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Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2009-2010 Awards and Financial Assistance Faculty of Medicine Awards Faculty of Medicine Award Details
Faculty of Medicine Award Details
Award Name Donor Name Number of Awards Award Value Criteria Summary Description
Alberta Blue Cross 50th Anniversary Bursary in Medicine Alberta Blue Cross Benefits Corporation Foundation 1 $1250 1 Offered annually to a student entering first year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial need
3 Graduate of an Alberta high school
Alex R. Cummings Bursary in Medicine Pembina Corporation 1 up to $2000 1 Offered annually to a student entering second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program.
2 Financial Need
3 Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
Alvin and Mona Libin Scholarship in Medicine Alvin and Mona Libin Foundation 1 $5000 (Renewable in 2nd year) 1 Alberta resident entering first year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program.
2 Academic Merit
3 Consideration given to extra-curricular activities and community involvement.
4 Renewable in 2nd year based on satisfactory completion of the previous year
Asamera Inc. Bursaries Asamera Inc. 3 up to $2200 1 Offered annually to students entering first, second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Satisfactory academic merit
3 Canadian citizen and resident of Alberta
4 Resident of Alberta
Audrey Krassman Memorial Bursary in Medicine Estate of Audrey Darlene Krassman 1 up to $2000 1 Offered annually to a student entering first, second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD Program
2 Financial Need
3 Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
Avis Downey Memorial Bursary Friends and colleagues of Avis Downey 1 up to $1700 1 Offered annually to a student entering second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial Need
Dr. and Mrs. A.J. Bliek Memorial Bursary Bliek Family 1 up to $1000 1 Offered annually to a student entering third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial Need
Dr. Janice C. Heard Bursary Dr. Janice C. Heard MD 1 up to $2500 1 Offered annually to a student entering first year in the Faculty of Medicine (MD Program).  Renewable in second year based on satisfactory completion of first year.
2 The bursary is renewable for a second year subject to satisfactory completion of the previous year's studies
3 Financial Need
4 Renewable in second year based on satisfactory completion of first year
Dr. John C. Morgan Bursary Calgary Foundation 1 $700 1 Offered annually to a student entering second year  in the Faculty of Medicine MD program.
2 Financial Need
3 Demonstrated interest in or dedication to the field of cardiology
Dr. P. Collins Bursary Dr. P. Collins 1 $500 1 Offered annually to a mature student entering first, second or thrid year n the Faculty of Medicine MD program.
2 Financial need.
3 Graduated from a high school in Alberta
4 Canadian citizen or permanent resident
5 Mature student Preference given to students who have dependent children
Dr. Robert Daniel Prus Memorial Bursary in Medicine Family, friends and colleagues of Dr. Jo Anne Skeith 1 up to $400 1 Offered annually to students entering any year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program.
2 Academic merit
3 Financial need
4 Canadian citizen
5 Permanent home address and/or high school is in a rural area of Alberta or Manitoba
6 Preference is given to students from Shoal Lake, Manitoba or Brooks Alberta.
Dr. S.C. Verma Memorial Bursary Ms. Sujata Verma 1 $500 1 Offered annually to a student entering first, second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program.
2 Financial Need
Elmer and Penny Harbridge Bursaries Calgary Foundation 2 $4000 1 Offered annually to students entering first, second or third year
2 Financial need
F.D. Wilson Memorial Bursaries Mrs. Mary Petrie 2 up to $6000 1 Offered annually to students entering first, second, or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial need
3 Canadian citizens or permanent residents
4 Completed high school in Alberta.
Faculty of Medicine Alumni Bursaries Faculty of Medicine 5 $1000 1 Offered annually to a students in first, second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial Need
Garett Shawn Prentice Bursary Friends, family and fellow students at Branton Jr. High 1 up to $2300 1 Offered annually to a student entering first, second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program.   Preference given to a student in second year.
2 Financial Need
3 Canadian Citizen
Harley Hotchkiss Bursaries Harley Hotchkiss 3 up to $2000 1 Offered annually to students in first, second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial Need
3 Students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
Harvey E. Dowling, M.D. and Pearl Christie-Dowling, M.D. Bursaries Estate of Harvey Elwood Dowling 8 up to $2500 1 Offered annually to students enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine MD program Four of the bursaries are awarded to students entering second year and four are awarded to students entering third year.
2 Financial need
3 Students must have been born and educated in Alberta.
4 Divided equally each year between male and female students
Jack MacLeod Memorial Bursary Nancy MacLeod 1 up to $2100 1 Offered annually to a student entering first year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program.
2 The award is based on financial need.
3 To be eligible, students' permanent home address and or high school must be from a rural area of Alberta.
Jacqueline Auguste Family Bursary Dr. Jacqueline Anne Smith Auguste 1 $5000 1 Offered annually to a student entering second year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial Need
3 To be eligible students must have dependent children. Preference is given to single parents.
Jason Edwards Memorial Bursary Friends of Jason Edwards 1 up to $200 1 Offered annually to a student entering second year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial Need
Koles/Waddock Famly Awards for Undergraduate Medical Education Sarah and Steve Koles 2 $1000 1 Offered annually to a continuing undergraduate student in the Faculty of Medicine MD Program.
2 Satisfactory Academic standing.
3 Extra-curricular activities which demonstrate a commitment to giving back to their community.
Leo Ciccone Bursary Family and friends of Leo Ciccone 1 up to $350 1 Offered annually to a student registered in the Faculty of Medicine MD program.
2 Financial need
Marianne Huyer Bursary Family and friends of Marianne Huyer 1 up to $3500 1 Offered annually to a mature student entering the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Mature Student
3 Demonstrated interest in outdoor activities
4 Financial need
5 Preference given to students who have been in the work force and are making a career change or students holding a Masters or Doctoral level degree who are now entering the MD program
Marion F. Cole and Kate L. Fast Bursary in Medicine Anonymous 1 up to $500 1 Offered annually to a student entering second year in the Faculty of Medicine MD
2 Financial Need
Maunders McNeil Foundation Bursary in Medicine Maunders R. McNeil Foundation Inc. 1 up to $1500 1 Offered annually to a student registered in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial need
3 Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
Michael E. Finnegan Memorial Bursary Family and friends of Michael E. Finnegan 1 up to $650 1 Offered annually to a student entering second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD
2 Financial need
3 Consideration given to involvement in extra-curricular activities
Micheline Rostoker Bursaries Micheline Rostoker 2 up to $500 1 Offered annually to students entering first, second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial need
Nat Christie Foundation Medical Entrance Award Nat Christie Foundation Variab $5000 (Renewable) 1 Offered annually to students entering first year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Selection is made by the Faculty of Medicine based on the admission rating as determined by the Admissions Committee
3 Renewable for two additional years subject to satisfactory completion of the previous year's study.
Normie Kwong Bursary Anonymous 1 up to $500 1 Offered annually to a student entering first, second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial need
Rennie Burton Family Bursary K.R. Burton 1 $500 1 Offered annually to students entering first, second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ.
2 The award is based on financial need.
Right Honourable Don Mazankowski Scholarship in Medicine Don Mazankowski Foundation and AOB match 1 $1250 1 Offered annually to students entering first year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program.
2 Based on the admission rating as determined by the Admissions Committee.
Student Peer Assistance Bursaries in Medicine U of C undergraduate students and the Board of Governors 8 $800 1 Offered annually to students entering first, second, or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial Need
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Bursaries in Medicine U of C - TUBC 10 $2000 1 Offered annually to students in first, second or third year in the Faculty of Medicine MD program
2 Financial Need