Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà : 4.61 Sociology


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Faculty of Arts
1. Summary of Degree Programs
2. Information for Undergraduate Students
3. Faculty Regulations
4. Program Details
4.1 Arts and Science Honours Academy
4.2 African Studies
4.3 Ancient and Medieval History
4.4 Anthropology
4.5 Archaeology
4.6 Applied Energy Economics - Collaborative Program
4.7 Architectural Studies
4.8 Art
4.9 Art History
4.10 Asian Studies
4.11 Canadian Studies
4.12 Chinese
4.13 Classical and Early Christian Studies
4.14 Communication and Culture
4.15 Communications Studies
4.16 Comparative Literature
4.17 Creative Writing
4.18 Dance
4.19 Development Studies
4.20 Drama
4.21 Earth Science
4.22 East Asian Language Studies
4.23 East Asian Studies
4.24 Economics
4.25 English
4.26 Film Studies
4.27 French
4.28 French, Italian and Spanish
4.29 Geography
4.30 German
4.31 Germanic, Slavic and East Asian Studies
4.32 Greek
4.33 Greek and Roman Studies
4.34 History
4.35 History and Philosophy of Science
4.36 Indigenous Studies
4.37 International Indigenous Studies
4.38 International Relations
4.39 Italian Studies
4.40 Japanese
4.41 Latin
4.42 Latin American Studies
4.43 Law and Society
4.44 Linguistics
4.45 Linguistics and Language
4.46 Linguistics, Languages, and Culture
4.47 Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation Studies
4.48 Multidisciplinary Studies
4.49 Museum and Heritage Studies
4.50 Music
4.51 Philosophy
4.52 Political Science
4.53 Primatology
4.54 Psychology
4.55 Religious Studies
4.56 Religious Studies and Applied Ethics
4.57 Russian
4.58 School of Creative and Performing Arts
4.59 Science, Technology and Society
4.60 Social and Cultural Anthropology
4.61 Sociology
4.61.1 BA in Sociology
4.61.2 BA Honours Sociology
4.61.3 Concentrations
4.61.4 Minor in Sociology
4.61.5 BA in Law and Society
4.61.6 BA Honours Law and Society
4.61.7 Minor in Law and Society
4.62 South Asian Studies
4.63 Spanish
4.64 Urban Studies
4.65 Visual Studies
4.66 Women's Studies
5. Administration
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Faculty of Environmental Design
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Haskayne School of Business
Faculty of Kinesiology
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Nursing
Qatar Faculty
Schulich School of Engineering
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Faculty of Social Work
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Werklund School of Education
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Summary of Revisions
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2014-2015 Faculty of Arts 4. Program Details 4.61 Sociology
4.61 Sociology
Overview of Programs and Procedures
Baccalaureate Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Sociology

BA in Sociology with Co-operative Education

BA Honours in Sociology

BA Honours in Sociology with Co-operative Education

Concurrent BA in Sociology and Bachelor of Education

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Law and Society

BA in Law and Society with Co-operative Education

BA Honours in Law and Society

BA Honours in Law and Society with Co-operative Education


  • A Minor is offered in Sociology and in Law and Society.
  • Concentrations are available to Sociology Majors in: Criminology, Deviance and Social Control and Gender, Family and Work.

Advice and information about Sociology courses and programs may be obtained from the Sociology Advisor and the Undergraduate Director.

The program in Law and Society is designed to provide a broad exposure to the nature of law and its role in society. The overall aim of the program is not only to provide students with as deep an understanding of the law as possible but also to demonstrate that the law is not an isolated discipline but, rather, is part of an integrated culture of which we all partake. The program is not specifically a "pre-law" program. Nevertheless, the perspectives that it offers are likely to be of great benefit to those who hope to be lawyers, as well as to those considering a career in politics, the civil service, law enforcement, the social sciences, business and industry, or public-interest advocacy.

First year students in Law and Society are encouraged to explore courses in a variety of areas. It is recommended that a first year program include: Law and Society 201, 203 and at least an additional 1.5 full-course equivalents from the Faculty of Arts. Degree programs in Law and Society include senior-level courses offered by various Departments either as core requirements or as options. It is therefore useful to take first year courses from a variety of related areas such as Political Science and History. In planning their first year programs, students should look ahead to later years and make sure they take courses that are prerequisites to the courses they may subsequently wish to take.

