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Summary of Changes
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2009-2010 Faculty of Humanities 3. Faculty Regulations 3.5 Graduation
3.5 Graduation
Graduation Guarantee

The Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà is committed to providing students with rich undergraduate educational experiences that can be completed in four years. Beginning in the Fall of 2008, for first year students studying in the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Humanities, Science or Social Sciences the University introduced a four year graduation guarantee. Participation in this program requires a shared commitment from the University and the Student ensuring timely progression towards degree completion. To find out more on this program visit . If you have additional questions on this please call the Undergraduate Programs Office, 403.220.5881.

BA With a Major Field

Course Requirements

The Faculty requires that students complete an approved program equivalent to 20 full courses, with a grade point average of at least 2.00. A maximum of eight full-course equivalents at the junior level (ie., numbered 200) may be counted in the degree. All prerequisites must be met with a minimum grade of C-. Although there are no specific time limitations, a student is expected to make every effort to complete the program within 10 consecutive 12-month periods.

The program consists of major field requirements (7-10 full-course equivalents), language requirements (one full-course equivalent), breadth requirements (four full-course equivalents) plus sufficient options to bring the total to 20 full-course equivalents.

(1) Major field requirements

Not fewer than eight (seven Italian Studies and Russian) and not more than 10 full-course equivalents in the Major Field (except for a BA Major in General Humanities). Not more than one full "D" or "D+" grade may be counted from courses in the Major and not more than three full "D" or "D+" grade in total may be counted in the degree program. The grade point average calculated for courses in the Major Field must be at least 2.00 and the grade point average over the entire program must also be at least 2.00. A maximum of four full-course equivalents of transfer credit may be used towards the major. See program sections in this calendar for detailed major field requirements.

(2) Language requirements (may also count towards major field requirements) One full-course equivalent in a (single) language other than English.

(3) Breadth requirements

At least four full-course equivalents must be chosen from courses offered by the Faculties of Communication and Culture, Fine Arts, Science, and Social Sciences. Of the four required full-course equivalents, students must take at least one full-course equivalent in each of at least two faculties.

Other Requirements

A limit of 10 is put on the number of full-course equivalents taken at other institutions to be accepted for transfer credit towards the degree.


The notation "With Distinction" will be entered in the permanent record and on the graduation parchment of a student who completes a Major program with a grade point average of at least 3.60 over the last 15 full-course equivalents taken for the degree. In cases in which the "last 15" must include some but not all of a group of courses taken concurrently, the selection will be made in the manner most advantageous to the student. A student who has taken part of his/her course work at another university or who has transferred into the Faculty at a relatively late stage may be granted a degree "With Distinction" at the discretion of the Faculty.

BA With a Double Major

Double Major programs are subject to the same Faculty graduation requirements as programs with a Major Field. Students must complete all graduation requirements set by each Faculty and Department. Therefore, candidates must successfully complete at least eight full-course equivalents in each Major Field (with the exception of Italian Studies and Russian, which require seven full-course equivalents). Note that not all double majors can be completed within the 20 full-course equivalent requirement for a BA degree. Note that the same course may not count towards both Major Fields, but one course may satisfy the breadth requirements for both majors.

Honours Degree With a Major Field

A principal aim of an Honours program is to prepare the student in the field of major interest for entry to higher degree programs. High standards of performance are required. Late transfer into an Honours program is possible, but, depending on the course work already taken, it may be difficult for the student to satisfy all Departmental requirements within the minimum total program of 20 full-course equivalents.

Honours programs are more strictly specified than ordinary Major programs. Precise specifications for Honours programs should be ascertained from "Details of Courses" below and from the relevant Departments.


In addition to the general admission requirements of the Faculty, students wishing to be considered for admission into an Honours program must have completed at least five full-course equivalents.  At the time of admission, students must present (i) a GPA of at least 3.30 calculated over the most recent course work to a maximum of 10 FCE, and (ii) a GPA of at least 3.30 calculated for all Humanities courses included in (i) above (Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions).  Departmental recommendation will be required for students entering the Honours program. Students applying for admission to the Honours program should make requests for changes of program through the PeopleSoft Student Centre.

Applications will only be considered at the time of Fall Term registration and must be made by the June 1 deadline.

In order to avoid complications or interruptions in their programs, students should be aware that:

(a) All Honours candidates must meet with the appropriate undergraduate student advisor for approval of their course registration.

(b) At the time of the annual review, the Honours candidate must achieve a grade point average of at least 3.30 over all courses taken since the previous review and all Humanities courses taken since the previous review.

Course Requirements

The provisions listed in "Course Requirements" for "BA with a Major Field" apply equally to Honours candidates, except that the candidate's Department will require no fewer than 9 and no more than 12 full-course equivalents from the Major Field.

Other Requirements

Degrees with Honours are awarded in two classes:

(a) Honours will be awarded if the Honours candidate achieves a grade point average of at least 3.30 over the last 15 full-course equivalents, and if the candidate meets any additional Departmental requirements as stated in the Calendar.

