At the beginning of each term, newly admitted students are given language assessment activities. After language assessments results are verified, students are placed into the appropriate EAP or PREP tier. Each tier consists of 13 weeks (approximately 260 hours) of classroom instruction, including formative and summative assessments. Students who place into EAP Tier 1 courses normally take one year to complete the program. All EAP and PREP courses in each tier are corequisites and must be taken as a group; however, students who do not successfully complete any component of EAP Tier 3 will be required to complete the unsuccessful component only. Successful completion of all courses in EAP Tier 3 waives the English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirement for admission into all undergraduate programs except for the Werklund School of Education's Bachelor of Education program. Applicants to the Faculty of Nursing must also present a satisfactory score on the MELAB Speaking test or the Test of Spoken English (TSE) in addition to successful completion of EAP Tier 3. Please refer to the English Language Proficiency information provided in the Undergraduate Admissions section or consult the following website for details: .
EAPP courses may not be used for credit toward a degree or diploma program; however, EAP Tier 3 students are permitted to take one University credit course per term while enrolled in the program with the approval of the EAP Co-ordinator.
One term (four months) is required to complete each tier. Applications for Admission to the EAP + Undergraduate Degree program will be accepted for the Fall Term only. EAP courses are offered during Fall, Winter, and the combined Spring/Summer Terms and Open Studies students can be admitted to EAP course at the beginning of any term.