Courses that are required for the Law and Society major can generally be double-counted toward minors in these programs, although students are advised to consult with the Program Information Centre (PIC) for confirmation. The following minor programs are particularly good fits with a Law and Society major program: Political Science, History, Economics, Philosophy, Sociology, Indigenous Studies, Canadian Studies, Science, Technology and Society, Women's Studies.

Students seeking advice on first year course selection may contact the Program Co-ordinator or the Program Information Centre (PIC).

Contact Information

Department Head: E.G. Van Brunschot

Department Office: Social Sciences 956

Phone: 403.220.6501

Fax: 403.282.9298

Email: soci@ucalgary.caÌý´Ç°ù lwsoprog@ucalgary.ca


For Program Advice

For overall program advice, please speak to a program advisor in the Faculty of Arts Program Information Centre. Questions about program details should be addressed to the subject advisor in the Departmental Office; please see the Department website for contact information.

Sociology Students Association

The Sociology Students Association (SSA) is actively engaged in promoting the academic, social and political interests of students who Major or Minor in Sociology. The SSA fosters a sense of community within the Department and represents the interests of undergraduate Sociology students at appropriate councils and committees. All Sociology students are encouraged to become members.

Admission to the Major

Prospective students wishing to enter the BA (Sociology) Program or the BA (Law and Society) Program must meet the criteria in the section of this Calendar on A.2 Admission Requirements at the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ. Annual application deadlines are found in A.3 Deadline Dates for Undergraduate Applications for Admission and Transcripts.

Admission to Honours

The Faculty of Arts procedures for Admission to Honours established in section 3.4.3 Honours Degrees with a Major Field are applicable and provide the overall framework.

Students wishing to be considered for admission into the BA Sociology (Honours) program must have successfully completed Sociology 313 and at least five full-course equivalents of course work. All beginning students who contemplate working towards a Sociology Honours degree should consult with the Department as soon as possible. This does not involve the student or the Department in any firm commitment until official admission to an Honours program is completed. Please contact the Department for the deadline.

Students majoring in Law and Society are eligible to apply for Honours by the deadline only if they will complete the program during the following academic year. To meet the deadline, it is recommended that students wishing to enrol in the Honours program consult with her or his intended supervisor in January and obtain guidelines and an application form from the Law and Society Program Co-ordinator as early as possible.

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà BA in Sociology at Red Deer College

This program allows students to transfer up to two years of College work and to qualify for the BA in Sociology by completing the required Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses at Red Deer College. For further information, please contact the Department of Sociology.

Field of Sociology

The Field of Sociology consists of all courses labelled Sociology (SOCI).

Field of Law and Society

The Field of Law and Society consists of the following courses:

Courses with a Focus on Law and Society

All courses labelled Law and Society (LWSO)**
Anthropology 213
Business and Environment 395, 595
Canadian Studies 333, 361
Economics 345, 349, 355, 373, 377, 379
History 337, 343, 345, 351, 443, 450, 462, 473
Indigenous Studies 201, 311, 343
Law 595
Philosophy 313, 325, 329, 337, 345, 347, 361, 425*, 451, 453, 525
Political Science 283, 321, 343*, 425, 426, 444, 445, 470 483, 541, 581
Science, Technology and Society 343, 505
Sociology 307, 325, 327, 375, 421, 423, 425, 427, 429*
Women's Studies 311

Context Courses

Canadian Studies 201, 355, 439
Communication and Culture 301, 303, 501, 503
Communications Studies 369
Development Studies 375
East Asian Studies 319
English 384, 385, 389
Indigenous Studies 315
Interdisciplinary Studies 590
Museum and Heritage Studies 331
Religious Studies 343, 349
Science, Technology and Society 325, 327, 341, 421
South Asian Studies 315
Statistics 205

Research Methods Courses

Communication and Culture 313
Geography 340
History 300
Political Science 399
Psychology 312
Sociology 313

* Students may only apply Philosophy 425, Political Science 343 and Sociology 429 towards one requirement listed within the Law and Society Major Field Requirements below.

** Students intending to take Law and Society 501 must consult with the Law and Society Program Co-ordinator.

Note: Most of the courses listed above have prerequisites, many of which lie outside the Field of Law and Society. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that prerequisites are completed.