and 535 or 599

Suggested Program Sequence

(a) Major Program

First Year



Computer Science 001 (intended to precede Computer Science 231; may be taken in January if available)

Astronomy 211

Physics 211 or 221

Chemistry 201

Mathematics 221

Applied Mathematics 217

Astronomy 213

Physics 225

Chemistry 203

Applied Mathematics 219

Non-science option

Second Year

Physics 020

Physics 301

Physics 341

Physics 355

Applied Mathematics 307

Non-science option

Astrophysics 309

Physics 325

Physics 343

Physics 347

Applied Mathematics 309

Third Year

Applied Mathematics 413

Astrophysics 401 or 507 (offered every other year, alternately; see 4th year sequence below)

Applied Mathematics 433

Non-science option

Non-science option

Astrophysics 403

Physics 443

Physics 499


Non-science option

Fourth Year

Astrophysics 501

Astrophysics 507 or 401 (offered every other year, alternately; see 3rd year sequence above)

Physics 599 (Physics 598 may be taken instead)


Non-science option

Astrophysics 503



Non-science option

Non-science option

(b) Honours Program

First and Second Years

Same as for the Astrophysics Major program

Third Year



Physics 455

Astrophysics 401 or 507 (offered every other year, alternately; see 4th year sequence below)

Applied Mathematics 413

Applied Mathematics 433

Non-science option

Astrophysics 403

Physics 443

Physics 457

Physics 499

Non-science option

Fourth Year

Astrophysics 501

Astrophysics 507 or 401 (offered every other year, alternately; see 3rd year sequence above)

Physics 449

Physics 543

Non-science option

Astrophysics 503

Physics 535 or 599

Non-science option

Non-science option

Non-science option

Minor in Astrophysics

1.0 FCE - Astronomy 211, 213

2.0 FCE - Courses labelled Astrophysics

3.0 FCE - Physics 211 or 221, 225*, 301, 325, 341*, 355*

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 221

1.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 217, 219, 307.

*The sequence Physics 223, 321 and 323 may be substituted for the sequence Physics 225, 341 and 355.

7. Chemical Physics Program (Honours)

This program is offered in conjunction with the Department of Chemistry. Details about the program are given under "Chemistry."

8. Collaborative Program in Environmental Science (Major)

Students may pursue a BSc program in Environmental Science with a concentration in Physics. This is a single-degree, four-year program which is jointly administered by the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Social Sciences. Program details are listed in the Collaborative Programs section of this Calendar. Since this is a multidisciplinary program with restricted entry, students should consult the Director of the Environmental Science program at their earliest opportunity.