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A.1 Classification of Students
A.2 Undergraduate Admission
A.3 Deadline Dates for Undergraduate Applications for Admission and Supporting Documents
A.4 General Admission Procedures
A.5 Undergraduate Admission Requirements
A.5.1 Canadian High School Students
A.5.2 International High School Admissions
A.5.3 Transferring from another Post-Secondary Institution
A.5.3.1 Transfer Admission Requirements
A.5.3.2 Supplementary Admission Requirements
A.5.4 Adult Student Admission
A.5.5 Second-Degree Students
A.5.6 Indigenous Admissions
A.6 Required to Withdraw and Suspended Students
A.7 Home-Schooled Applicants
A.8 Special Admission Categories
A.9 Diverse Qualifications Admission Process
A.10 Combined or Concurrent Degree Admissions
A.11 English Language Proficiency
A.12 Transfer Credit/Advanced Standing
A.13 Admission Appeals
A.14 Admission to Open Studies (Degree holder and Non-Degree holder)
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Summary of Changes for the 2021/22 Calendar
Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2021-2022 Admissions A.5 Undergraduate Admission Requirements A.5.3 Transferring from another Post-Secondary Institution A.5.3.1 Transfer Admission Requirements
A.5.3.1 Transfer Admission Requirements

Transfer Admission GPA: Will be calculated using the most recent course work to a maximum of 30 units (Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà courses and/or academic courses taken at other institutions), unless otherwise specified by the Faculty. All courses attempted within a term will be included except where the number of courses taken within a term results in the overall number of units exceeding 30. Should this occur, the highest grades from the oldest term being considered will be used to calculate the GPA. In some faculties prerequisite courses will be included first. Grades for high school courses will not be used to calculate the Transfer Admission GPA.

Early Admission Process: Applicants who meet the minimum number of post-secondary units required for admission by December 31 of the fall term in the year of application (see below) will have their admission average calculated on grades completed as indicated. Applicants must show evidence of registration in all required courses for admission. Admitted students must complete all required courses (or equivalent) by the end of May in the year of application and maintain the admission average required for admission.

Final Admission Process: Applicants who meet the minimum number of post-secondary units required for admission by the end of the winter term in the year of application (see below) will have their admission average calculated on grades completed as indicated. All required courses must be completed to be considered for admission.

Grade and course information from alternate post-secondary grading systems (eg. Credit Received (CR), Credit Granted (CG), pass, complete) will be used as follows:

1. Admission average: All graded courses, up to 30 units, will be used in the Admission GPA calculation. Courses taken and awarded credit on an alternative grading system (e.g., Credit Received (CR), Credit Granted (CG), pass, complete) will not be used as part of the 30 units to calculate the admission average.

2. Required course: Courses taken in Winter 2020 through Winter 2021 that are graded or were awarded credit on an alternative grading system (e.g., Credit Received, CR, pass, complete) will be used to meet required courses for admission. These courses will not be used in the admission average calculation. Courses taken after Winter 2021 must be graded to be used to meet specific required courses for admission (indicated with a †). In cases where a faculty has non-specific required courses (either a non-specific course, or a required number of courses), courses with an alternate grading scale will be used to meet the requirement.

Faculty of Arts
Degree Sought Minimum Number of Post-Secondary Units Required for Admission GPA Calculation Required Courses for Admission Notes
Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Studies
12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application.

A post-secondary English course(s) or English Language Arts 30-1 or equivalent.

Supplementary requirements:

BMus: online audition form, audition and successful completion of RCM Level 8 Theory or the departmental music diagnostic exam.
Dance: statement of interest and audition.
Visual Studies: portfolio.

Earth Science 12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application. Chemistry 30, English Language Arts 30-1 and Mathematics 30-1 (or post-secondary equivalents).
Economics 12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application. English Language Arts 30-1 and Mathematics 30-1 (or post-secondary equivalents).