(b) First Class Honours will be awarded if the Honours candidate achieves a grade point average of at least 3.60 over the last 15 full-course equivalents, and if the candidate meets any additional Departmental requirements as stated in the Calendar.

Note: Once accepted into an Honours program, students who fail to attain the necessary grade point average or fail to fulfill requirements specific to the Honours degree may be recommended for graduation and granted the BA degree with a Major Field provided they have completed all other degree requirements.

Honours Degree With a Double Major

Students interested in obtaining an Honours degree with a Double Major must obtain the approval of the Associate Dean (Academic Programs and Student Affairs).

BA and BA Honours Co-operative Education


Students in any degree program in the Faculty may apply to enter the Co-operative Education program in Humanities. This is a five-year degree program which includes 16 months of supervised work experience in various private and governmental agencies. Students who wish to enter this program are urged to discuss their pre-admission course selection with their department and with the Faculty of Humanities Co-op advisor as early in their program as possible.


Students should apply to Career Services by one of two application deadlines: May 1 (for a work term starting in September), or December 1 (for a work term starting in May). A GPA of 3.00 for majors and 3.30 for honours students is required for admission.

Students must have successfully completed at least eight full-course equivalents appropriate to their degree program before commencing the first co-operative education placement. Departments may require that specific courses have been completed in the major before applying.


Students must complete the following four courses in addition to the regular requirements for the BA or BA Honours:

Co-operative Education 531.01, 531.02, 531.03, 531.04.

Written work will be graded in the appropriate department under the supervision of the Associate Dean (Academic Programs and Student Affairs).


In addition to the Faculty and Departmental regulations governing Honours and Majors programs and the regulations governing Co-operative Education programs, the following regulations apply. In the Co-operative Education program students must take study and work terms consecutively and be registered full time. The Co-operative Education courses are in addition to normal requirements for the degree. Students must complete the same required courses and number of courses as required for a student completing the traditional BA or BA Honours degree program. Upon completion of each work term, the student must present a work term report to the Faculty Co-operative Education advisor.

Combined Degree Program Within the Faculty of Humanities

The program, offered by the Faculty of Humanities, leads to the awarding of two BA degrees, and requires the completion of a minimum of 25 full-course equivalents.


Students may apply to the combined degree program by declaring two Major Fields (including Honours) with the Faculty of Humanities as described in this Calendar.

Course Requirements

Successful completion of all the courses required for graduation for a "BA with a Major Field" or "Honours Degree with a Major Field" in each of the selected Majors, as listed in this Calendar, is required. Faculty and Departmental requirements for entrance and graduation in both programs with a Major Field must be met.

The program requires careful selection of courses to complete all requirements of the Faculty. Interested students are urged to contact the Academic Programs and Student Affairs office of the Faculty of Humanities for advice in choosing their first-year courses.

Other Requirements

It will be possible for students to opt out of the combined degree program until the end of their third year and complete a single degree program in four years. Students should note, however, that if courses have been unevenly distributed between the two Majors, more than four years may be required to complete the degree.

Second Baccalaureate Degree With a Major Field


Students who have received one or more approved undergraduate degrees (BA, BSc, BEd, etc.) may apply for admission to a Second Baccalaureate Degree program. The graduation requirements for a Second Degree are the same as those for a Degree with a Major Field except for the following:

(1) Up to 10 full-course equivalents counted towards any previous degrees may be used towards requirements in the Second Degree. These may not include more than half of the minimum number required in the new Major Field.

(2) Courses not used towards previous degrees (as determined by the institution awarding that degree) may be used to reduce the number required in the Second Degree where applicable. Courses extra to previous degrees and so noted on transcripts may be counted towards the Second Degree if completed before enrolling in the Second Degree program if consistent with Faculty Regulations.

(3) Of all courses used towards the Second Degree, at least 10 full-course equivalents must be taken from the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ.

(4) The additional courses taken at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà must include at least half of the minimum requirements of the new Major Field.

Formal application for admission to a second degree program must be made to the Admissions Office. Upon admission to the program, students are advised to contact the Undergraduate Programs Office (UPO) to discuss their academic plans and obtain general advice regarding the requirements of the second degree. The UPO will then prepare a detailed formal assessment outlining the remaining requirements in each individual case.

Other Requirements

The After Degree may be awarded "With Distinction" if a GPA of at least 3.60 is achieved over all courses completed for the second baccalaureate degree, excluding those used in point (1) above, and if the candidate meets all requirements of the Department.

Second Baccalaureate Degree With Honours in a Major Field

Students who have received one or more approved undergraduate degrees may apply for admission to a second baccalaureate degree program with Honours.

Other Requirements

Applicants for such a program are subject to the following requirements in addition to those specified for "Second Baccalaureate Degrees With a Major Field"

(a) The regulations governing program content and the standards of performance for the corresponding degree with Honours must be satisfied.

(b) The consent of the Department must be obtained.

(c) The degree may be awarded as First Class Honours if a GPA of at least 3.60 is achieved over all courses completed for the second baccalaureate degree and if the candidate meets all requirements of the Department