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Chemical Engineering ENCH

Instruction offered by members of the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering in the Schulich School of Engineering.

Department Head - T. G. Harding

Associate Heads - A.A. Jeje, J. Azaiez

Chemical Engineering 101 H(32))

(formerly Chemical Engineering 001)

Computing Methods

A programming course for second year chemical and oil & gas engineering students, which will describe practical introductions to software tools used by chemical and petroleum engineers, as well as to specific chemical and oil & gas engineering applications.

Prerequisites: Prerequisites Engineering 233.


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Senior Courses

Chemical Engineering 315 H(3-2T-1)

Chemical Engineering Process Calculation

Material and energy balances of physical and chemical systems for steady state and transient conditions. Introduction to analysis and synthesis of chemical processes.

Corequisites: Engineering 311 or Energy and Environment 311.

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Chemical Engineering 331 H(3-3T-3/2)

Process Fluid Dynamics

Fluid Properties; Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Fluid statics. Bernoulli equation; derivation and applications. Control volume and system representation. Differential analysis of Flows. The Navier-Stokes equation; applications. Dimensional analysis. Flow in conduits; laminar and turbulent flows; single-pipe and multiple-pipe systems. Forces on immersed bodies; fluidization. Metering.

Prerequisites: Engineering 201 and 205; Applied Mathematics 219 and 307.

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Chemical Engineering 401 H(3-2T-1)

Analyses of Chemical, Oil and Gas Engineering Processes

Partial differential equations in different coordinate systems. Approximate and exact methods of solving equations. Similarity transform, Separation of variables. Laplace transform. Fourier series and Sturm-Liouville systems. Analysis and solution of steady state and transient diffusion problems including Fourier, Darcy and Fick's law analogies. Application to energy transfer in solids and pressure propagation in reservoirs.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 331, 403 and Applied Mathematics 307.

Corequisites: Chemical Engineering 405.

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Chemical Engineering 403 H(3-3T-4/2)

Heat Transfer

A study of concepts involved in heat transfer. Applications of continuity and energy equations. Boundary layer theory. Conduction, convection and radiation heat transfer. Boiling and condensation. Evaporation. Heat exchanger calculations.

Prerequisites: Applied Mathematics 307 and Chemical Engineering 331.

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Chemical Engineering 405 H(3-2T-1)

Separation Processes I

Diffusion and convective mass transfer. Staged and continuous contacting. Solid-liquid and liquid-liquid extraction, distillation, absorption and stripping.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 403, 427.

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Chemical Engineering 421 H(3-2T-1)

Chemical Engineering Kinetics

Kinetics of homogeneous reactions and the interpretation of kinetic data; design of single and multiple reactors for simple, simultaneous and consecutive reactions; influence of temperature, pressure and flow on reactions and reactor design; introduction to heterogeneous reaction systems and catalyzed fluid reactions.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 403 and Chemistry 357.

Corequisites: Chemical Engineering 405.

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Chemical Engineering 423 H(3-2T-1)

Chemical Engineering Process Development

Design of chemical processing units and plants; cost estimates and chemical process economics; optimization techniques; introduction to linear programming. Safety and environmental considerations in process design.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 315.

Note: Credit for both Chemical Engineering 423 and Petroleum Engineering 423 will not be allowed.

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Chemical Engineering 427 H(4-2T-1)

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

Review of first and second law principles; application to the properties of fluids and solutions; vapour liquid equilibria; the third law; applications to chemical equilibrium and chemical reactions.

Prerequisites: Engineering 311 or Energy and Environment, Engineering 311 and Chemical Engineering 315.

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Chemical Engineering 501 H(3-2T-1)


Simplification, scaling and dimensional reasoning. Error estimation. Heat, mass and momentum transfer analyses. Convective-Diffusive transport in open and porous media. Systems and process modelling. Analytical solutions by the lumped, integral and differential techniques.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 401

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Chemical Engineering 503 H(3-1)

Crude Oil Upgrading and Refining

Upgrading objectives; analysis and composition of non-distillable material and its relationship to upgrading; upgrading processes; refinery products and specifications. Conventional, heavy oil and bitumen upgrading technology.

