For more information about the Faculty offering these courses, see the Haskayne School of Business: .
Senior Courses
Risk Management and Insurance 317
Introduction to Risk Management and Insurance
Overview of the risk management process and methods. Examines both business and personal risk management. Covers the basics of property, liability, health and life insurance. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Haskayne School of Business or the Actuarial Science program, and 30 units including Economics 201.
Examines the role that life and health insurance plays in securing individuals' financial futures, whether ensuring family security, or preserving the value produced by the time and energy spent building a business. Topics include wealth transfer to the next generation as well as protection of income and assets. The best fit for different types of policies available at different stages in life will also be examined. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Haskayne School of Business or the Actuarial Science program, and Finance 317 or Risk Management and Insurance 317.
The nature of employee benefits as a major component of the compensation package. Group life and group health insurance, pensions and other retirement programs, workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, social security and other social insurance plans. Insurer group operations, reinsurance and the legal aspects of employee benefits and social insurance programs. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Haskayne School of Business or the Actuarial Science program, and Finance 317 or Risk Management and Insurance 317.
Examines risk management for commercial property and liability exposures. The first half of the course focuses on common property loss exposures that firms face and examines methods of handling such risks. The second half focuses on liability exposures of commercial enterprises, including premises and operations liability, product liability, employment practices liability and director's and officers' liability. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Haskayne School of Business. Corequisite(s):or Prerequisite(s): Risk Management and Insurance 317.
Combines a fundamental understanding of insurance and risk management with current issues confronting the insurance industry and risk managers. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Haskayne School of Business and Risk Management and Insurance 317. For certain topics, consent of the Haskayne School of Business will also be required. Notes:For more information on topics and prerequisite requirements, see Class Notes in the Course Search. MAY BE REPEATED FOR CREDIT
A study of the various methods used to finance the operational risks of commercial enterprises. Key topics addressed are: loss forecasting, insurance, alternative risk financing, reinsurance and environmental risk management. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Admission to the Haskayne School of Business and Risk Management and Insurance 317.
Risk management strategies with emphasis on the management of operational and hazard risks. Topics include risk identification and assessment; organizational responsibility for risk management; risk mitigation; risk financing; crisis management, and business continuity planning. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the Haskayne School of Business. Also known as:(formerly Finance 763)