Students registered in online or distance delivery course may be required to write a final examination onsite at the Calgary campus. The course outline will provide final examination requirements.
When the final examination is scheduled on the Calgary campus, students must be provided with the opportunity to write the final examination at an approved invigilation centre if their current residence is more than 100 kilometres from the Calgary campus. A list of approved invigilation centres is available at聽. Students must inform the course instructor by the following dates if they wish to write a final examination off-site:
November 1 |
March 1 |
June 1
August 1 |
Students registered in an onsite course are expected to write the final examination at the location indicated in the Final Examination schedule. It is only under exceptional circumstances, and with the permission of the Associate Dean of the faculty offering the course, that a student will be permitted to write the examination off-site. The Associate Dean may require documentation to support the request. Examinations may be written at an approved invigilation centre or be invigilated by an individual approved by the faculty.
Students will be responsible for any invigilation fees charged by external examination centres.