A. IFP Pathways
Regular tuition and general fees apply for all academic program requirements. For detailed information on tuition fees see section P. Undergraduate Tuition and General Fees.
B. IFP Bridging
All IFP Bridging students will be charged the IFP tuition rate for IFPX courses. Please see section P. Undergraduate Tuition and General Fees.
Applicants will be required to pay a $250.00 CDN non-refundable mandatory IFP Language Assessment Fee.
C. IFP Preparation
All IFP Preparation students will be charged the IFP tuition rate for IFPX courses. Please see section P. Undergraduate Tuition and General Fees.
Applicants will be required to pay a $250.00 CDN non-refundable mandatory IFP Language Assessment Fee.