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Collaborative Programs
1. Summary of Degree Programs
2. Arts and Science Honours Academy
3. Asian Studies
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5. Environmental Science
6. Latin American Studies
6.1 BA in Latin American Studies
6.2 Minor in Latin American Studies
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Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2009-2010 Collaborative Programs 6. Latin American Studies 6.1 BA in Latin American Studies
6.1 BA in Latin American Studies
Contact Information

Director (Interim): E. Gibbs Van Brunschot

Office: SS 544

°Õ±ð±ô±ð±è³ó´Ç²Ô±ð:Ìý 403.220.7203

Fax: 403.282.8606

Email: begibbsv@ucalgary.ca



The Latin American Studies program is a collaborative offering of the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Humanities and Social Sciences. Building upon the University's historical strength in issues relating to Latin America, this state-of-the-art degree program offers students diverse learning environments, and seeks to maximize opportunities for students to experience Latin America first-hand. The program stresses: the development of a critical and informed view of Latin America; linguistic skills; independent research and writing abilities; and cultural sensitivity based on a semester of study in Latin America. This major program prepares students for work in the public and private sectors in Canada that deal with Latin American countries and cultures. Graduates will find work opportunities in the diplomatic and the civil service, business, journalism, teaching and tourism.

Students may wish to consider combining the Latin American Studies Major with a disciplinary major, another interdisciplinary major, or a disciplinary or interdisciplinary minor. The same course may not be counted toward both the Major and the Minor. Nor is it normally allowed to use the same course(s) in both Majors. A maximum of 10 full-course equivalents in any disciplinary subject (e.g. Spanish, Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science) is permitted.

The Latin American Studies Major is available as part of a combined degree program within the Faculties of Humanities (BA/BA) or Social Sciences (BA/BA or BA/BSc). The Latin American Studies Major is also available as a Second Baccalaureate Degree. For combined and second degree programs a maximum of 10 full-course equivalents in any disciplinary subject (e.g. Spanish, Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science) is permitted over the two degrees. A Minor in Latin American Studies is offered in the Faculty of Communication and Culture.


Students wishing to enrol in the Latin American Studies Major must meet the admission requirements of the Faculty of Social Sciences, as doing so will simultaneously meet the requirements of the other two Faculties. For the Faculty of Social Sciences mission requirements see the Faculty of Social Sciences section of this Calendar.


1. Successful completion of an approved program equivalent to 20 full courses.

(a) A minimum grade point average of 2.00 must be achieved over all twenty courses, and the GPA for the major field must also be at least 2.00.

(b) Not more than three full "D" or "D+" grades will be allowed in the twenty courses.

(c) Not more than one full "D" or "D+" grade in the Major field.

2. (a) Not more than 10 of the 20 full courses can be transferred from other institutions and counted toward the degree.

(b) At most four full course equivalents transferred from other institutions may be counted toward the major.

3. Successful completion of at least seven and not more than 10 full-course equivalents in the Major field.

4. At most, eight full-course equivalents at the junior or 200 level.

5. A minimum of 12 full-course equivalents must be taken from courses offered in the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Fine Arts, Humanities, Science and Social Sciences. These twelve must include:

(a) Breadth Requirement: At least four full-course equivalents from courses offered by the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Fine Arts, Humanities and Science. Of the four required full-course equivalents, students must take at least one full-course equivalent in each of at least two faculties. Note that some departments specify requirements from the Faculty of Science.

(b) A minimum of one full-course equivalent outside the major field must be taken in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

6. A maximum of one full-course equivalent physical activity course (Dance Education Activity/Theory, Outdoor Pursuits Activity/Theory, and Physical Education Activity/Theory) may be credited toward the degree program requirements.

7. Successful completion of General Studies 300 with a minimum grade of C-.

Major Field

(a) Latin American Studies Courses

Latin American Studies 201, 203, 301*, 303, 401

*Possible exemptions from this course may be obtained for health or financial reasons. Students unable to participate in this course must make up the field study requirement with an advanced seminar in their major area of concentration.

(b) Research Methodology

General Studies 313.

(c) Language Component

Two full-course equivalents in either Spanish or Portuguese.

(d) Option Courses

A minimum of two full-course equivalents and not more than five full-course equivalents chosen from the following options. The courses are grouped by Faculty for convenience. If they so choose, students may specialize in a language, literature and culture stream (Humanities and Social Sciences), or in contemporary issues stream (Communication and Culture, Haskayne School of Business, Social Sciences and Social Work). However, students are free to choose any combination of courses from the following options.

Faculty of Communication and Culture

Development Studies 375, 393

Latin American Studies 501

Haskayne School of Business

Directed study courses with Haskayne School of Business professors

Faculty of Humanities

Spanish 421 OR 423, 441*, 471*, 473*, 475*, 499*, 553, 555, 571*, 599*

*When focused on Latin-American topics

Faculty of Nursing

Directed study courses with Nursing professors

Faculty of Social Sciences

Note: Some courses have prerequisites or require consent of the Department.

Anthropology 321, 405, 421

Archaeology 341, 343, 345, 347, 351, 353, 355, 357, 503, 511, 553 (History 553)

Economics 327, 337

Geography 371, 425, 463

History 207, 365, 367, 391 (Political Science 391), 415, 467, 469, 471, 487, 499, 553 (Archaeology 553), 565, 569

International Indigenous Studies 399*, 407*

Political Science 359, 391 (History 391), 473, 579

*When focused on Latin-American topics.

Faculty of Social Work

Directed study courses with Social Work professors

Regulations Governing Progress through the Program

Students in the Latin American Studies Major are governed by the Academic Regulations of the Faculty of Social Sciences as well as the Undergraduate Admissions and Academic Regulations sections of this Calendar. Upon admission to the Latin American Studies Major, students are strongly recommended to have their course selections approved by the Director of the Latin American Studies program. Students are advised to read and carefully consider all regulations, and in case of doubt as to the precise meaning of any statement or regulation, to consult with the Director of the Latin American Studies program or the Associate Dean (Student Affairs) of one of the three Faculties (Communication and Culture, Humanities or Social Sciences). Students who wish to pursue graduate studies are strongly encouraged to take Latin American Studies 501.