See also Section 3 (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 3.4B (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 3.5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).
0.5 FCE - Astrophysics 213
1.0 FCE - Physics 227 and 255
0.5 FCE - Mathematics 211 or 213
0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 217 or Mathematics 249 or 251
0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 219
0.5 FCE - Chemistry 201 or 211 or 209
0.5 FCE - Computer Science 217
2.5 FCE - Astrophysics 309, 401, 403, 507 and 503 or 509
4.0 FCE -
Physics 325, 341, 343, 375, 381, 443, 449 and 455
1.0 FCE - 400- or 500-level Physics option
0.5 FCE - Mathematics 311 or 313
1.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 307, 309 and 433
1.0 FCE - Science options
4.0 FCE - Breadth requirement: Options from faculties other than the Faculty of Science (check Table I in 3.4 Program Requirements for ineligible courses). Of these 4.0 FCE, at least 1.0 FCE must be from the Faculty of Arts.
1.5 FCE -
: Suggested Physics or Science options are Physics 457, 501, 509, 543, Computer Science 491.
To complete the 1.0 FCE from the Faculty of Arts, it is recommended that students take 0.5 FCE from one of English 231, 233, or 235; and 0.5 FCE from either Academic Writing 201 or 203.
Mathematics 281, 283, 381, and a Mathematics/Applied Mathematics/Pure Mathematics or Physics elective at the 300 level or higher can be taken as an alternative to the Applied Mathematics 217, (or Mathematics 249 or 251), Applied Mathematics 219, 307, and 309 calculus course sequence.