MSc (thesis-based)
In addition to meeting the requirements of Faculty of Graduate Studies and the home program, MSc students in the Wearable Technology specialization must meet the following course requirements:
1. Kinesiology 608 or Computer Science 601.36 or Electrical Engineering 619.36
2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation 625
3. Completion of a practicum placement Kinesiology 612
Specialization course requirements may count as elective courses in the student's home program (if applicable) with approval from the Graduate Program Director, supervisor, and supervisory committee.
Doctor of Philosophy
In addition to meeting the requirements of Faculty of Graduate Studies and the home program, PhD trainees in the Wearable Technology specialization must meet the following course requirements:
1. Kinesiology 608 or Computer Science 601.36 or Electrical Engineering 619.36
2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation 625
3. Completion of a practicum placement Kinesiology 612*
4. One (3 unit) elective in Biomechanics, OR Data Science, OR Data Visualization** at the 600 or 700 level.
*With the support of the student's home program and Faculty of Graduate Studies, the student may complete Kinesiology 612 either before or after admission to candidacy.
**Must be approved by the specialization Director, the student's Supervisor and Supervisory Committee.
Specialization course requirements may count as elective courses in the student's home program (if applicable) with approval from the Graduate Program Director, Supervisor, and Supervisory Committee.