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4.1 Biological Sciences
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4.4 Geoscience
4.5 Mathematics and Statistics
4.6 Non-Departmental Programs: Data Science, Environmental Science, Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience
4.6.1 Data Science
4.6.2 Environmental Science Program Requirements Double Major and Combined Degree Programs
4.6.3 Nanoscience
4.6.4 Natural Sciences
4.6.5 Neuroscience
4.7 Physics and Astronomy
4.8 Science Internship Program
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Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2022-2023 Faculty of Science 4. Program Details 4.6 Non-Departmental Programs: Data Science, Environmental Science, Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience 4.6.2 Environmental Science Program Requirements Program Requirements
(a) Major Program

The student must present an approved list of courses completed with passing grades. This list, referred to as the program, must satisfy the following conditions:

A. (a) The program must contain the equivalent of at least 120 units, with at least 72 units numbered 300 or above.

(b) The GPA for the program must be at least 2.00 and the GPA for courses in the major field must also be at least 2.00.

(c) The program may not contain more than 18 units "D" or "D+" grades, or more than 6 units in the field with a "D" or "D+" grade.

B. (a) The program may not contain more than 60 units credits transferred from other institutions.

(b) A maximum of 24 units transfer credits are allowed in the field.

C. The program must contain:

(a) At least 54 units from outside the major field, of which at least 18 units must be from outside the Faculty of Science. Of these 18 units, students must take at least 6 units from the Faculty of Arts. Environmental Science 503 may be counted among the 18 units from other faculties. A list of recommended courses is available at .

(b) Environmental Science 401, 501, 502, 503

(c) Biology 241, 243, 313

(d) Ecology 417 or 419

(e) Specific Science and Arts courses, depending on the area of concentration chosen by the student.

The entire 120 units, including the courses in Science and Arts specific to each concentration, are as follows:

Concentration in Biological Sciences

21 units - Biology 241, 243, 311, 313, 315, 331, 371

3 units - Biochemistry 393

6 units - Options from the Field of Biological Sciences

3 units - Ecology 417 or 419

3 units - Ecology 425

6 units - Chemistry 201 or 211 and 203 or 213

15 units - Chemistry 311, 315, 351, 353 and one of 321 or 515

6 units - Mathematics 249 or 265 or 275; and Mathematics 211 or 213 or 267 or 277

6 units - Physics 211 or 221 and 223; or Geology 201 and 202 or 203

3 units - Geography 308

3 units - Geography 408

15 units - Environmental Science 401, 501, 502, 503

9 units - Options from faculties other than the Faculty of Science, as noted in (a)

6 units - Options from the Faculty of Arts

15 units - Options

Recommended Program Sequence for the Biological Sciences Concentration

There is a for this program. This sequence describes both the recommended order in which courses should be taken and the recommended course(s) in instances where multiple courses may fulfill a degree requirement. All possible courses that may fulfill degree requirements are found in the Required Courses listed above.

Taking courses in the order of the will ensure students can complete their program in a timely fashion. The time to complete a program may be lengthened if students choose to complete their requirements in an alternate order.

For the Honours program, see Recommended Program Sequence for Honours with the Biological Sciences Concentration.

Concentration in Chemistry

9 units - Biology 241, 243, 313

3 units - Ecology 417 or 419

6 units - Chemistry 201 or 211 and 203 or 213

33 units - Chemistry 311, 315, 321, 351, 353, 371, 431, 515; 423 or 425; 433 or 373; 521 or 541

3 units - Option from the Field of Chemistry

3 units - Statistics 327 or Biology 315

3 units - Geology 201

6 units - Mathematics 249 or 265 or 275; and Mathematics 267 or 277

9 units - Physics 211 or 221; and 223 and 323

15 units - Environmental Science 401, 501, 502, 503

9 units - Options from faculties other than the Faculty of Science, as noted in (a)

6 units - Options from the Faculty of Arts

15 units - Options

Recommended Program Sequence for the Chemistry Concentration

There is a for this program. This sequence describes both the recommended order in which courses should be taken and the recommended course(s) in instances where multiple courses may fulfill a degree requirement. All possible courses that may fulfill degree requirements are found in the Required Courses listed above.

Taking courses in the order of the will ensure students can complete their program in a timely fashion. The time to complete a program may be lengthened if students choose to complete their requirements in an alternate order.

For the Honours program, see Recommended Program Sequence for Honours with the Chemistry Concentration.

Concentration in Geography and Arts

9 units - Biology 241, 243, 313

3 units - Ecology 417 or 419

6 units - Chemistry 203 and 321

12 units - Geography 308, 310, 408, and 412

6 units - Geography 500 or 502 or 503 or 504 or 506 or 508 or 510

9 units - Geography 380; and 482 or 484; and 567 or 584 or 586

6 units - Geography 324; and 426 or 530 or 532 or 538

9 units - Geography 352; 483; and 454 or 458

3 units - Statistics 327 or Biology 315

6 units - Economics 201 and 377

6 units - Mathematics 249 or 265 or 275; and Mathematics 211 or 213 or 267 or 277

15 units - Environmental Science 401, 501, 502, 503

3 units - Anthropology 203 or Sociology 201

3 units - Anthropology 313 or 355 or 395 or Environmental Science 201 or Indigenous Studies 201 or 317 or Sociology 307

6 units - Options from the Faculty of Arts

18 units - Options

Recommended Program Sequence for the Geography and Arts Concentration

There is a for this program. This sequence describes both the recommended order in which courses should be taken and the recommended course(s) in instances where multiple courses may fulfill a degree requirement. All possible courses that may fulfill degree requirements are found in the Required Courses listed above.

