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Graduate Studies Calendar 2015-2016 Welcome Message from the Dean
Message from the Dean

As a new academic year begins, I welcome new and returning graduate students to the Áù¾ÅÉ«ÌÃ. You are valued members of our University’s community as students, as researchers and as teachers. Your success – whether in the laboratory, the classroom or the community – is also our success, and we are committed to providing the training and support you need to achieve it. As a vibrant and growing research-intensive institution, the Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà is committed to training the next generation of scholars, practitioners and professionals.

Many resources are available to you during the course of your graduate education. The faculty members in your program, notably your supervisor, should provide mentorship both in the substance of your area of study and in your development as a professional and scholar in your field. The Graduate Students’ Association, the Student Success Centre, the Centre for International Students and Study Abroad, and the Wellness Centre, and the My GradSkills program among others, provide a wide range of services and support for graduate students over the course of their degree programs. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with these resources and make use of the assistance they can provide.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies provides leadership and support for excellence in graduate education. We are the faculty of registration for all graduate students; we also set admission and program standards, administer over $30 million annually in financial awards for graduate study, and promote uniform standards of excellence across programs.

You can contact us with questions about registration, fees, and scholarships, or to clarify the regulations contained in this Calendar. Students enrolled in thesis-based programs will complete their degree program by depositing their thesis with us. Please visit our offices (MacKimmie Tower 213) or contact us by telephone (403.220.4938) or e-mail (graduate@ucalgary.ca), and check our website for useful information (), including especially the Graduate Awards database.

This Calendar provides important information regarding the regulations of the University and of your program. It is your responsibility to know and comply with the relevant regulations. Being familiar with the material contained in the Calendar will also assist you in setting a timetable for moving successfully through your program. The on-line Calendar found at is the official version, with the printed version just a snapshot in time of the constantly evolving Graduate Calendar. The on-line version will highlight changes that occur during the year. Any student may choose to remain with the regulations as they were upon her or his entering the program, but we anticipate that changes will always improve the graduate program, and therefore is to the student’s advantage.

I wish you every success in your studies in the coming year.

Dr. Lisa Young
Vice Provost and Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies