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Dance Education DCED

Instruction offered by members of the Faculties of Kinesiology and Fine Arts.

Students should also see course listings under the headings Athletic Therapy, Kinesiology, Physical Education, and Physical Education Activity/Theory.

Junior Courses

Dance Education 225 H(1-3)

(formerly Dance Education 221)

Aesthetic Movement Principles

An overview of aesthetic movement principles as they relate to dance in culture, education, recreation, and aesthetic sports.

Note: Open to Pedagogy Majors in Kinesiology and BA Dance Majors only.

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Senior Courses

Dance Education 325 H(1-3)

(formerly Dance Education 321)

Dance in Schools

Content, planning, and teaching methodology in school dance.

Prerequisites: Dance Education 221, 225, or 247.

Note: Open to Pedagogy Majors in Kinesiology and BA Dance Majors only.

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