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Summary of Changes
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2009-2010 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions C Communications Studies COMS
Communications Studies COMS

Instruction offered under the direction of the Faculty of Communication and Culture. For information visit the Faculty of Communication and Culture website, , or contact the Communication and Culture Faculty Office, 403.220.6343.

Division Head: M. Bakardjieva

Additional interdisciplinary courses are offered under the course headings African Studies; Canadian Studies; Central and East European Studies; Development Studies; East Asian Studies; Film Studies, General Studies; Innovation Studies, Latin American Studies; Law and Society; Museum and Heritage Studies; Science, Technology and Society; South Asian Studies; and Women's Studies.

Junior Course
Communications Studies 201       Introduction to Communications Studies
A general mapping of the field, with an emphasis on its breadth in the areas of media studies, communication of science and technology, and rhetorical communication. The course also provides a general examination of how Communications Studies emerged during the 20th century and how the field relates to issues of social and cultural change.
Course Hours:
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Senior Courses
Communications Studies 361       Spoken and Written Discourse
An introduction to the principles of written and spoken discourse as informed by both classical and modern rhetorical theory. Tutorials provide extensive practice in producing various forms of discourse.
Course Hours:
Completion of the Effective Writing Requirement.
Note: Credit for both Communications Studies 361 and 369 will not be allowed.
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Communications Studies 363       Professional and Technical Communication
An introduction to professional and technical communication, both written and oral. Students will learn the rhetorical dimensions of workplace settings as well as the process of planning, composing, and delivering professional and technical communication for various audiences.
Course Hours:
Completion of the Effective Writing Requirement and four or more full-course equivalents.
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Communications Studies 369       Rhetorical Communication 
An introduction to the basic principles of rhetorical theory, criticism and practice. Students will learn rhetorical perspectives on elements of communication such as argumentation, persuasion, audience, situation, genre, and ethics. Tutorial sections will apply rhetorical theory to the criticism of samples of public communication. Students will exercise their rhetorical skills through in-class activities and assigned writing and oral presentations.
Course Hours:
Completion of the Effective Writing Requirement.
Note: Credit will not normally be allowed for both Communications Studies 369 and Communications Studies 361.
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Communications Studies 371       Critical Media Studies 
Emphasizes major critical approaches in Communications Studies with the intent of introducing students to the theoretical foundations of media and mass communication related research. The course explores the contexts in which these theories arose, identifies their major strengths and weaknesses, and provides an appreciation of how critical theory engages the social world through research on communication and media. Areas to be covered include: the problem of communication (Durham, Mattelart, etc.), the culture industry (Adorno, the Frankfurt School), the Canadian school (McLuhan), structuralism and semiotics (Barthes), Cultural Studies (Hall, Williams), postmodernism (Lyotard, Harvey, etc.).
Course Hours:
Communications Studies 201.
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Communications Studies 381       Communications History
A general survey of how various communication systems and practices developed through history, and of the social contexts within which they emerged, transformed, and adapted through time. Within this framework, the course examines major technological developments in the history of human communication and uses theory to understand their origins and impacts on social organization and everyday life.
Course Hours:
Prerequisite or Corequisite: Communications Studies 201.
Note: Credit for both Communications Studies 381 and 380 will not be allowed.
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Communications Studies 383       Introduction to Public Relations 
The role of public relations in group communication within and among various sectors of society, including business, government, educational and cultural organizations. Alternative approaches to public relations theory and practice. Canadian examples and case studies will be used where possible, and ethical standards in public relations will be emphasized.
Course Hours:
Note: Credit for both Communications Studies 383 and 483 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Communications Studies 483)
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Communications Studies 401       Special Topics in Communications Studies
See the Schedule of Classes for current topic(s).
Course Hours:
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Communications Studies 407       Experiential Learning in Communications
Provides students with the opportunity to combine interests in communications research and theory with experiential learning opportunities in an organization. Involves placement in a communication-related position that will allow students to connect their education with community experience.
Course Hours:
Communications Studies 201 and consent of the Assistant Dean (Student Affairs).
Open to Majors in the BA Communications Studies only, including students in the Bachelor of Communications Studies.
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Communications Studies 435       Mass Communications and Canadian Society 
Introduces students to theoretical literature on various aspects of the media, including public policy questions such as the concentration of media ownership, Canadian content requirements, censorship, the role of the media during elections, and the problems and opportunities that might be brought by advances in technology.
Course Hours:
Communications Studies 201 or Canadian Studies Major or Minor status.
Note: Credit for Communications Studies 435 and 335 will not be allowed.
Also known as:
(formerly Communications Studies 335)
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Communications Studies 463       Advanced Professional and Technical Communication
Theory and criticism of professional communication. Using rhetorical perspectives, the course will cover social-cultural perspectives on professional communication. Students will critique samples of professional communication arising from a variety of organizational contexts in a variety of media and genres. The course may also incorporate some degree of experiential learning and professional communication practice.
Course Hours:
Communications Studies 363 or 369, or both 361 and consent of the program Co-ordinator.
Also known as:
(formerly Communications Studies 401.02)
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Communications Studies 469       Rhetorical History and Criticism
A study of rhetorical thought and action from the classical period to the modern age, with an emphasis on the interaction between rhetoric and philosophical, social, and political change. Theories will be applied to the criticism of historical and contemporary public communication.
Course Hours:
Communications Studies 361 or 369.
Note: Credit for both Communications Studies 469 and 461 will not be allowed.
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Communications Studies 471       Audience and Reception
Approaches the communications process from the point of view of the audience. Students will be introduced to the history of media research dealing with the public and the audience, and consider the changes in theoretical and research paradigms from administrative approaches to those centred on fan practices and subcultures. Topics may include public opinion, uses and gratifications, reception theory, constructivism, shopping, consumption and subjectivity, fan cultures, experiential marketing, and culture jamming.
Course Hours:
Communications Studies 371 or approval of the program Co-ordinator.
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Communications Studies 473       Popular Culture
A Communications Studies approach to the study of popular culture, including music, sport, television, film, comics, literature, gaming, theatre and public performance, the Internet and social networking, fashion, and advertising. Students will be introduced to critical tools for the deconstruction and evaluation of the social and cultural significance of popular cultural texts.
Course Hours:
Communications Studies 371 or the approval of the program Co-ordinator.
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Communications Studies 475       Media and Cultural Industries
Considers the role and nature of media and cultural industries, offering students understanding of their role in the production and circulation of popular culture and information. Among those industries that could be examined are television, radio, newspapers and other print media, film, sound recording, book publishing and advertising.
Course Hours:
Communications Studies 371 or approval of the program Co-ordinator.
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Communications Studies 481       Advanced Topics in New Media and Society
Examines the nature, origins and social implications of new media with a focus on the Internet. Evolving forms of interpersonal, group and public communication based on the Internet will be assessed in terms of the role they play in identity formation, cultural integration, learning, political participation, commerce and work.
Course Hours:
One of Communications Studies 371, 381, or Science, Technology and Society 341.
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Communications Studies 501       Research in Selected Topics
Supervised individual study of a special topic.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs).
Students should contact the Office of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs) at least two weeks prior to the first day of classes to arrange an independent study course.
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Communications Studies 503       Advanced Special Topics in Communications Studies
Advanced special topics in Communications Studies.
Course Hours:
Communications Studies 201 plus one of 369, 371, 381, or consent of the program Co-ordinator.
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Communications Studies 505       Communications Studies Research Project
An inquiry-based course focused on an advanced exploration of, and apprenticeship in, research within the field. Students will apply and deepen their understanding of topic-specific theories and methods learned at the 400-level. Discussion of research communication will include communication to the public, within organizations, and to academic audiences.
Course Hours:
General Studies 313 plus one of Communications Studies 369, 371 or 381 or the consent of the program co-ordinator.
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Communications Studies 580       Advanced BCS/BFS Project
An advanced research project incorporating both scholarly bibliographic techniques and research techniques appropriate to media production. The project will be produced in a medium appropriate to the student's specialization: print, radio, television, video, film, or multimedia.
Course Hours:
Admission to the Bachelor of Communications Studies program or Bachelor of Film Studies and first year of SAIT Communication Arts diploma program or equivalent. Students must present their SAIT transcript to the Undergraduate Programs Office for consent to register in this course. An unofficial transcript will suffice.
Prerequisites or Corequisites: General Studies 300 and one of Communications Studies 369, 371, 381, Film 403, 461, or General Studies 313
Offered jointly by the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà and the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology. Open to students in the Bachelor of Communications Studies and Bachelor of Film Studies programs only.
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Communications Studies 591       Senior Seminar in Communication
With reference to a special topic, this course explores the variety of ways in which communication builds social and cultural values. Students will undertake a major project that will integrate their understanding of communication theory, history and methodology. See individual course outlines for current topics.
Course Hours:
Communications 369, 371, 381, and General Studies 313 or consent of the Program Coordinator, OR one of Communications Studies 441, 451, or 461.
Restricted to students in the Communications Studies Major program.
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Graduate Courses

