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Veterinary Medicine VETM
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Graduate Studies Calendar 2023-2024 Courses of Instruction Course Descriptions V Veterinary Medicine VETM
Veterinary Medicine VETM
Graduate Courses

For more information about these courses, see Veterinary Medical Sciences Graduate Program: .

Enrolment in these courses is not open to DVM students.

Veterinary Medicine 601       Professional Skills in Health Science Research
Includes a series of workshops focusing on skills essential for success in health science research. Topics include: Research Integrity; Ethics; Grants and Grant Writing; Verbal and Written Communication of Research Findings; Career Development; and Career Options in the Health Sciences.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
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Veterinary Medicine 602       Wildlife Health and Disease Ecology
Ecological, epidemiological, and evolutionary principles needed to understand the determinants of health and diseases on wildlife populations, and their link to global changes, agriculture, public health, and conservation. Fundamental concepts in epidemiology and disease ecology will be presented as well as contemporary emerging issues in disease ecology. Using ‘case studies’, lectures, discussions, examples, and activities, material will cover the etiology, pathology, and impact of a wide variety of wildlife diseases. Principles underlying a shift from disease-centered to health-centered approaches, and concepts of wildlife health ecology and management will be explored.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
This course is suitable for any graduate student with an undergraduate degree in Biology or Veterinary Sciences.
Also known as:
(formerly Veterinary Medicine 690.44 Wildlife Health and Disease Ecology)
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Veterinary Medicine 604       Experiential Learning in Wildlife Health Ecology
Experiential learning or research experience tailored to the unique goals or career path of the student. Involvement with the Distributed Wildlife Learning Community (DWLC) to broaden, extend, and deepen learning by integrating wildlife health ecology theory with practical application of knowledge.
Course Hours:
3 units; (140 hours)
Admission to the Master's program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
Credit for Veterinary Medicine 604 and 690.44 will not be allowed.
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Veterinary Medicine 605       Introduction to Biostatistical Methods
Analysis and design of research related to biological sciences. Emphasis is placed upon formulating good research questions, evaluating the appropriateness of different statistical methods for analyzing results, and performing and interpreting such statistical analyses. Statistical analyses will be carried out using modern statistical software.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-1T)
Consent of the Faculty.
Also known as:
(Community Health Sciences 605)
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Veterinary Medicine 606       Seminar in Wildlife Health and Ecology I
Exposure to a variety of Wildlife Health Ecology (WHE) research topics, projects, and activities. Students will develop their presentation skills by presenting on their research and expanding their critical thinking through discussions of WHE topics presented at seminars or research meetings.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; (1.5S-0)
Admission to the Master's program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
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Veterinary Medicine 607       Seminar in Wildlife Health and Ecology II
Exposure to a variety of Wildlife Health Ecology (WHE) research topics, projects, and activities. Students will develop their presentation skills by presenting on their research and expanding their critical thinking through discussions of WHE topics presented at seminars or research meetings.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; (1.5S-0)
Veterinary Medicine 606 and admission to the Master's program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
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Veterinary Medicine 610       Biostatistics I: Essentials of Biostatistics
Introduces the fundamental concepts of summarizing data and statistical inference, including graphical displays, hypothesis testing, p-values, and confidence intervals. Specific topics include comparisons of means and proportions, non-parametric tests, correlation and regression, confounding, sample size determination, and power calculations. Additional topics include a brief introduction to analysis of variance and covariance, logistic regression, and analysis of time-to-event data. Students gain hands-on experience analysing data using STATA statistical software. Although this course uses STATA exclusively, much of the technical knowledge and some of the computing techniques are applicable to any statistical package.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Admission to the Veterinary Medical Sciences graduate program.
Also known as:
(Community Health Sciences 610)
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Veterinary Medicine 611       Biostatistics II: Models for Health Outcomes
Extends the fundamental concepts to modelling health outcomes using modern regression analysis techniques. Logistic and linear regressions, and their extensions, are covered in detail. The rationale, formulation, and statistical assumptions underlying each regression technique are discussed. Methods for selecting and assessing models are included. Additional topics include a brief introduction to models used in the analysis of repeated measures, longitudinal studies, and time-to-event data.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Veterinary Medicine 610.
Also known as:
(Community Health Sciences 611)
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Veterinary Medicine 612       Animal Health Policy
Develop student’s ability to apply principles of quantitative analysis and policy to guided analysis of production animal health policy as well as development of a research project proposal in animal health policy. The proposal will include: formulation of hypothesis and testable policy research questions; consideration of policy research methods; basic experimental design incorporating appropriate (e.g., epidemiology, economic) analysis; and outline for policy analysis of results.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
At least one course in statistics, epidemiology, or related subject, and permission of the instructor.
Also known as:
(formerly Veterinary Medicine 690.03 Animal Health Policy)
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Veterinary Medicine 640       Fundamentals of Epidemiology
Principles and methods of descriptive and analytic epidemiology. Emphasizes the underlying concepts and approaches of epidemiological research and critical appraisal of epidemiologic studies including: observational study designs and their vulnerabilities to bias, measures of frequency and association, basic methods for addressing sampling variability, confounding, and effect modification. Concepts related to causal judgment in epidemiology are also introduced.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Admission to the Veterinary Medical Sciences graduate program or consent of the Faculty.
Veterinary Medicine 610
Not available to Open Studies students
Also known as:
(Community Health Sciences 640)
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Veterinary Medicine 650       Advanced Virology
A series of lectures and discussions about current topics in virology. The lectures will be delivered by researchers working on aspects of molecular virology, virus-host interactions, and clinical virology, both from the veterinary and human field. One theme will be discussed during each session and students are expected to prepare presentations about virological topics and participate in the critical evaluation of journal articles.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3/2-0)
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Veterinary Medicine 651       Molecular Epidemiology and Evolution
Introduction to the evaluation of sequence data of bacteria, parasites, and viruses. Students will obtain background knowledge on the evolution of pathogens, the generation of sequence data, the evaluation of this data and directions for further study in this field. The course is a combination of lectures/workshops, self-study exercises, computer practices, and critical evaluation of research papers.

