For more information, see聽the School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures: .
Note: A student may not register in any Linguistics course unless a grade of at least "C-" has been achieved in each prerequisite for that course.
Graduate Courses
Only where appropriate to a student's program may graduate credit be received for courses numbered 500-599. Admission to all 600-level courses is with consent of the School in addition to any other prerequisites which may be stated.
Linguistics 600
Introduction to Graduate Studies in Linguistics
An introduction to research and professional skills. Course Hours:1.5 units; (2-0) NOT INCLUDED IN GPA
An advanced course in syntactic theory with focus on analytical and critical skills required for conducting syntactic research. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the program.
An advanced course in phonological theory with focus on analytical and critical skills required for conducting phonological research. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Linguistics 403 and consent of the program.
Seminar in any area of theoretical linguistics, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
631.01. Phonetics
631.02. Phonology
631.03. Morphology
631.04. Syntax
631.05. Semantics
Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the program. Notes:Consult the program regarding topics offered in any given year as topics vary. Not offered every year.
Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the program. Notes:Consult the program regarding topics offered in any given year as topics vary. Not offered every year.
Seminar in the analysis of a selected language or language family. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the program. Notes:Consult the program regarding topics offered in any given year as topics vary. Not offered every year. MAY BE REPEATED FOR CREDIT
Seminar in historical linguistics. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the program. Notes:Consult the program regarding topics offered in any given year as topics vary. Not offered every year. MAY BE REPEATED FOR CREDIT
Introduction to basic statistical concepts, methods of analysis, and quantitative modelling techniques, with a focus on their application to the unique properties of language research and linguistics data. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the program.
Methods for Corpus and Experimental Studies in Syntax and Semantics
Introduction to programming methods for the development and searching of text corpora, as well as the design and implementation of studies using open source software. Study design will be introduced through critical reading of studies covering a range of syntactic and semantic phenomena. Programming skills to convert experiment software output into a format suitable for statistical analysis will also be covered. Course Hours:3 units; (3-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the program. Antirequisite(s):Credit for Linguistics 671 and Linguistics 699.7 will not be allowed. Notes:Registration priority will be given to students in the Linguistics graduate program.
A forum for discussing and presenting candidacy paper research, thesis research, and conference presentations/publications in preparation. Course Hours:1.5 units; (2-0) Prerequisite(s):Consent of the program. NOT INCLUDED IN GPA