Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà : 5.5.2 Programs in Applied Mathematics


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1. Summary of Programs
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5. Program Details
5.1 Biological Sciences
5.2 Chemistry
5.3 Computer Science
5.4 Geoscience
5.5 Mathematics and Statistics
5.5.1 Recommended First and Second Year Sequence
5.5.2 Programs in Applied Mathematics
5.5.3 Programs in Pure Mathematics
5.5.4 Programs in Statistics
5.5.5 Programs in Actuarial Science
5.5.6 Actuarial Science Co-operative Education Program
5.5.7 General Mathematics Program
5.5.8 Double Major and Major/Minor Combinations
5.5.9 Statistics Major with Computer Science Minor
5.5.10 Concurrent Degree in General Mathematics in Education and BEd
5.5.11 Combined Degree Program in Actuarial Science and Business
5.5.12 Actuarial Science and Statistics
5.5.13 General Mathematics and Computer Science
5.5.14 Environmental Science - Statistics Concentration
5.6 Non-Departmental Programs: Environmental Science, Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience
5.7 Physics and Astronomy
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Summary of Revisions
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2013-2014 Faculty of Science 5. Program Details 5.5 Mathematics and Statistics 5.5.2 Programs in Applied Mathematics
5.5.2 Programs in Applied Mathematics
Courses constituting the field of Applied Mathematics
Required Courses - Major Program

See also Section 3 (Faculty Regulations), Subsections 3.4B (Program Requirements - Major Programs) and 3.5B (Course Selection - Introductory Courses).

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 211 or 213

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 249 or 251 or 281 or Applied Mathematics 217

1.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 283 or Applied Mathematics 219 and Mathematics 311 or 313 and 321

1.0 FCE - Mathematics 349 and 353; or Mathematics 381 and any course offered in the field of Applied Mathematics.

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 311

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 231 or 217 or 235

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 315 or 317 or Statistics 323

1.0 FCE - Two from the list:

Physics 211 or 221 or 227, 223 or 255

Astrophysics 213

Chemistry 201 or 211 and 203 or 213

Computer Science 233, 313, 331

Biology 241, 243

Geophysics 355, 565

1.0 FCE - Applied Mathematics 413 and Mathematics 411

0.5 FCE - One of Mathematics 335 or 355 or Pure Mathematics 435 or 455

0.5 FCE - One of Mathematics 445 or 447 or 545 or Pure Mathematics 445 or 545

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 421 or 521 or Pure Mathematics 421 or 521

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 491

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 411 or 425 or 493

4.0 FCE - Breadth requirement: Options from Faculties other than the Faculty of Science (check Table I in 3.4 Program Requirements for ineligible courses). Of these 4.0 FCE, at least 1.0 FCE must be from the Faculty of Arts. Science 311 may be counted among the 4.0 FCE from other Faculties.

6.5 FCE - Options

Note: Mathematics 311 and 411 may be replaced by Mathematics 313 and a field course at the 300 level or higher, with permission.

Required Courses - Honours Program

In addition to the requirements specified by the Faculty of Science (see Section 3), students are required to complete the following program of study:

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 273

1.5 FCE - Mathematics 249 or 251 or 281 and 283 and 381

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 321

1.0 FCE - Mathematics 211 or 213 and 311 or 313

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 315 or 317 or Statistics 323

0.5 FCE - Pure Mathematics 431 or Applied Mathematics 481 or 483

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 355 or Pure Mathematics 455

0.5 FCE – Mathematics 447

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 545 or Pure Mathematics 545*

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 423 or 521 or Pure Mathematics 421 or 521

2.0 FCE - Applied Mathematics 311, 411, 413, and 491

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 217 or 231 or 235

1.0 FCE - Any 500-level or above course in Applied Mathematics

4.0 FCE - Breadth requirement: Options from Faculties other than the Faculty of Science (check Table I in 3.4 Program Requirements for ineligible courses). Of these 4.0 FCE, at least 1.0 FCE must be from the Faculty of Arts. Science 311 may be counted among the 4.0 FCE from other Faculties.

6.0 FCE - Options

*No substitutions will be allowed for Mathematics 545/Pure Mathematics 545.

Note: Mathematics 213 and 313 are the preferred sequence for the honours program.