Course Hours:
3 units; (3/2-0)
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Veterinary Medicine 690       Directed Study
Lectures, seminars, term papers and/or other training directed to one or only a few students in theoretical and/or laboratory methods at the advanced level in veterinary medical sciences. These courses are offered when no other suitable alternatives are available.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the Faculty.
An approval form may be obtained from the Office of Research and Graduate Education, and must be signed by the VMS Graduate Program Director before a student can register.
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Veterinary Medicine 701       Advanced Topics in Reproductive Health
A series of topics, ranging from basic sciences to clinical topics (including ethical issues) to increase awareness and comprehension regarding current issues in reproductive health.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of course co-ordinator and student’s supervisor, if applicable.
Research interest in reproductive health/reproductive biology.
Also known as:
(Medical Science 701)
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Veterinary Medicine 702       Advanced Topics in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Provides a comprehensive overview of stem cell biology in the context of embryonic development and adult tissue maintenance. Students will gain an appreciation for embryonic versus adult stem cells and how these pluripotent or multipotent cells may be utilized in regenerative medicine (i.e. treatment of congenital defects, diseases or injury).
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Students not enrolled in the VMS graduate program will require consent of the instructor.
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Veterinary Medicine 704       Experiential Learning in Veterinary Medical Sciences
Experiential learning or research experience tailored to the unique goals or career path of the student. Involvement with the Distributed Wildlife Learning Community (DWLC) to broaden, extend, and deepen learning by integrating wildlife health ecology theory with practical application of knowledge.
Course Hours:
3 units; (140 hours)
Admission to the Doctoral program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
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Veterinary Medicine 706       Seminar in Wildlife Health and Ecology III
Exposure to a variety of Wildlife Health Ecology (WHE) research topics, projects, and activities. Students will develop their presentation skills by presenting on their research and expanding their critical thinking through discussions of WHE topics presented at seminars or research meetings.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; (1.5S-0)
Admission to the Doctoral program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
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Veterinary Medicine 707       Seminar in Wildlife Health and Ecology IV
Exposure to a variety of Wildlife Health Ecology (WHE) research topics, projects, and activities. Students will develop their presentation skills by presenting on their research and expanding their critical thinking through discussions of WHE topics presented at seminars or research meetings.
Course Hours:
1.5 units; (1.5S-0)
Veterinary Medicine 706 and admission to the Doctoral program in Veterinary Medical Sciences with a Specialization in Wildlife Health and Ecology.
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Veterinary Medicine 721       Wildlife Parasitology: Principles and Techniques
Students will learn about the ecology of parasites in wildlife populations with emphasis on impacts of parasitism, invasive species, and conservation issues. This is taught through a series of seminars, critical evaluation and discussion of the literature, and independent and group projects. Laboratory sessions include on parasitology techniques for surveillance and research.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-0)
Consent of the instructor.
This course may not be offered every year. Please contact vmgrad@ucalgary.ca for information.   
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Veterinary Medicine 740       Advanced Epidemiology
An expansion on the understanding of causality and threats to validity in epidemiologic research. The focus will be on the assessment and control of bias, including selection, information and confounding. The concept of effect modification (interaction) will be appraised. Stratified analysis will be considered as a tool for the assessment and control of confounding and effect modification and will be applied to a variety of study designs including case-control, and cohort studies.
Course Hours:
3 units; (3-2T)
Veterinary Medicine 640 or consent of the Faculty.
Also known as:
(Community Health Sciences 740)
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