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Summary of Changes
六九色堂 Calendar 2009-2010 Faculty of Nursing 3. Faculty Regulations 3.1 Admissions
3.1 Admissions

Refer to the "Applications for Admission" Schedule in this Calendar for application deadlines.

BN Regular Track program

  • June 30 for documents from transfer students
  • August 1 for documents from high school students

BN Accelerated Track program (September Entry)

  • June 30 for documents

BN Accelerated Track program (January Entry)

  • September 1 for applications
  • September 30 for documents

Combined BKin (General)/BN (Regular Track) program

  • June 30 for documents

(Note: First Year - apply to Faculty of Kinesiology for admission, Second Year - apply by April 1 to transfer to combined BKin/BN program)

BN program at the Medicine Hat College Site

  • December 1 for applications to the 六九色堂
  • June 30 for documents

Post Diploma Bachelor of Nursing program for Registered Nurses

  • June 30 for documents

New applicants should refer to A.2 "Admission Requirements" in the Undergraduate Admissions section of this Calendar for regulations regarding University admission requirements.

General Requirements

Students wishing to begin a Bachelor of Nursing degree program must meet minimum admission requirements as set out in 4. Program Details. Also see the Undergraduate Admissions section of this Calendar.

Applicants wishing to enter the Bachelor of Nursing degree program must commence their degree program course of study in September (Fall Term) with the exception of students wishing to enter the Bachelor of Nursing Accelerated Track degree program who may commence their degree program course of study in September (Fall Term) or January (Winter Term).

An interview may be required by the Faculty of Nursing.

English Language Proficiency

The Nursing profession requires a high level of spoken and written communication skills in order to ensure patient safety. Students who, after admission, show an inadequate command of spoken or written English must improve their proficiency to the Faculty's satisfaction in collaboration with the Learning English for Academic Purposes program. Students may be asked to withdraw from the program if their inadequate command of English interferes with their ability to provide patient care.

Students should also be aware of the English Language Proficiency requirements as outlined in A.17 of the聽Undergraduate Admissions section of this Calendar. Of particular note is the requirement for Nursing students to present a minimum score of 237 on the computer-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and a score of 27 out of 30 on the internet-based TOEFL Speaking Test (iBT); or a minimum score of 580 on the paper-based TOEFL examination and a score of 27 out of 30 on the internet-based TOEFL Speaking Test (iBT); or a minimum score of 90 on the Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB) examination and a score of 27 out of 30 on the internet-based TOEFL Speaking Test (iBT). (A score of 50 on the TSE or a score of 3+ on the MELAB Speaking Test may be used in lieu of the internet-based TOEFL Speaking Test).

Health Regulations

Applicants are required to complete a Health Questionnaire. In addition, all nursing students are requested to have completed a program of immunization and a chest x-ray as required. The necessary report forms will be mailed out by the Faculty of Nursing with the offer of admission.

Throughout their BN program, students are expected to keep their immunizations up to date and must provide proof of such updates to the Faculty of Nursing. Failure to do so may result in students being removed from their clinical course work until such time as adequate proof has been provided.

Academic Accommodation Policy

It is important for students with documented disabilities, who have met the admission criteria, to note that the Academic Accommodation Policy does not require the University to lower or substantially modify standards in order to accommodate students with disabilities. Adaptive technology and/or academic accommodations are available to facilitate learning, but they do not relieve students of their responsibilities to develop the essential skills and abilities expected of all other students.

Security Clearance/Criminal Record Check

All applicants to the Faculty of Nursing are required to provide a current Security Clearance (also referred to as a Criminal Record Check). In order to be considered "current" the Security Clearance must be completed during the three months prior to admission, i.e. June 1-August 31. The original Security Clearance must be presented to the Faculty of Nursing Student Advisor no later than September 15 of the year of the admission for BNAT SEPT and January 15 of the year of admission for BNAT JAN. Without this documentation, admission to the Faculty will be rescinded.

Students who have lived in Calgary for at least聽12 months may contact the Calgary Police Service Security Clearance Unit for information on how to obtain a Security Clearance 403.206.2052. Students who are from outside of Calgary must contact the nearest Police Service in the area in which they have been living in order to obtain a Security Clearance. Students who have moved to Calgary within the past year must present a Security Clearance from an RCMP detachment.聽Students who are concerned about the presence of a criminal record should contact the police department to discuss the process for eliminating or erasing such a record. It is important that students keep the original Security Clearance for future employment purposes.

Failure to present a clear security clearance may result in admission being denied/rescinded. An internal University appeal process is available to applicants who are refused admission for this reason.

Subsequent to admission and at any time during the program, a student may be required to produce a current Security Clearance, the results of which could require their withdrawal from the program, in the sole discretion of the University. Students are obligated to inform the Faculty immediately of any change in status of their Criminal Record.

Effective Writing Requirement

All BN Regular track students and students in the BN at Medicine Hat College must complete the Effective Writing Requirement by May 1 of their first year of registration at the 六九色堂. Those who do not do so will have their registration for the following Fall term courses and all subsequent courses withheld until they meet the requirement. Students are encouraged to meet this requirement in their first term. Please see the Academic Regulations section of the Calendar under C. Competence Tests for details.