Prerequisites: Chemistry 409 and Chemical Engineering 421, or consent of department.

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Chemical Engineering 505 H(3-2T-1)

Separation Processes II

Concepts in mass transfer including molecular diffusion, mass transfer rates, and mass transfer coefficients. Application of these and other fundamental concepts in chemical engineering to develop process design specifications for various unit operations which may include: crystallization, humidification and cooling, drying, adsorption, and membrane processes.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 405.

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Chemical Engineering 511 H(3-4)

Chemical Process Design I

Team design project applying principles of process engineering and project management; Gantt charts; critical path method; process simulation, degrees of freedom analysis; considerations in process selection; plant location; block flow diagrams; process flow diagrams; short cut process equipment design/sizing procedures; preliminary equipment cost estimating techniques.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 315, 405, 421 and 423.

Note: Credit for both Chemical Engineering 511 and Petroleum Engineering 511 will not be allowed.

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Chemical Engineering 519 H(3-0)

Special Topics

Current advanced topics in Chemical Engineering.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department Head or designate.


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Chemical Engineering 529 H(3-2T-3/2)

Process Dynamics and Control

Mathematical models describing transient response characteristics of basic process elements; use of a dynamic process simulator; block flow diagram of a feedback control loop; process control hardware; basic control modes; tuning feedback controls; cascade control; feedforward control; common control loops; distillation column control; design of multiple single loop controllers; plant wide modelling and control.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 405, 421 and 501.

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Chemical Engineering 531 H(2-6)

Chemical Process Design II

Team design project continuing from Chemical Engineering 511. Detailed design of large commercial plants involving the preparation of a process and instrumentation diagram; emphasis on computer design procedures; specification sheets for chemical processing equipment such as separators, pumps, compressors, columns and process piping. Other topics include operational considerations in design, plant safety; relief system design; waste treatment and pollution control processes; plant and equipment plot plans; control and computer simulation.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 511.

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Chemical Engineering 535 H(3-2)

Principles of Biochemical Engineering

Introduction to biochemistry, enzyme kinetics and cell growth and metabolism. Aspects of mass transfer, heat transfer and fluid flow related to the design of biological process equipment. Fermentations, sterilization and extraction techniques. Treatment of effluents. Introduction to bio-reactor design and scale-up. Introduction to process instrumentation and control.

Prerequisites: Chemistry 357.

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Chemical Engineering 537 H(3-1)

Applied Thermodynamics

Amalgamation of thermodynamic models and computational techniques with application to industrially important thermodynamic problems such as multi-component flash calculations, reacting systems, phase stability and gas hydrates.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 427 or equivalent.

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Chemical Engineering 539 H(3-0)

Polymer Engineering

Introduction to polymer science and technology. Molecular structure, processing, rheology, thermal, physical and mechanical properties. . Synthetic polymers used in biomedical, manufacturing and other advanced technological applications.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 403.

Corequisites: Prerequisite or Corequisite: Chemistry 357.

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Chemical Engineering 541 H(3-1.5T)

Introduction to Cell and Tissue Engineering

An introduction to tissue engineering. Fundamentals of cell biology, biochemistry, tissue structure and function, biomaterials, cell culture, bioreactors, mass transfer in vivo and in vitro, and clinical applications.

Prerequisites: Chemistry 357 or equivalent.

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Chemical Engineering 551 H(1-4)

Chemical Engineering Laboratory

Experiments which demonstrate the operation of chemical process equipment involving heat and/or or mass transfer, or kinetics. Lectures will cover experimental design and applied statistics.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 405.

Corequisites: Chemical Engineering 505 or Biomedical Engineering 500 or 501.

Note: Credit for both Chemical Engineering 551 and Petroleum Engineering 551 will not be allowed.