Geography (BA, BSc), Psychology (BA) 12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application. English Language Arts 30-1 and Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2 (or post-secondary equivalents).
Psychology (BSc) 12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application. Biology 30, Chemistry 30, English Language Arts 30-1 and Mathematics 30-1 (or post-secondary equivalents).
All Other Programs 12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application. A post-secondary English course(s) or English Language Arts 30-1 or equivalent.
Cumming School of Medicine

Minimum Number of Post-Secondary Units Required for Admission GPA Calculation Required Courses for Admission Notes
Bachelor of Community Rehabilitation
BCR (University Transfer route) 12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application.

BCR (Post-Diploma route) 45 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application.
An approved diploma in Rehabilitation Studies or a related field.
Bachelor of Health Sciences
BHSc 12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term.

Applicants must have taken a minimum of 24 units including at least four of the following courses corresponding to the intended major.

Biomedical Sciences Major: Biology 241†, 243†, Chemistry 201†, 203†, Mathematics 249† (or 265†), Physics 211† (or 221†), 223† or post-secondary equivalent courses.

Bioinformatics Major: Biology 241†, 243†, Computer Science 231† (or 217†), 233† (or 219†), Mathematics 265† (or 249†), 267†, Chemistry 201†, 203† or post-secondary equivalent courses.

Health and Society Major: Biology 241†, 243†, Health and Society 201†, any 200-level 3-unit English course†, Psychology 200†, 201†, Sociology 201†, Anthropology 203†, Geography 254†, Economics 201†, 203†, any 200-level Political Science course†, Community Rehabilitation 205†, 207† or post-secondary equivalent courses.

Applicants with 12-23 units of transferrable post-secondary coursework are not eligible for the transfer route.

A supplementary application is required.
Haskayne School of Business

Degree Sought

Minimum Number of Post-Secondary Units Required for Admission GPA Calculation Required Courses for Admission



12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application including a minimum of 9 units of required courses for admission. All required courses for admission (18 units) must be completed by the end of the Winter Term in the year of application.

Post-secondary English course equivalent (with a grade of "C-" or better).

Mathematics 249† or 265† or equivalent post-secondary mathematics course (with a grade of "C-" or better).

Statistics 213† or equivalent post-secondary statistics course (with a grade of "C-" or better).

Statistics 217† or equivalent post-secondary statistics course (with a grade of "C-" or better).

Economics 201† or equivalent post-secondary microeconomics course (with a grade of "C-" or better).

Economics 203† or equivalent post-secondary macroeconomics course (with a grade of "C-" or better).

Required courses cannot have more than one unsuccessful attempt.

Statistics 213 must be completed by the end of the Fall Term of the year of application as this course serves as a prerequisite to Statistics 217.
Faculty of Kinesiology

Degree Sought

Minimum Number of Post-Secondary Units Required for Admission GPA Calculation Required Courses for Admission


BKin, BSc 12 units completed by the end of Fall Term in the year of application. English 30-1, Mathematics 30-1*, Chemistry 30 and Biology 30 or post-secondary equivalents.

*Biomechanics major requires Mathematics 31 (calculus). Physics 30 is recommended.

Faculty of Nursing

Degree Sought

Minimum Number of Post-Secondary Units Required for Admission GPA Calculation

Required Courses for Admission

BN (Transfer Route)

30 units completed by the end of the Winter Term for fall admission; completed by the end of Summer Term for winter admission.

Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2, Chemistry 30 and Biology 30 or equivalent high school or post-secondary courses.

30 units of post-secondary courses including the following:

  • English or equivalent (3 units)
  • Arts, Humanities, Social Science (3 units)
  • Statistics† (3 units)
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology course(s)† (6 units with minimum grade of "C-" approved by the Faculty of Nursing

Applicants with 12-29 units of post-secondary coursework are not eligible for the transfer route.

Admission GPA is calculated using the required courses for admission, plus an additional 15 units taken from the most recent course work.
Bachelor of Nursing program at Medicine Hat College site 45 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application. Successful completion of the first two years of the Medicine Hat College Nursing Program
BN (Degree-Holder Route) Approved degree with minimum of 90 units. All admission requirements must be met by the end of Summer Term for winter admission.

