ɫ : 4.54 Psychology



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Faculty of Arts
1. Summary of Degree Programs
2. Information for Undergraduate Students
3. Faculty Regulations
4. Program Details
4.1 Arts and Science Honours Academy
4.2 African Studies
4.3 Ancient and Medieval History
4.4 Anthropology and Archaeology
4.5 Archaeology
4.6 Applied Energy Economics - Collaborative Program
4.7 Architectural Studies
4.8 Art
4.9 Art History
4.10 Asian Studies
4.11 Canadian Studies
4.12 Chinese
4.13 Classics and Religion
4.14 Communication, Media and Film
4.15 Communications Studies
4.16 Comparative Literature
4.17 Creative Writing
4.18 Dance
4.19 Development Studies
4.20 Drama
4.21 Earth Science
4.22 East Asian Language Studies
4.23 East Asian Studies
4.24 Economics
4.25 English
4.26 Film Studies
4.27 French
4.28 French, Italian and Spanish
4.29 Geography
4.30 German
4.31 Germanic, Slavic and East Asian Studies
4.32 Greek
4.33 Greek and Roman Studies
4.34 History
4.35 History and Philosophy of Science
4.36 Indigenous Studies
4.37 International Indigenous Studies
4.38 International Relations
4.39 Italian Studies
4.40 Japanese
4.41 Latin
4.42 Latin American Studies
4.43 Law and Society
4.44 Linguistics
4.45 Linguistics and Language
4.46 Linguistics, Languages, and Culture
4.47 Medieval, Renaissance and Reformation Studies
4.48 Multidisciplinary Studies
4.49 Museum and Heritage Studies
4.50 Music
4.51 Philosophy
4.52 Political Science
4.53 Primatology
4.54 Psychology
4.54.1 BA in Psychology
4.54.2 BSc in Psychology
4.54.3 BA Honours Psychology
4.54.4 BSc Honours Psychology
4.54.5 Combined BCR (Medicine)/BA or BSc (Psychology)
4.54.6 Minor in Psychology
4.54.7 Minor in Speech-Language Sciences for Psychology Majors
4.55 Religious Studies
4.56 Religious Studies and Applied Ethics
4.57 Russian
4.58 School of Creative and Performing Arts
4.59 School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures
4.60 Science, Technology and Society
4.61 Social and Cultural Anthropology
4.62 Sociology
4.63 South Asian Studies
4.64 Spanish
4.65 Urban Studies
4.66 Visual Studies
4.67 Women's Studies
5. Administration
Cumming School of Medicine
Faculty of Environmental Design
Faculty of Graduate Studies
Haskayne School of Business
Faculty of Kinesiology
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Nursing
Qatar Faculty
Schulich School of Engineering
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Work
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Werklund School of Education
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ɫ Calendar 2017-2018 Faculty of Arts 4. Program Details 4.54 Psychology
4.54 Psychology
Overview of Programs and Procedures
Baccalaureate Degrees Offered

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology

Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Psychology

BA Honours in Psychology

BSc Honours in Psychology

Combined Bachelor of Community Rehabilitation (BCR)/BA or BSc in Psychology

Related Interdisciplinary Degrees (See separate listings):

BSc Honours in Neuroscience (Faculty of Science)


  • A Minor is offered in Psychology
  • A Minor in Speech-Language Sciences is available to students majoring Psychology

Students wishing to take a Psychology degree that emphasizes the social sciences and humanities should register for the BA degree; those who wish to emphasize the biological and natural sciences should register for the BSc degree. Students who are interested in pursuing graduate study in Psychology should consider the Psychology BA or BSc Honours Program.

Contact Information

Department Office: Administration 275

Phone: 403.220.5561

Fax: 403.282.8249

Undergraduate Program Email: psycugrd@ucalgary.ca

Graduate Program Email: psycgrad@ucalgary.ca


For Program Advice

Students should consult a program advisor in the Arts Students' Centre for information and advice on their overall program requirements. Advising contact information can be found online: .

For more specific advice regarding course selection and requirements in the major field, students should consult the Undergraduate Programs Advisor located in the Department of Psychology (consult Department website for contact information).

Admission to the Major

Prospective students must meet the criteria listed in section A.2 Undergraduate Admission of this Calendar.

Limitation of Enrolment

Due to high demand, admissions to the BA and BSc Degree programs in Psychology are limited. Whenever demand exceeds capacity, enrolment will be limited and students will be admitted on a competitive basis. Admission averages are typically set above the minimum level for the Faculty of Arts. These higher admission standards are applicable to high-school applicants, external transfer applicants from other post-secondary institutions and internal transfer applicants from other programs at the ɫ, whether inside or outside the Faculty of Arts.

For the BSc and BSc Honours programs in Psychology, students are required to complete seven first-year science courses (see Other Requirements for the BSc in Psychology and the BSc Honours). To enter these courses students must have previously completed Mathematics 30, Mathematics 30-1 or Pure Mathematics 30, Biology 30, and Chemistry 30 or equivalent. Mathematics 31 and Physics 30 are recommended.

Admission to Honours

Psychology Majors are eligible to apply for Honours upon completion of at least 72 units (12.0 full-course equivalents).

Due to high demand, the qualifying grade point average for eligibility for admission to Honours Psychology is typically set higher than the minimum 3.30 level for the Faculty of Arts. When this is the case, the qualifying average for the following year is announced on the Department website by October 1. For the purpose of admission to Honours, a student’s grade point average is calculated over the most recent course work to a maximum of 60 units (10.0 full-course equivalents) inclusive of courses from other institutions as well as the ɫ.

Psychology Majors must apply for admission to the Honours program no later than January 23 of the year prior to their final year. Admission is contingent on the availability of an eligible thesis supervisor, as well as the availability of the resources (laboratory space, equipment, etc.) needed to complete the thesis. Students are encouraged to consult with the Psychology Advisor well before the January 23 deadline to determine their eligibility.

Courses and Registration

Registration in 400- and 500-level Psychology courses is restricted to Psychology Majors. Refer to the “Schedule of Classes” for further details on these restrictions.

ɫ BA in Psychology at Red Deer College

This program allows students to transfer up to two years of Red Deer College work and to qualify for the BA in Psychology by completing the required ɫ courses at Red Deer College. For further information, contact the Department of Psychology.

Students admitted to the Psychology Major in the ɫ program at Red Deer College may not register in Psychology courses offered on the Calgary campus without the permission of the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs and Student Affairs.

Overlapping Programs

Programs in Psychology cannot be taken in conjunction with programs in Neuroscience. This restriction applies to Major-plus-Minor combinations, Double Majors, Combined Degrees and Second Baccalaureate Degrees.

Field of Psychology

The Field of Psychology consists of all courses labelled Psychology (PSYC).

Note: While Psychology 203 may be taken for overall degree credit, it does not count toward the minimum requirements for the Major or Honours in Psychology.