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Faculty of Nursing
1. Summary of Degree Programs
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3. Faculty Regulations
4. Program Details
4.1 Bachelor of Nursing Regular Track (BNRT) Program at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
4.2 Bachelor of Nursing Accelerated Track (BNAT) Program
4.3 Combined Bachelor of Kinesiology (General)/Bachelor of Nursing Regular Track Program
4.4 Bachelor of Nursing Program at Medicine Hat College Site
4.5 Bachelor of Nursing Transitioning Program at Medicine Hat College Site
4.6 Post Diploma Bachelor of Nursing Program
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Summary of Changes
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2009-2010 Faculty of Nursing 4. Program Details 4.1 Bachelor of Nursing Regular Track (BNRT) Program at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ
4.1 Bachelor of Nursing Regular Track (BNRT) Program at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ

The Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà offers a flexible, innovative Bachelor of Nursing degree to prepare students for the opportunities and challenges of a nursing career in a changing health care system. Throughout the program, students are provided with a sound theoretical base and supervised clinical experience in a variety of nursing practice settings. Students entering the Regular Track program directly from high school will likely take four academic years to complete the program. However, transfer students with prior post-secondary course work may be able to complete the Regular Track program in three and one half years depending on availability of clinical and faculty resources and student demand.

Admission to the Program

See admission regulations in the Undergraduate Admissions section of this Calendar.

(a) Standard (high school) Admission: English Language Arts 30-1, Pure Mathematics 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30 and one other "30" level 5-credit subject.

(b) Adult Student Admission: English Language Arts 30-1, Pure Mathematics 30, Biology 30 and Chemistry 30. The fifth 5-credit subject is waived.

(c) Transfer Admission: This shall be determined on the basis of the grade point average calculated over the most recent course work to a maximum of five full-course equivalents (Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses and/or transferable courses taken at other institutions). All grades within a term will be included except where the number of courses taken within a term exceeds that required to fulfill (to a maximum of) five full-course equivalents, in which case the highest grades will be used. Transfer students must also present the required matriculation subjects as outlined in (a) or (b) above.

Limitation of Enrolment

Enrolment in the BN program is limited. Applicants will be accepted on the basis of academic standing in high school and/or previous post-secondary education completed. As a consequence of the limitation on enrolment the following procedures apply:

Preference is given to Alberta residents.

Course Requirements

The four-year curriculum outlined below is intended primarily for high school students. Transfer students who have prior post-secondary credit in non-nursing support courses may be eligible to complete the BN in a shorter timeframe. Details will be made available to students as this program is phased in, and will be dependent on clinical and faculty resources and student demand.

1st Year

Fall Term

Nursing 201 and 203 and 205

Zoology 269

Science option (Biology 231 recommended)

Winter Term

Nursing 207 and 209 and 211

Humanities option (Jr. English recommended)

Social Sciences option (Psychology 205 or Sociology 201 recommended)

Spring Term

Nursing 213 (2 week consolidation)

2nd Year

Fall Term

Nursing 301 and 3021

Nursing 311


Winter Term

Nursing 303 and 3051

Nursing 309

Nursing 307

Open option

3rd Year

Fall Term

Nursing 401 and 4021

Senior open option

Philosophy option

Winter Term

Nursing 403 and 4041

Nursing 405

Senior open option

Spring/Summer Terms

Nursing 406 (4 week consolidation)3

Nursing 501 and 5023

4th Year

Fall Term

Nursing 406 (13 week consolidation)

Nursing 501 and 5023

Senior open option

Senior open option

Senior open option

Winter Term

Nursing 502

Senior open option

1Corequisite Theory/Practice courses in second and third years will run back to back (one-half class each term).

2Students may take any one of the following statistics courses: Medical Science 407[MDSC407], Psychology 312, Sociology 311 and 315, Statistics 211, 217, 333, or 357. Students who complete a full-year course or equivalent (e.g., Psychology 312 or Sociology 311 and 315) may also receive credit for a half senior Social Sciences option or a half senior open option in the BN program.

3Fast Track Option
Transfer students who have completed all of their support course options may be able to complete Nursing 406 within Spring Term of their third year and Nursing 501 and 502 within Fall Term of their fourth year and complete the BN degree in three and one half years.

Other Requirements

Students who are unable to complete Nursing 201 and 203 and 205 in the Fall Term will be required to apply for readmission in a subsequent year. Students who complete Nursing 201 and 203 and 205 in the Fall Term but who are unable to complete Nursing 207 and 209 and 211 in the Winter Term and Nursing 213 in the Spring Term will not have to apply for readmission, but will be registered in subsequent terms of these courses only as space permits.

Promotion from year to year is by recommendation of the Faculty of Nursing. For purposes of promotion, the academic year is considered to be from September 1 of one year to August 31 of the next. Hence, Spring/Summer Term grades are calculated with the previous Fall/Winter Term grades. The minimum requirement is a grade point average of 2.00 in each of the first two years and 2.50 in each of the last two years.

Program Regulations

Duration of Degree Program

Except with special permission of the Dean, the BN degree must be completed within seven calendar years from the date of initial registration in the program.

Transfer Credit

Students transferring from other institutions or faculties within the University are considered on an individual basis. However, students will be required to complete the equivalent of not fewer than ten half courses, at least six of which must be Nursing courses taken as a BN student.

Nurse Registration Examinations

In order to be considered eligible to write the nurse registration examinations, BN students are required to complete the fourth year program requirements with a minimum 2.50 grade point average.