Post-secondary equivalent courses in:

  • English or equivalent (3 units)
  • Arts, Humanities, Social Science (3 units)
  • Statistics† (3 units)
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology course(s)† (6 units with minimum grade of "C-" approved by the Faculty of Nursing)
Admission GPA is calculated using the required courses for admission, plus an additional 15 units taken from the most recent course work.
Schulich School of Engineering

Degree Sought

Minimum Number of Post-Secondary Units Required for Admission GPA Calculation

Required Courses for Admission

BSc Engineering (Common First Year) 12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application. English 30-1, Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31, Chemistry 30, Physics 30 (or equivalents). Includes Engineering diploma-holders and other related diploma-holders.
BSc Engineering (placed directly in Engineering major) 24 units or more of required first year Engineering courses by the end of Winter Term in the year of application.

English 30-1, Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31, Chemistry 30, Physics 30 (or equivalents).

The minimum of 24 units must include at least 8 of the following courses: Mathematics 275†, 277†, 211†, Chemistry 209†, Engineering 200†, 201†, 202†, 225†, 233†, Physics 259†, (or post-secondary equivalents).

GPA calculated using the most recent 24-30 units of transferrable post-secondary science, mathematics or engineering courses.
BSc Engineering (Engineering Tech Diploma Holders+ Additional Coursework) 24 units or more of required first year Engineering courses by the end of Winter Term in the year of application.

English 30-1, Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31, Chemistry 30, Physics 30 (or equivalents).

The minimum of 24 units must include at least 8 of the following courses: Mathematics 275†, 277†, 211†, Chemistry 209†, Engineering 200†, 201†, 202†, 225†, 233†, Physics 259†, (or equivalents).

BSc Energy Engineering and Polytechnic transfer pathway to Geomatics Engineering(Engineering Technology Diploma Holders)

45 units completed by the end of Fall Term in the year of application.

Diploma in progress: admission will be based on a minimum of 45 units using the GPA calculated by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application.

English 30-1, Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31, Chemistry 30, Physics 30 (or equivalents). Some diplomas may qualify for equivalency of one or more high school requirements.

Diploma from an approved program at an institution with a transfer program agreement (or equivalent) with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.30.

Students who completed all or parts of their engineering technology diploma more than eight years prior to the start of their first term at the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà will be required to demonstrate that their technical knowledge remains current. See Schulich School of Engineering, section 3.1 Admissions for details.

Diploma in progress: GPA calculated using all diploma courses completed by the end of the Fall term in the year of application.

Diploma complete: GPA calculated using the cumulative diploma GPA.

Diploma complete + additional course work: GPA calculated using the most recent courses in science, mathematics and Engineering and then using the cumulative GPA up to the maximum of 60 units.
Faculty of Science

Degree Sought

Minimum Number of Post-Secondary Units Required for Admission GPA Calculation

Required Courses for Admission

BSc (Most majors) 12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application. English 30-1, Mathematics 30-1 and two courses from the following: Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Mathematics 31 or CTS Computing Science 30 level (5 credits) (or post-secondary equivalents).
BSc (Biochemistry; Cellular, Molecular and Microbial Biology; Ecology; Plant Biology; Zoology) 15 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application. English 30-1, Mathematics 30-1 and two courses from the following: Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Mathematics 31 or CTS Computing Science 30 level (5 credits) (or post-secondary equivalents).

30 units of post-secondary coursework*.

*Students interested in these programs who have not completed 30 units are recommended to apply for the Biological Sciences major instead.
BSc Geology (Petroleum Geology Concentration) 15 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application and 30 units completed by the end of the Winter Term in the year of application. English 30-1, Mathematics 30-1 and two courses from the following: Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Mathematics 31 or CTS Computing Science 30 level (5 credits) (or post-secondary equivalents).

30 units of post-secondary coursework.

BSc Honours (Neuroscience) 45 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application.