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Graduate Courses

Chemical Engineering 601 E(0-3S)

Research Seminar

Reports on studies of current research in the Department. All Master of Science and Doctoral students (Chemical, Petroleum, and Energy & Environment specializations) are required to register and participate in the course for each of the first two terms of their degree programme. Each student must also present one research seminar. For more details, students must refer to the guidelines for the Research Seminar course.



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Chemical Engineering 607 H(3-0)

Natural Gas Processing Principles

Physical and chemical properties of natural gases; vapour-liquid equilibrium data and computations; flow of gas and gas-liquid mixtures; separation of gaseous mixtures; heat transfer in gas processing; production of natural gas and its associated liquids.

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Chemical Engineering 609 H(3-0)

Natural Gas Processing Technology

Design and operational criteria in transporting and processing of natural gas; refrigeration and compression; cryogenics; hydrocarbon dew point control; LPG recovery; sulphur recovery; mechanical flow diagrams; process simulation.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 607.

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Chemical Engineering 613 H(3-0)

Advanced Topics in Mass Transfer

Advanced concepts in mass transfer in multiphase systems. Mass transfer with simultaneous chemical reaction and heat transfer.

Corequisites: Prerequisite or Corequisite: Chemical Engineering 703 or equivalent.

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Chemical Engineering 615 H(3-0)

Model Predictive Control

Review of process dynamics and control fundamentals (step response curves, PID control structures and PID controller tuning). Identification of finite impulse response models from plant data. Model predictive Control (MPC) algorithms (e.g. Dynamic Matrix Control). Applications of Linear Programming to determine optimal MPC setpoints respecting unit constraints. Computer simulation using the MATLAB MPC toolbox. Introduction to univariate controller performance assessment techniques.

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Chemical Engineering 617 H(3-0)

Modelling and Identification Advanced Control

Modelling and identification for the advanced control of chemical and process engineering systems. Theory and linear time series methods for system identification. Time-Domain and frequency-domain methods for analyzing dynamic data. Decisions concerning causal relationships between process signals. Closed-loop identification. Multivariate regression methods for the design of steady-state soft sensors.

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Chemical Engineering 619 H(3-0)

Special Problems

Advanced studies on specialized topics in chemical, petroleum, biochemical and environmental engineering.


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Chemical Engineering 620 F(0-4)

Graduate Project

Individual project in the student's area of specialization under the guidance ofa faculty member. A written proposal, one or more written progress reports, and a final written report are required. An oral presentation is required upon completion of the course. Open only to students in the MEng (course-based) program.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department Head or Associate Head Graduate Studies.

Note: Credit for both Chemical Engineering 620 and 699 will not be allowed.

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Chemical Engineering 621 H(3-0)

Reservoir Simulation

Enhanced recovery modelling (generalized black-oil models, compositional and miscible), well treatment, grid orientation. New developments in gridding, thermal models, naturally fractured reservoirs, modelling of induced fractures (hydraulic and waterflood), reservoir geomechanics, and practical aspects of conducting simulation studies.

Corequisites: Prerequisite or Corequisite: Petroleum Engineering 523 or equivalent.

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Chemical Engineering 623 H(3-0)

Chemical Reactor Design

Advanced study of design and operation of chemical reactors for both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems, batch ,continuous flow stirred tank, tubular and multibed adiabatic reactors.Cold shot cooling in reactors. Optimal temperature gradients and yields. Catalyst effectiveness factors and optimal control with decaying catalysts. Analysis of sulphur plant reactor design including cost optimization.

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Chemical Engineering 625 H(3-0)

Advanced Topics in Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics

Diffusive and convective transport of heat and momentum. Analytical and approximate solutions to steady state and transient conduction and convection problems. Superposition techniques. Forced convection of heat and momentum in laminar and turbulent regimes. Transport across boundaries. Moving-boundary problems involving phase change.

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Chemical Engineering 627 H(3-0)

Chemical Process Simulation

Object oriented programming applied to the design of a steady state chemical process simulator via the sequential modular approach and by the equation based approach. Material and energy balances for systems of process units.

