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Neuroscience NEUR August 18, 2008

Instruction and services offered by members of the Faculties of Medicine, Science and Social Sciences.

Director - S.H. Roth

Junior Courses

Neuroscience 201 H(3-0)

Introduction to Neuroscience

A survey of clinical, cognitive, behavioural, systems, cellular and molecular neuroscience, with emphasis on applied, translational, and basic research.

Note: Open only to students in the Neuroscience program, or by consent of the Program Director.

Prerequisites: Biology 30

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Senior Courses

Neuroscience 301 H(3-3)

Neuroscience Field Course

Introductory ethology and behavioral neuroscience research. Hypothesis generation, experimental design, data collection and analysis, core concepts, techniques, issues of animal ethics and experimentation. The course takes place during Spring Session at the Barrier Lake Field Station.

Prerequisites: Neuroscience 201 or consent of the Program Director

Note: Open only to students in the Neuroscience program, or by consent of the Program Director.

Note: Students are in residence at the Barrier Lake Field Station for the duration of the course.

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