60 units of post-secondary coursework including the following (or post-secondary equivalents):

Biochemistry 341† or 393†*

Biology 241†, 243†, 311† and 331†*

Chemistry 351† and one of 201† or 211† and one of 203† or 213†*

Mathematics 211† or 213† and one of Mathematics 249† or 265† or 275†*

Physics 211† or 221† and 223†*

Psychology 200†, 300† and 301†*

*All required courses must be completed with grades of "C-" or better.
Faculty of Social Work

Degree Sought

Minimum Number of Post-Secondary Units Required for Admission GPA Calculation

Required Courses for Admission

BSW (Alberta Social Work Diploma)

45 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application).

A post-secondary English course(s) or English 30-1 or equivalent.

Alberta social work diploma from a post-secondary institution with a transfer agreement with the Faculty of Social Work.

Minimum of 24 units of University transfer non-social work courses.

Minimum GPA of 2.30.

Supplementary application is required including resume of work and volunteer experience, essay, and two letters of reference. For application instructions visit: .

Practicum grades are not included in the GPA calculation.

BSW (University Transfer - including current Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà students, Non-social work diploma holders and, Non-Alberta social work diploma holders) 45 units completed by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application.

A post-secondary English course(s) or English 30-1 or equivalent.

A minimum of 57 units of university non-social work courses plus a 3 unit Social Work 201 (or equivalent) for a total of 60 units.

Minimum GPA of 2.30.

Supplementary application is required including resume of work and volunteer experience, essay, and two letters of reference. For application instructions visit: .

BSW (Non-Social Work Degree) 75 units by the end of the Fall Term in the year of application.

A non-social work degree from a recognized institution plus Social Work 201† (or equivalent).

Degree must be completed by the end of the Winter Term in the year of application.

Minimum GPA of 2.30.

Supplementary application is required including resume of work and volunteer experience, essay, and two letters of reference. For application instructions visit: .

Werklund School of Education

Degree Sought

Minimum Number of Post-Secondary Units Required for Admission GPA Calculation

Required Courses for Admission

BEd (Four-Year Program) Community-Based

Early Childhood Education

12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term of the year of application.

- English Language Arts 30-1
- Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2
-One of Social Studies 30-1, Aboriginal Studies 30 (5 credits), Mathematics 31, Science 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30 or Physics 30, Language or Language and Culture courses at the 30 level

Or post-secondary equivalent(s).

Preference for admission into this program is given to students in rural and remote areas of Alberta. For further details, see .

Students solely deficient English 30-1 and/or not meeting the competitive average requirement will automatically be considered for the Bridging pathway. See Werklund School of Education 3.1.1.

English Language Arts

12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term of the year of application.

- English Language Arts 30-1
- Two of Social Studies 30-1, Aboriginal Studies 30 (5 credits), Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2, Mathematics 31, Science 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30 or Physics 30, Language or Language and Culture courses at the 30 level

Or post-secondary equivalent(s).


12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term of the year of application.

- English Language Arts 30-1
- Mathematics 30-1
- Two of Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30,
Mathematics 31, CTS Computing Science 30 level (5 credits)

Or post-secondary equivalent(s).

Social Studies, Social Studies – Revitalization of Indigenous Languages

12 units completed to the end of the Fall Term in the year of application.

- English Language Arts 30-1
- Social Studies 30-1
- One of Aboriginal Studies 30, (5 credits), Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2, Mathematics 31, Science 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Language or Language and Culture courses at the 30 level

Or post-secondary equivalent(s).

BEd (Four-Year Program) On-Campus

Early Childhood Education

12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term of the year of application.

- English Language Arts 30-1
- Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2
- One of Social Studies 30-1, Aboriginal Studies 30 (5 credits), Mathematics 31, Science 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Language or Language and Culture courses at the 30 level

Or post-secondary equivalent(s).

English Language Arts,
Fine Arts Education

English Language Arts,
Fine Arts Education – Drama,
Fine Arts Education – Visual Studies

English Language Learners,
Second Languages

12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term of the year of application.

- English Language Arts 30-1
- Two of Social Studies 30-1, Aboriginal Studies 30 (5 credits), Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2, Mathematics 31, Science 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Language or Language and Culture courses at the 30 level

Or post-secondary equivalent(s).


