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4.1 Biological Sciences
4.2 Chemistry
4.3 Computer Science
4.4 Earth, Energy, and Environment
4.5 Mathematics and Statistics
4.6 Non-Departmental Programs: Data Science, Environmental Science, Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience
4.6.1 Data Science Programs in Data Science Minor in Data Science
4.6.2 Environmental Science
4.6.3 Nanoscience
4.6.4 Natural Sciences
4.6.5 Neuroscience
4.7 Physics and Astronomy
4.8 Science Internship Program
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Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà Calendar 2023-2024 Faculty of Science 4. Program Details 4.6 Non-Departmental Programs: Data Science, Environmental Science, Nanoscience, Natural Sciences, Neuroscience 4.6.1 Data Science Programs in Data Science Programs in Data Science
Admission See also 3.2 Admission.
Application to Concentrations and Registration Limitations

At the time of admission, students must choose to specialize in a concentration area (listed below).

Entry into a given concentration may be subject to enrolment limitations. (See Enrolment Limitations.)

Students may apply to change their concentration once per year via the online change of program process. Refer to: Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà : D. Change of Faculty or Program (ucalgary.ca) for more information.

Courses Constituting the Field of Data Science for the Major Program
Required Courses - Major Program

Students must successfully complete 60 units, to a maximum of 66 units, in Courses Constituting the Field of Data Science while fulfilling requirements.

30 units - Data Science 221, 305, 335, 414, 433, 443, 471, 479, 501, and 543
12 units - Options chosen from Courses Constituting the Field of Data Science
3 units - Statistics 207
3 units - Mathematics 211
12 units - Computer Science 217, 219, 319, and 583
12 units - Mathematics 249 or 265; 267; 271 or 273; 311
18 units - Breadth Requirement: Options from faculties other than the Faculty of Science, excluding courses in Table I. Of these, at least 6 units must be from the Faculty of Arts. Science 311 may be counted among the courses from other faculties.
12 units - Options
18 units - From the Concentration area, with a minimum of 6 units at the 400 level or above1

Select one concentration from the following, and complete courses from the corresponding field of study: Actuarial Science, Anthropology, Archeology, Astrophysics, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Communication and Media Studies, Economics, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Global Development Studies, Geography, Geology, Geophysics, History, History of Philosophy of Science, International Indigenous Studies, Law and Society, Linguistics, Mathematics, Nanoscience, Physics, Political Science, Sociology, Statistics, or Urban Studies2.

1If a course in the concentration area is found in the list of courses constituting the Field of Data Science, then it cannot be counted towards the concentration. Any course that is taken as part of the concentration that is offered outside the Faculty of Science and does not appear on Table 1 will result in the following:

  • Replace 3 units Breadth Requirement with 3 units Option

2It is not possible for students in the Data Science program to choose a minor in their area of concentration or any minor offered by the Department in which the concentration courses are offered. Students may complete a minor outside of their area of concentration.

Recommended Program Sequence for the BSc in Data Science

There is a for this program. This sequence describes both the recommended order in which courses should be taken and the recommended course(s) in instances where multiple courses may fulfill a degree requirement. All possible courses that may fulfill degree requirements are found in the Required Courses listed above.

Taking courses in the order of the will ensure students can complete their program in a timely fashion. The time to complete a program may be lengthened if students choose to complete their requirements in an alternate order.