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A.5 General Reservations on Admissions
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A.7 Transcript Regulations
A.8 Deadline Dates for Transcripts
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A.14 Aboriginal Student Access Program (ASAP)
A.15 Diverse Qualifications Admission Policy
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A.17 English Language Proficiency
A.18 Residence Requirements
A.19 Alternatives to Regular Course Credit
A.19.1 Advanced Credit/Placement
A.19.2 International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
A.19.3 Advanced Placement (AP) Program
A.19.4 General Certificate of Education - Advanced Levels
A.19.5 Credit in Courses by Special Assessment (Challenge Examinations)
A.19.6 Visiting Students
A.19.7 Auditing Regulations
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Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2015-2016 Undergraduate Admissions A.19 Alternatives to Regular Course Credit A.19.2 International Baccalaureate (IB) Program
A.19.2 International Baccalaureate (IB) Program

The Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà awards a full year of credit (30 units or 5.0 full-course equivalents) for the completed International Baccalaureate diploma. Specific course credit or advanced standing for Higher Level courses is awarded as set out below. A grade of "5" or above is required to receive such specific credit or placement. The balance of credit (including credit for Higher Level courses with grades below "5") required to bring the total to 30 units (5.0 full-course equivalents) will be at the junior unassigned option level. In the case of advanced credit, a grade of "CR" will be recorded on the student's record.

Applicants who have not completed the diploma will receive specific course credit or advanced placement as set out below for each Higher Level course completed with a grade of "5" or above. No junior unassigned option credit beyond that set out below is awarded to students who do not complete the full IB diploma. Official IB transcripts are required as part of the evaluation process.

Students awarded advanced credit or advanced placement for IB courses should consult their faculty regarding course selection. Note that if advanced credit is awarded for a 200-level course that is a stated prerequisite for a 300-level course, students will be permitted to enter the 300-level course in first year. Whether or not credit is applicable to any particular degree program is determined by the appropriate faculty.

Higher level IB courses approved for advanced credit or advanced placement are:

IB Subject

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Equivalent

Anthropology Anthropology 203
Biology Biology 243

Chemistry 201/203 or 209 (Engineering only)

Computer Science

Computer Science 231 and 3 units (one half-course equivalent) junior Computer Science*† or Engineering 233 (Engineering only)


Economics 201/203

English A (Literature or Language and Literature)

Three units (one half-course equivalent) junior English†

French A1 or A Literature

French 315

French A2 or A Lang/Lit French 227
French B French 213


Geography 205 and 3 units (one half-course equivalent) junior Geography†

German A1 or A Literature

German 333

German A2 or A Lang/Lit German 331
German B German 204


Six units (one full-course equivalent) junior History†

Italian A1 or A Literature

Italian 303

Italian A2 or A Lang/Lit Italian 301
Italian B Italian 203


Latin 301/303

Mathematics Mathematics 249
Mathematics (Further) Mathematics 265


Advanced Placement (Based on audition/placement tests, students may be given advanced placement and permitted to take selected Music courses by "Special Assessment.")


Three units (one half-course equivalent) junior Philosophy†


Physics 221/223


Psychology 200

Russian A1 or A Literature Russian 303
Russian A2 or A Lang/Lit Russian 301
Russian B Russian 209
Spanish A1 or A Literature Spanish 303
Spanish A2 or A Lang/Lit Spanish 301
Spanish A or B Spanish 203

Visual Art

Art 231/233

*Students who successfully complete a challenge examination may receive credit for Computer Science 233 in lieu of the junior Computer Science.

† "Junior" refers to credit at the 200 level, but for which no direct Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà equivalency exists.