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1. Summary of Degree Programs
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4. Program Details
4.1 Anthropology
4.2 Archaeology
4.2.1 BA, BSc in Archaeology
4.2.2 BA, BSc Honours in Archaeology
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六九色堂 Calendar 2009-2010 Faculty of Social Sciences 4. Program Details 4.2 Archaeology 4.2.2 BA, BSc Honours in Archaeology
4.2.2 BA, BSc Honours in Archaeology

The Archaeology Honours program permits students to select one of three possible degree pathways: the Honours BA, the Honours BSc, and the Honours BSc with a focus on Physical Anthropology.


See 3.6 Graduation - Honours Degrees with a Major Field.

Late entry into the Honours program may require additional courses to correct deficiencies.


BA Honours in Archaeology

Basic course work requirements for the Honours BA in Archaeology are:

(a) Archaeology 201, 203, 451, 501 and 505.

(b) One of Archaeology 415, 417, 471 and 555 and one of Archaeology 306, 413, 415, 417, 453, 471, 517, 533, 555 and 595.

(c) One full-course equivalent from the following list of ethnography courses: Anthropology 317, 319, 321, 323, 331, 335, 355, 405, 419, 427, Archaeology 307, 345, 355, 357, 399, 419.

(d) One and one-half full-course equivalents from the following list of regional archaeology courses: Archaeology 303, 341, 343, 351, 353, 357, 395, 401, 409, 421, 423, 427, 431, 433, 435, 437, 439, 441, 507, 537, 553.

(e) Either Geology 201 and 203 or Geography 211 and 307.

(f) One full-course equivalent from the following:

(g) Satisfactory completion of a statistics course approved by the Department (Geography 339, 439, Psychology 312, Sociology 311, 315, Statistics 213, 217) or demonstration of proficiency in statistics through examination by the Department.

(h) Archaeology 596 or 598 (honours thesis).

(i) Such other courses as are needed to bring the number of Archaeology courses to not fewer than eight full-course equivalents and not more than 12 full-course equivalents.

BSc Honours in Archaeology

Basic course work requirements for the BSc Honours in Archaeology are:

(a) Archaeology 201, 203, 451, 501 and 505.

(b) One of Archaeology 415, 417, 471 and 555 and one of Archaeology 306, 413, 415, 417, 453, 471, 517, 533, 555 and 595.

(c) One full-course equivalent from this list of ethnography courses: Anthropology 317, 319, 321, 323, 335, 355, 419, 427, Archaeology 307, 345, 355, 357, 399, 419.

(d) One and one-half full-course equivalents from this list of regional archaeology courses: Archaeology 303, 341, 343, 351, 353, 357, 395, 401, 409, 421, 423, 427, 431, 433, 435, 437, 439, 441, 507, 537, 553.

(e) Either Geology 201 and 203 or Geography 211 and 307.

(f) One full-course equivalent from the following:

(g) Satisfactory completion of a statistics course approved by the Department (Geography 339, 439, Psychology 312, Sociology 311, 315, Statistics 213, 217) or demonstration of proficiency in statistics through examination by the Department.

(h) Archaeology 596 or 598 (honours thesis).

(i) Such other courses as are needed to bring the number of Archaeology courses to not fewer than eight full-course equivalents and not more than 12 full-course equivalents.

BA or BSc Honours with a Concentration in Physical Anthropology

Basic course work requirements for an Honours BA or BSc with a concentration in Physical Anthropology are:

(a) Archaeology 201, 203, 305, 451 and 555.

(b) One of Archaeology 415, 417, 471, 493 and 595 and one of Archaeology 306, 413, 453, 517 and Anthropology 552.

(c) One full-course equivalent from the following list of ethnography courses: Anthropology 317, 319, 321, 323, 331, 335, 355, 405, 419, 427, Archaeology 307, 345, 355, 357, 399, 419.

(d) One full-course equivalent from the following list of regional archaeology courses: Archaeology 303, 341, 343, 351, 353, 395, 401, 409, 421, 423, 427, 431, 433, 435, 437, 439, 441, 507, 537, 553.

(e) Either Geology 201 and 203 or Geography 211 and 307.

(f) One full-course equivalent from the following:

(g) Satisfactory completion of a statistics course approved by the Department (Geography 339, 439, Psychology 312, Sociology 311, 315, Statistics 213, 217) or demonstration of proficiency in statistics through examination by the Department.

(h) Biology 231. (Note: Biology 30 and Chemistry 30 are prerequisites for this course.)

(i) One of Anthropology 311, 353, 413.

(j) Archaeology 596 or 598 (honours thesis).

(k) Such other Department courses as are needed to bring the number of Archaeology courses to not fewer than eight full-course equivalents and not more than 12 full-course equivalents. (For this purpose, Anthropology 311, 353, and 413 are accepted by the Department as Archaeology courses.)

Other Requirements

A foreign language is recommended for Honours students, especially those considering graduate work in Archaeology. Successful completion of the Honours program provides a good foundation for graduate work in Archaeology, but does not automatically ensure admission to the graduate program.

It is recommended that all Archaeology Majors, especially Honours students, take the field school courses (Archaeology 306, Archaeology 506) or a departmentally approved field school. Students must obtain approval from the Faculty of Social Sciences prior to attending a field school run by another university.


Once admitted, graduation in Honours Archaeology involves annual reviews to ensure the 3.30 GPA is met. Students who have entered the Honours program and subsequently find their grades to be borderline are warned to evaluate their position before entering their fourth year of studies in order to ensure graduation in one of the other types of programs.