Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà : 4.49.10 Concentration in Sonic Arts


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Faculty of Arts
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4.49 Music
4.49.1 BA in Music
4.49.2 BA Honours Music
4.49.3 BMus in Composition
4.49.4 BMus in Integrated Studies
4.49.5 BMus in Music History and Theory
4.49.6 BMus in Performance
4.49.7 Concurrent BMus (Music Education)/BEd
4.49.8 Minor in Music
4.49.9 Minor in Sonic Arts
4.49.10 Concentration in Sonic Arts
4.50 Philosophy
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4.52 Primatology
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4.55 Religious Studies and Applied Ethics
4.56 Russian
4.57 Science, Technology and Society
4.58 Social and Cultural Anthropology
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4.60 South Asian Studies
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4.62 Urban Studies
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Summary of Revisions
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2013-2014 Faculty of Arts 4. Program Details 4.49 Music 4.49.10 Concentration in Sonic Arts
4.49.10 Concentration in Sonic Arts

The Concentration in Sonic Arts is for BMus and BA (Music) students who have an interest in electroacoustic music, soundscape composition, computer music, multi-channel sound spatialization, interactive music involving instruments with computer, and sound design for video, film, media arts and stage production.

Students can acquire a Concentration in Sonic Arts by successfully completing the following courses:

1. Music 355: Sound Recording

2. Music 351: Sonic Arts

3. Music 451: Electroacoustic Music

4. Music 453: Computer Applications in Music

5. Music 551: Telemusic

6. One of:

  • Music 533: Selected Topics in Music History and Literature (approved topic)
  • Music 511: Selected Topics in Theory and Composition (approved topic)
  • OR Fine Arts 503: Topics in Fine Arts: Collaborative Production Projects
  • OR Fine Arts 507: Topics in Interdisciplinary Multimedia

Of the six courses listed above, at least five are studio-based. As such, students who complete the concentration will be well-prepared for advanced work or the job market, particularly in the arts, multimedia and creative industries, including sound recording, sound design for games, installations, media production, podcasts, etc. While encompassing different approaches and techniques to working with sound and audio (recording in a hall, field recording, soundscape studies, computer music, creative work in electroacoustic music, interactive applications, multi-channel composition, Internet-based telemusic, etc.), the concentration forms a cohesive suite of courses to give a well-rounded presentation to the students.

Anyone interested in pursuing the Concentration in Sonic Arts should consult with an Arts Advisor early in their planning process since not all courses are offered every year.