Note: The following substitutions allow students to enter the honours program later in their studies:

(a) The calculus sequence Mathematics 249/251/281, 283, 381 may be replaced by an average grade of "B+" or better in either of the calculus sequences Mathematics 249/251, 253, 349, 353; or Applied Mathematics 217, 219, 309 with permission;

(b) Mathematics 273 may be replaced by a grade of "B+" or better in Mathematics 271 with permission;

(c) Mathematics 213 may be replaced by a grade of "B+" or better in Mathematics 211 or 221 with permission;

(d) Mathematics 355/Pure Mathematics 455 may be replaced by a grade of "B+" or better in Mathematics 335/Pure Mathematics 435 with permission.

Suggested First and Second Year Honours in Applied Mathematics

First Year Honours Courses

Fall Winter

Mathematics 273

Mathematics 211 or 213

Mathematics 249 or 251 or 281

Mathematics 283


Computer Science 217 or 231 or 235

Arts option

Arts option


Non-science option

Second Year Honours Courses


Mathematics 311 or 313


Mathematics 381

Mathematics 423 or 521

Mathematics 321

Pure Mathematics 315 or 317 or Statistics 323

Applied Mathematics 311


Non-science option

Non-science option


Students should consult with the Undergraduate Director on a regular basis throughout their program.


Students may focus their program on one of two areas of interest by including a specified set of courses into their Major degree. Successful completion will mean that the area of concentration will appear on the transcript. Students should carefully plan their course selections to ensure that prerequisites for upper-level courses are obtained. Consultation with the Undergraduate Director on a regular basis is highly recommended.

A. Concentration in Mathematical Finance and Risk Management

The first 4.0 FCE required in the Concentration, up to and including Applied Mathematics 311, are the same as in the Major program. The remaining 16.0 FCE required in the Concentration are:

0.5 FCE - Statistics 323

1.0 FCE - Computer Science 231 and 233 or Computer Science 235 and Actuarial Science 325

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 421 or 423 or Pure Mathematics 421 or 521

0.5 FCE – Mathematics 335 or 355 or Pure Mathematics 435 or 455

0.5 FCE – Mathematics 445 or 447 or 545 or Pure Mathematics 445 or 545

1.0 FCE - Statistics 409 and 507

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 411

3.0 FCE - Applied Mathematics 413, 481, 491, 493, 581, and 583

4.0 FCE - Breadth requirement: Options from Faculties other than the Faculty of Science (check Table I in 3.4 Program Requirements for ineligible courses). Of these 4.0 FCE, at least 1.0 FCE must be from the Faculty of Arts. Science 311 may be counted among the 4.0 FCE from other Faculties.

4.5 FCE - Options

B. Concentration in Computational Applied Mathematics

The first 4.0 FCE required in the Concentration, up to and including Applied Mathematics 311, are the same as in the Major program. The remaining 16.0 FCE required in the Concentration are:

0.5 FCE - Statistics 323

1.0 FCE - Computer Science 231 and 233 or 235 and 0.5 FCE senior-level Computer Science option or Applied Mathematics option

0.5 FCE - Computer Science 331

0.5 FCE - Software Engineering 301

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 421 or 423 or Pure Mathematics 421 or 521

0.5 FCE – Mathematics 335 or 355 or Pure Mathematics 435 or 455

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 445 or 447 or 545 or Pure Mathematics 445 or 545

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 411

2.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 413, 425, 491, 493, and 503

4.0 - Breadth requirement: Options from Faculties other than the Faculty of Science (check Table I in 3.4 Program Requirements for ineligible courses). Of these 4.0 FCE, at least 1.0 FCE must be from the Faculty of Arts. Science 311 may be counted among the 4.0 FCE from other Faculties.

0.5 FCE - choose one of Biology 241, Chemistry 201 or 203 or 211, Physics 211, 221 or 227

4.5 FCE - Options

Required Courses - Minor Program

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 211 or 213

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 249 or 251 or 281 or Applied Mathematics 217

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 253 or 283 or Applied Mathematics 219

0.5 FCE - Mathematics 311 or 313

1.0 FCE - Mathematics 349 and 353 or Applied Mathematics 309, or Mathematics 273 and 381

0.5 FCE - Applied Mathematics 307 or 311

1.5 FCE - From the list: Mathematics 321, Statistics 323 or any course labelled Applied Mathematics at the 400 level or above, except Applied Mathematics 433.