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Chemical Engineering 629 H(3-0)

Secondary and Tertiary Recovery

Displacement processes for improved recovery of hydrocarbons. Waterflooding, gas flooding, solvent flooding and chemical flooding. Performance prediction techniques. Comparative economics.

Prerequisites: Petroleum Engineering 525 or equivalent.

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Chemical Engineering 631 H(3-0)

Advanced Topics in Fluid Mechanics

Constitutive equations for viscous flow and methods of solution. Laminar, transition and turbulent flows. Hydrodynamic stability. Vortices. Boundary layers.

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Chemical Engineering 633 H(3-0)

Chemical Thermodynamics

Advanced application of thermodynamic principles. Calculation of thermodynamic properties; ideal and non-ideal solution theory; calculation of phase equilibria; properties of reacting mixtures.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 427 or equivalent.

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Chemical Engineering 639 H(3-0)

Applied Numerical Methods in Engineering

Numerical solution of systems of linear and non-linear algebraic equations, eigenvalue problems. Numerical solution of systems of ordinary and partial differential equations. Initial value and boundary value problems. Finite difference and finites element methods. Numerical stability.

Prerequisites: Engineering 407 or equivalent.

Note: Knowledge of a programming language is necessary.

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Chemical Engineering 643 H(3-0)

Air Pollution Control Engineering

Sources and effects of air pollution. Air pollution from fuel combustion, fuel pre-cleaning. Control of particulate matter (gravity settlers, cyclones, electrostatic devices, scrubbers and filtration). Control of VOCs, SOx, and NOx. Adsorption and absorption of air pollutants.

Note: Credit for both Chemical Engineering 643 and Environmental Engineering 641 will not be allowed.

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Chemical Engineering 645 H(3-0)

Industrial and Produced Wastewater Treatment

Sources and characterization of industrial wastewater. Treatment objectives and regulations. Unit and process design. Physical/chemical treatment including sedimentation, coagulation, filtration, absorption, adsorption, ion exchange, membrane processes and pH adjustment.

Note: Credit for both Chemical Engineering 645 and Environmental Engineering 661 will not be allowed.

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Chemical Engineering 647 H(3-0)

Thermal Recovery Methods

Oil sands and heavy oil resources. Fluid and rock properties. Heat transfer processes in porous media. Comparative analysis of viscous oil recovery methods: steam flooding, cyclic steam stimulation, in-situ combustion and steam-assisted-gravity-drainage. Surface equipment and operation. Laboratory and field performance evaluation of thermal recovery methods. Process economics.

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Chemical Engineering 649 H(3-0)

Naturally Fractured Reservoirs

Classification and characterization of naturally fractured reservoirs. Drilling and completion methods. Production characteristics. Tight gas reservoirs. Reserve estimation. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between geology, log interpretation, well testing, and primary-secondary recovery of hydrocarbons from naturally fractured reservoirs.

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Chemical Engineering 653 H(3-0)

Horizontal Wells for Petroleum Production

Drilling and completion methods for horizontal wells; mathematical analysis of steady state flow to horizontal wells and well combinations; pseudo steady state and constant well bore pressure models; theoretical comparisons of predicted performance and coning behaviour of horizontal and vertical well patterns; performance in fractured reservoirs; potential for horizontal wells in heavy oil and bitumen production; basic conceptual ideas of steam-assisted gravity drainage.

Prerequisites: Petroleum Engineering 523 or equivalent.

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Chemical Engineering 657 H(3-0)

Advanced Reservoir Engineering

Formulation and solution of reservoir-engineering problemsincluding combination of variables, Laplace transform, approximate Integral methods, and solution methods of moving boundary problems. Examples from thermal processes (e.g. hot waterflooding, SAGD), different recovery mechanisms (e.g. imbibition, expansion drive, solution-gas drive), well testing problems and naturally fractured reservoirs.

