The Faculty of Environmental Design has a dual mandate to offer course-based, first professional degrees in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Planning, and to offer advanced research opportunities in the Master of Environmental Design and PhD thesis degree programs. The latter research focus is intended for candidates who wish to build upon their professional career experience or related degree, with advanced, problem oriented research.
It is worth noting that since the Faculty’s founding in 1971, the important roles for design, planning and management in human activities which impact built and natural environments have increased substantially. Significantly, the Faculty has championed interdisciplinarity as a means to understand and address the complex, and often subtle, interrelationships evident in the pursuit of these human activities. Further, the Faculty actively seeks to work co-operatively with local communities, governments, private corporations, associations and experts in other University Faculties to address complexity in a myriad of environmental design problems. The resulting outcomes may include new buildings, communities, artifacts, urban form, and cultural landscapes, as well as plans, policies, environmental and ecosystem management strategies, and new technologies and information systems.