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Academic Regulations
D.1 Registration
D.2 Transfer Credit
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D.5 Withdrawals
D.6 Time Limits
D.7 Leave of Absence
E. Combined Degrees
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H.1 Distribution of Grades
H.2 Student Standing (Course-Based)
H.3 Student Progress (Thesis-Based)
I. Language
J. Supervision
K. Candidacy
L. Theses
M. Thesis Examinations
N. Graduation
O. Appeals
P. Statement of Intellectual Honesty
Q. Statement on Principles of Conduct
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T. Sexual Harassment
U. Statement of Support for Persons with Life Threatening Communicable Illnesses
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Graduate Studies Calendar 2016-2017 Academic Regulations H. Academic Standing H.2 Student Standing (Course-Based)
H.2 Student Standing (Course-Based)

Normally, a student who displays poor academic standing will be required to withdraw from the program unless the program recommends otherwise, and said recommendation is approved by the Dean of Graduate Studies.

Poor academic standing is defined by any one, or combination, of the following conditions:

  1. A student who receives a "C+" or lower in any one course.
  2. A student who does not maintain an annual GPA of at least 3.00 calculated each year at the time of their registration anniversary.

When any instance of poor academic standing arises, the Program must submit a notice informing the Dean of Graduate Studies of its recommendation. If the program permits the student to retake a failed course, the second grade will replace the initial grade in the calculation of the GPA, and both grades will appear on the transcript.

A student must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.00 in order to graduate.

A graduate program may recommend to the Faculty of Graduate Studies that a student be required to withdraw for lack of satisfactory progress in either course work or research.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies, after consultation with the graduate program and/or supervisory committee concerned, may initiate the withdrawal of a student.

Final grades may be accessed through the online Student Centre at .