Science – Biology
Science – Physics

12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term of the year of application.

- English Language Arts 30-1
- Mathematics 30-1
- Two of Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30,
Mathematics 31, CTS Computing Science 30 level (5 credits)

Or post-secondary equivalent(s).

Social Studies
Social Studies - Revitalization of Indigenous Languages

Social Studies

12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term of the year of application.

- English Language Arts 30-1
- Social Studies 30-1
- One of Aboriginal Studies 30 (5 credits), Mathematics 30-1 or 30-2, Mathematics 31, Science 30, Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Language or Language and Culture courses at the 30 level

Or post-secondary equivalent(s).

BEd (Concurrent Program) 12 units completed by the end of the Fall Term of the year of application. A post-secondary English course(s) or English 30-1 or equivalent. Must meet course requirements for faculty offering the concurrent degree.
Bachelor of Education (After Degree) Community-Based

Elementary Route:
Early Childhood Education, English Language Arts,
Social Studies, Social Studies - Revitalization of Indigenous Languages

A degree with at least 90 units from an accredited post-secondary institution recognized by the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà by the end of the Winter Term in the year of application. Post-secondary equivalent course in English Literature or French Literature (3 units).

Preference for admission into this program is given to students in rural and remote areas of Alberta. For further details, see .

Applicants in the Elementary-French or Secondary-French Teachable Subject Areas must be proficient in French and will be required to demonstrate their proficiency prior to admission to the program.

Secondary Route:
English Language Arts,
Science – Biology,
Science – Chemistry,
Science – Physics,
Social Studies

A degree with at least 90 units from an accredited post-secondary institution recognized by the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà by the end of the Winter Term in the year of application.

Applicants must present an undergraduate degree with an academic major or a minimum of 30 units, of which only 12 units can be at the first year level, in the Teachable Subject Area the applicant chooses.

See 3.1.3 Two-Year BEd (After-Degree) Program for detailed requirements.

Post-secondary equivalent course in English Literature or French Literature (3 units).

Bachelor of Education (After Degree) On-Campus

Early Childhood Education,
English Language Arts,
English Language Learners,
Fine Arts Education, French,
Inclusive Education, Second Languages, Mathematics,
Physical Education,
Social Studies, Social Studies - Revitalization of Indigenous Languages

A bachelor's degree from an accredited post-secondary institution recognized by the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà by the end of the Winter Term in the year of application. Post-secondary equivalent courses in English Literature or French Literature (3 units).

Applicants in the Elementary-French Teachable Subject Area must be proficient in French and will be required to demonstrate their proficiency prior to admission to the program.

Applicants in the Secondary-Second Languages Teachable Subject Area must be proficient in another language. Students will be expected to teach in the target area.

English Language Arts,
Fine Arts Education – Drama,
Fine Arts Education - Music,
Fine Arts Education – Visual Studies,
Second Languages,
Physical Education,
Science – Biology,
Science – Chemistry,
Science – Physics,
Social Studies

A bachelor's degree from an accredited post-secondary institution recognized by the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà by the end of the Winter Term in the year of application.

Applicants must present an undergraduate degree with an academic major or a minimum of 30 units, of which only 12 units can be at the first year level, in the Teachable Subject Area the applicant chooses, except for Fine Arts, where a degree in the Teachable Subject Area is required.

See 3.1.3 Two-Year BEd (After-Degree) Program for detailed requirements.

Post-secondary equivalent courses in English Literature or French Literature (3 units).

Applicants in the Secondary-French Teachable Subject Area must be proficient in French and will be required to demonstrate their proficiency prior to admission to the program.

Applicants in the Secondary-Second Languages Teachable Subject Area must be proficient in another language. Students will be expected to teach in the target area.

Prerequisite Requirements: Admission requirements may differ from prerequisite requirements for a specific program. Applicants must be aware that they may be admitted to a program for which there are course prerequisite to complete the program. Course prerequisites are found here: ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/archives/2021/course-desc-main.