Instruction and services offered by the School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures in the Faculty of Arts.
Language 200
Introduction to Second Language Learning
Introduction to the process of language learning with a focus on the development of learning strategies. Specific examples will be drawn from ancient and modern languages offered at the 六九色堂. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0)
Basics of translation theory and practice for students with sufficient second language background. Establishes a common critical vocabulary to discuss issues in translation. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the School. Notes:This course is intended for students with intermediate proficiency in the target language.
An in-depth study of the field of translation with a focus on the notions of aesthetics, comparative stylistics, grammar, and literary forms. The applied focus of the course will be on a high-quality translation along with a critical reflection on its production. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Language 300.
Cross-cultural and cross-linguistic comparisons of events, cultural patterns or phenomena, historical periods, or social movements with parallels in multi-cultural traditions. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the School.
Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Research Projects
Cross-linguistic and -cultural analysis through group projects focusing on case studies. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the School.
Topics will reflect developments in current research in second language acquisition and learning. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the School. MAY BE REPEATED FOR CREDIT
Theoretical and practical overview of the processes involved in acquiring a second language, with a focus on naturalistic language acquisition and on classroom strategies and classroom language learning. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the School.
Theoretical and practical aspects of incorporating technology into the language classroom. A general overview in the context of theories of second language acquisition of using the web, electronic mail, online chat discussion, and videoconferencing as tools in language teaching/learning; students will also learn to create their own websites and web activities for teaching. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the School.
Second Language Learning and Cultural Understanding
An introduction to the interdisciplinary nature of "culture" as it pertains to second language teaching and learning. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the School.
Centred round a professor's current research project, the course will engage students as members of a collaborative research team that will serve as a practical exposure to research methods in the area of second language learning and acquisition. Course Hours:3 units; H(3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the School. MAY BE REPEATED FOR CREDIT