Taking courses in the order of the will ensure students can complete their program in a timely fashion. The time to complete a program may be lengthened if students choose to complete their requirements in an alternate order.

For the Honours program, see Recommended Program Sequence for Honours with the Geography and Arts Concentration.

Concentration in Geology

9 units - Biology 241, 243, 313

3 units - Ecology 417 or 419

9 units - Chemistry 201 or 211; 203 or 213; and 321

39 units - Geology 201, 202 or 203, 313 or 423, 323, 333 or 311, 337, 341 or 343, 353 or 373, 381, 401, 475, 403 or 503, and 505

9 units - Mathematics 211 or 213; and 249 or 265 or 275; and 253 or 267 or 277

6 units - Physics 211 or 221, and 223

3 units - Statistics 327 or Biology 315

15 units - Environmental Science 401, 501, 502, 503

9 units - Options from faculties other than the Faculty of Science, as noted in (a)

6 units - Options from Faculty of Arts

12 units - Options

Recommended Program Sequence for the Geology Concentration

There is a for this program. This sequence describes both the recommended order in which courses should be taken and the recommended course(s) in instances where multiple courses may fulfill a degree requirement. All possible courses that may fulfill degree requirements are found in the Required Courses listed above.

Taking courses in the order of the will ensure students can complete their program in a timely fashion. The time to complete a program may be lengthened if students choose to complete their requirements in an alternate order.

For the Honours program, see Recommended Program Sequence for Honours with the Geology Concentration.

Concentration in Physics

9 units - Biology 241, 243, 313

3 units - Ecology 417 or 419

6 units - Chemistry 203 and 321

3 units - Geology 201

18 units - Mathematics 211 or 213; 275 or 281; 277 or 283; 375, 377, 311

36 units - One of four sequences of Physics courses:

Option I: Physics 227, 355, 229, 341, 343, 397, 443, 449, 455, 561, 663 and one of Physics 375, 457, 497, 501, 507, 509, 543, or 593 or 599

Option II: Physics 223, 227, 323, 229, 341, 343, 397, 443, 449, 455, 561 and one of Physics 375, 457, 497, 501, 507, 509, 543, 593, 599 or 663

Option III: Physics 211 or 221, 355, 321, 229, 341, 343, 397, 443, 449, 455, 561 and one of 375, 457, 497, 501, 507, 509, 543, 593, 599 or 663

Option IV: Physics 211 or 221, 223, 321, 323, 229, 341, 343, 443, 449, 455, 561 and one of 375, 457, 501, 507, 509, 543, 593, 599 or 663

3 units - Statistics 327 or Biology 315

15 units - Environmental Science 401, 501, 502, 503

9 units - Options from faculties other than the Faculty of Science, as noted in (a)

6 units - Options from Faculty of Arts

12 units - Options

Recommended Program Sequence for the Concentration in Physics

There is a for this program. This sequence describes both the recommended order in which courses should be taken and the recommended course(s) in instances where multiple courses may fulfill a degree requirement. All possible courses that may fulfill degree requirements are found in the Required Courses listed above.

Taking courses in the order of the will ensure students can complete their program in a timely fashion. The time to complete a program may be lengthened if students choose to complete their requirements in an alternate order.

For the Honours program, see for Honours with the Physics Concentration.

Concentration in Statistics

9 units - Biology 241, 243, 313

3 units - Ecology 417 or 419

6 units - Chemistry 203 and 321

3 units - Geology 201

6 units - Physics 211 or 221 and 223

12 units - Mathematics 211 or 213; and 249 or 265 or 275; and 267 or 277; and 367

15 units - Statistics 321, 323, 421, 429, 517

3 units - Statistics 327 or Biology 315

12 units - Four of Statistics 423, 425, 505, 407 or 507, 519, 523, 525, 531

3 units - Computer Science 217 or Data Science 211

15 units - Environmental Science 401, 501, 502, 503

9 units - Options from faculties other than the Faculty of Science, as noted in (a)

6 units - Options from the Faculty of Arts

18 units - Options

Recommended Program Sequence for the Statistics Concentration

There is a for this program. This sequence describes both the recommended order in which courses should be taken and the recommended course(s) in instances where multiple courses may fulfill a degree requirement. All possible courses that may fulfill degree requirements are found in the Required Courses listed above.

Taking courses in the order of the will ensure students can complete their program in a timely fashion. The time to complete a program may be lengthened if students choose to complete their requirements in an alternate order.

For the Honours program, see for Honours with the Statistics Concentration.

(b) Honours Programs

The GPA requirements for the Honours program are specified in the Faculty of Science section of this Calendar in 3.4C Program Requirements, Honours Program. The course requirements are the same as for the Major programs except students must have a minimum of 54 units in their field and include one of Environmental Science 504 or 505 in their program, preferably in their final year of study. Students in an honours program may have a maximum of 78 units in their major field.