Prerequisites: Petroleum Engineering 523 or equivalent.

Note: Prior knowledge of reservoir engineering and analytical solution methods of differential equations is necessary.

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Chemical Engineering 659 H(3-0)

Advanced Cell and Tissue Engineering

Current challenges in tissue engineering. Focus on specific tissues. Course topics include a brief biology review, cell fate processes, stem cells, tissue microenvironments and mass transfer, biomaterials, bioreactors, and clinical delivery of tissue engineered constructs.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Instructor.

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Chemical Engineering 661 H(3-0)

Geostatistics for Reservoir Characterization

Statistical/probability concepts, exploratory data analysis, spatial structural analysis, estimation theory (Kriging), integration of auxiliary information and conditional stochastic simulation. Special emphasis on reservoir characterization and the particular problems encountered in that area. The geostatistical methodology for reservoir characterization will be demonstrated on a fluvial reservoir example.

Prerequisites: Petroleum Engineering 523 or equivalent or consent of the Department.

Note: Open to graduate Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Geophysics students, and Geology graduate students with sound quantitative skills. Prior exposure to statistical/probability theory is required.

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Chemical Engineering 665 H(3-0)

Wastewater Issues for the Oil and Gas Industry

Produced water characteristics, regulations governing produced water management, management options. Technologies used for produced water treatment, novel/emerging technologies. Process design approaches and comparative evaluation of various technologies. Case Studies.

Note: Credit for both Chemical Engineering 665 and Environmental Engineering 665 will not be allowed.

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Chemical Engineering 677 H(3-0)

Advanced Topics in Oil and Gas Production

Problems related to production of conventional oil, heavy oil and natural gas; analysis of the interactions of oil, water and gas, effects of fluid properties, rock structure and capillary, gravity and viscous forces acting on the reservoir system; application to the design of improved oil and gas recovery methods. New processes in oil and gas recovery.

Prerequisites: Petroleum Engineering 523 or equivalent.

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Chemical Engineering 698 F(3-0)

(formerly Chemical Engineering 619.95 and 619.96)

Reservoir Characterization for Field Development

A team-based, integrated reservoir description experience working with geophysical, geological, petrophysical , and engineering data to produce a field development plan.

Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering 621, Geology 697, Human Resources and Organizational Dynamics 789 or equivalent.

Note: This course is intended for graduate students in the Master of Science in Reservoir Characterization.

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Chemical Engineering 699 H(0-4)

Special Project

Project study conducted under the guidance of a faculty member and intended to expose the student to the tools, techniques and basic aspects of research. A written comprehensive report and one or more written progress reports are required.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Department Head or Associate Head Graduate Studies.

Note: Credit for both Chemical Engineering 699 and 620 will not be allowed.

Note: May be repeated once for credit.


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Chemical Engineering 701 H(3-0)

Experimental Design and Error Analysis

Statistical analysis and design of engineering experiments. Random variables and sampling distributions; estimation and hypothesis testing; concepts of central tendency, variability, confidence level; correlation, regression and variation analysis; robust estimation; experiments of evaluation; experiments of comparison; factorial experiments (analysis of variance); experimental designs (involving randomization, replication, blocking and analysis of covariance).

Note: Intended for MSc/PhD students. MEng students may be able to register with Instructor's Permission. Credit for both Chemical Engineering 701 and Chemical Engineering 619.82 will not be allowed.

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Chemical Engineering 703 H(3-0)

Advanced Mathematical Methods in Engineering

Review of theory of linear algebra. Review of ordinary differential equations: linear, non-linear; series solutions; special exact solutions; applications. Partial differential equations: geometric interpretation; characteristic curves; separation of variables; the Sturm-Liouville problem and Fourier series; eigenfunction expansion; Fourier, Laplace and Hankel transforms; self similarity; Green's function; applications.

Note: Intended for MSc/PhD students. MEng students may be able to register with Instructor's Permission. Credit for both Chemical Engineering 703 and Chemical Engineering 619.83 will not be allowed.

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