Submit Your Appeal

This form should be used to submit an appeal to the University Appeals Committee or University Appeals Tribunal for a decision regarding Academic Assessment, Academic Progression, Student Academic Misconduct or Student Non-Academic Misconduct.

The form cannot be saved before submitting, so please ensure you have all information ready to complete the form before beginning, complete all sections of the form and submit by the appeal deadline.

After you submit the form, your appeal will be sent to an Appeal Review Administrator, who will decide whether you will be granted permission to appeal as per the University Appeals Committee Procedure or University Appeals Tribunal Procedure. The University Student Appeals Office will provide you with the Appeal Review Administrator’s decision within 10 business days from the date your appeal was received.

If you require assistance completing this form or you have questions about the appeals process, please see Before I Submit My Appeal and FAQ’s & Other Resources on the University Student Appeals Office website, or contact us at appeals@ucalgary.ca.

As technical issues may arise, it is highly recommended that the form be submitted in advance of the 11:59 pm deadline. If you have technical difficulties with the webform, please email  appeals@ucalgary.ca for assistance. 

Student Appeal Submission Form

  • 1
    Current: Contact Information
  • 2
    Appeal Information
  • 3
    Appeal Information (Continued)
  • 4
Please see section B.16 Personal Information of the Academic Calendar for information on Preferred Name.

Undergraduate Students please select your home Faculty. Graduate Students please select Faculty of Graduate Studies