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六九色堂 Calendar 2019-2020 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Course Descriptions E Energy and Environmental Systems EESS
Energy and Environmental Systems EESS
Graduate Courses
Energy and Environmental Systems 601       Introduction to Energy and Environmental Systems

The course provides a structured overview to the interactions of energy systems and the environment. The lectures are taught collaboratively by several EESS faculty. The course aims to foster a unified, scientific understanding of energy flows and transformations in industrial society and the natural world; a scientific overview of some of the most important links between energy and environmental systems; and an introduction to the business, legal and regulatory systems that shape the interactions between energy and environment.

Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1T)
Graduate standing in Energy and Environmental Systems specialization or instructor permission.
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Energy and Environmental Systems 603       Project Course
Projects are applied interdisciplinary problem-solving courses in which students work as leaders or as members of project teams. Most course time is devoted to project management and presentations from students. The project course gives students experience working on weakly structured, real-world problems that require teamwork and contributions from diverse disciplines. They are co-managed by students and faculty advisors and should be responsive to an external "client" or expert panel. Problem areas are abstracted from local, provincial and national situations and involve the interaction of energy systems, the environment and public policy. Oral and written presentations concerning the results of project studies are required
Course Hours:
3 units; (1-3T)
Graduate standing in Energy and Environmental Systems specialization or instructor permission.
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Energy and Environmental Systems 606       Graduate Seminar
The graduate research seminar fosters the development of presentation and communication skills as well as engagement in critical analysis and debate. Course time is primarily research presentations by faculty, research staff and students. All students must present their work.
Course Hours:
3 units; (2S-0)
Graduate standing in Energy and Environmental Systems specialization or instructor permission.
Also known as:
(formerly Energy and Environmental Systems 605)
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Energy and Environmental Systems 607       Tools for Systems Analysis
This course provides an introduction to analytical methods and software tools that are most frequently used for research in energy and environmental systems. Analytical methods include risk, uncertainty and decision analysis; an introduction to engineering economics; and an introduction to tools for environmental modelling. Software tools include Excel, and extensions such as Crystalball, general purpose systems such as Matlab and Mathematica; and GIS tools for non-specialists.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Graduate standing in Energy and Environmental Systems specialization or instructor permission.
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Energy and Environmental Systems 619       Special Topics
Students will be provided with the opportunity to focus on advanced studies in specialized topics pertaining to energy system engineering, law, public policy or economics, or a combination of these issues.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Graduate standing in the Energy and Environmental Systems specialization or instructor permission.
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