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Faculty of Graduate Studies Degrees Information
Awards and Financial Assistance for Graduate Students
Tuition and General Fees
Academic Regulations
D.1 Registration
D.2 Transfer Credit
D.3 Student Status
D.4 Program Transfers
D.5 Withdrawals
D.6 Time Limits
D.7 Leave of Absence
E. Combined Degrees
F. Interdisciplinary Degrees
G. Internships
H. Academic Standing
I. Language
J. Supervision
K. Candidacy
L. Theses
M. Thesis Examinations
N. Graduation
O. Appeals
P. Statement of Intellectual Honesty
Q. Statement on Principles of Conduct
R. Student Academic Misconduct
S. Integrity in Scholarly Activity
T. Vacation
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Graduate Studies Calendar 2020-2021 Academic Regulations D.1 Registration
D.1 Registration

Each year of the program, each graduate student must register using the Student Centre at . Students must register annually, at the time of the anniversary of their first registration, and before the deadline for that term. All graduate students register for a twelve month period and general fees are assessed in each term, with the exception of students in course-based master's programs that have a scheduled break in the Spring and Summer Terms.

Students enrolled in thesis-based master’s or doctoral programs will be considered full-time unless the program Calendar entry allows for part-time registration and specific approval is given to an individual student. Unless a student’s registration is active, the student may not participate in University activities towards a degree such as attendance in a course, conducting research in a laboratory, teaching and receiving paid support.

D.1.1 Course Selection and Registration

A complete guide to registration is available online at .

Students should always consult with their graduate program and supervisor, if applicable, concerning course selection. Refer to the deadlines in the Academic Schedule.

Following registration, it is the student’s responsibility to verify course registration and fee assessment using the Student Centre .

For information on Block Week courses, see in the University Calendar.

D.1.2 Auditing Courses

Students wishing to audit courses must consult with their graduate program and complete a Change of Course Registration form, available at .

D.1.3. Continuous Registration

Students must maintain continuous registration (with the exception of course-based master's programs that have a scheduled break in the Spring and Summer terms) and pay the appropriate fees until all degree requirements have been completed. A student who does not register by the appropriate deadline date will be withdrawn for failure to register. Information about readmission or reactivation appears in sections A.7 and A.8 of this Calendar.

It is expected that students in course-based programs will complete at least half of the required courses in the first two years of the program.

D.1.4. Course Withdrawal

A graduate student may withdraw from a course in which they are registered via the Student Centre at , any time up to and including the last days to drop courses given in the Academic Schedule section of this Calendar. Students are not permitted to withdraw online more than once from the same course. Tuition fees will be refunded only if the student drops a course on or before the last day to drop courses without financial penalty for that term according to the academic schedule.

For regulations on withdrawing from Block Week courses, see in the University Calendar.

Note: All withdrawals after the posted last day to drop courses will be recorded on the student transcript.

D.1.5 Courses Taken Extra-to-Program

A student in a thesis-based or a course-based program may request to take a course that is extra to their degree program. Extra-to-program courses will not count toward the current graduate degree, but students should be aware that they will be included in all grade point average calculations on the transcript.

Registration in any course is subject to departmental approval. For information on fees, see Tuition and General Fees.