Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà : K.5.3 Procedures



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K.5 Plagiarism/Cheating/Other Academic Misconduct
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K.5.3 Procedures
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Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2017-2018 Academic Regulations K. Statement on Principles of Conduct K.5 Plagiarism/Cheating/Other Academic Misconduct K.5.3 Procedures
K.5.3 Procedures

1. Identification of Students in Tests or Examinations – Invigilators of any tests or examinations may, when they have reason to believe that there is cause to do so, challenge any candidate to produce proof of identity either in the form of the University I.D. card or of some acceptable equivalent (i.e., one bearing a photograph) such as the Provincial Driver’s License, Canadian Citizenship Card, Passport, etc.

If there is clear evidence that impersonation has occurred, the individual shall not be permitted to continue the examination and shall be reported immediately to the Dean of the faculty in which the course is offered or a delegate.

A student who is not able to provide acceptable proof of identity may be permitted to continue the examination provided that they undertake to provide verification of identity later. If verification is not provided, then the student will receive an "F" in the examination, and the matter will be referred to the Dean of the faculty in which the course is offered or a delegate for consideration of further disciplinary action.

2. The Responsibility of Instructors in Cases of Plagiarism, Cheating and Other Academic Misconduct – An instructor has the obligation to report immediately all suspected cases of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct in their course or courses to the Dean of their faculty, or a delegate, and to the head of department or equivalent.

3. The Encouragement of the Reporting of Plagiarism, Cheating or Other Academic Misconduct – Students or other persons who consider that they have evidence of conduct which amounts to plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct are encouraged to report such conduct to the Dean of the relevant faculty or a delegate. An individual or group of individuals making such a report must be prepared to state the alleged facts and their reasons for suspicion in writing, and to appear before the Dean, a delegate, the appropriate faculty disciplinary body, the Faculty Appeals Committee and the General Faculties Council's Committee to Hear and Determine Student Academic Appeals.

4. The Responsibility of the Dean of the Faculty in Which the Course is Offered – The initial responsibility for dealing with cases of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct, lies with the Dean of the faculty offering the course in which the student is enrolled or a delegate, subject to structures for advice, recommendation or action devised by that faculty. Where the student is registered in that particular faculty, any disciplinary action taken will normally not be of concern to any other faculty.

5. The Relative Responsibilities of the Faculty in Which a Student Takes a Course and the Faculty in Which They are Registered at the Time of the Offence – In cases in which a student who is accused of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct is registered in a faculty other than that in which the course is given, the Dean of the faculty in which they are registered shall be advised of the incident, its circumstances, and its disposition within the host faculty, and where appropriate shall take disciplinary action within their own faculty subject to structures for advice, recommendation or action devised by that faculty. This notification shall be the responsibility of the Dean of the host faculty, or a delegate.

6. The Disposition of Cases by the Faculty in Which a Student is Registered at the Time of the Offence – In alleged cases of plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct the Dean or a delegate after advising the student of the allegation and its basis and providing them with copies of any documentary evidence supporting the allegation shall interview both the instructor and the student concerned. Where they are satisfied that there is conclusive evidence that the student has committed an offence, the Dean or a delegate shall, subject to any structures for advice, recommendation or action devised by that faculty, exercise authority to place on probation, suspend or expel the student from the faculty in question. The probation, suspension or expulsion will be confirmed in writing to the student at their current address, the letter to include reference to faculty and University appeal procedures. In cases in which the student has admitted the offence reference shall be made to this fact in the letter.

The Registrar will be notified of the action taken. Upon receiving notification, the Registrar is empowered to withhold the issuance of a transcript or statement of grades for the student disciplined pending the expiry of the appeal period, or exhaustion of the appeal process allowed for under K.5.5 Disciplinary Appeals.Ìý