Note: Courses numbered 615-789 will be offered on the basis of student needs and contingent upon the availability of staff resources.

Communications Studies 601       Interdisciplinary Approaches to Communications Studies
A foundation seminar that provides an introduction to the field of communication theories and approaches.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 603       Critical Perspectives on Television and Film
A seminar that explores theories and perspectives with regard to television and film.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 605       Organizational Communication
An examination of the application of theory and methodology of administrative communication processes in complex organizations.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 609       Communication Law
An examination of the operation of Canadian law as it relates to the areas of telecommunications, broadcasting and other media.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 613       Communication Theory
An examination of the major perspectives in communication theory through a historical analysis of classic works and an overview of contemporary approaches and applications.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 615       Communication Research Methods
Designed to provide a fundamental understanding of empirical research in communication. Focus will be on published, data-based research.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 619       Communication and Cultural Industries: Policy and Development
An analysis of the governmental and social contexts which inform the current development of telecommunications, communications, cultural industries and new media in Canada.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 623       Social and Economic Impacts of Communication and Information Technologies
An examination of the social context of information and communication technologies with regard to patterns of knowledge, power and social relationships.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 625       Interpersonal and Small Group Communication
An examination of the theory and research concerning communication processes in face-to-face and small group interaction. Provides opportunities to develop effective practical skills.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 627       Mass Media and Democracy in North America
A discussion of how politicians use the media to campaign for office and retain power. Also considers the effects of communication technologies on the nature of democratic politics.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 629       Communication Management
An examination of communication management in business organizations. Looks at topics such as marketing, public relations and advertising in the context of rapidly changing business environments.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 641       Intercultural and International Communication
An examination of cultural/communication issues and practices in Canadian and international contexts. Examines the role of media systems in processes of culture, development and identity formation.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 711       Directed Studies
A research project under the direction of a faculty member.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
May be repeated for credit once.
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Communications Studies 717       Selected Topics in Communication
A variety of communication topics based on faculty expertise.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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Communications Studies 790       Master's Project
A full year course required of all MCS students. Students develop a major research project under the supervision of a faculty member, on the basis of their particular interest.
Course Hours:
Consent of the Program Director.
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