Lateral lunge


Level: 1

6-8 reps each side

Carla van den Berg

  • Knee stacked over ankle
  • Bodyweight over bent knee
  • Sit back into the hips
  • 'Back' leg straight
  • Toes of both feet pointing forward
  • Both feet flat on floor
  • Knee collapsing inward
    • Cue "Look down: Can you see the inside of your front foot?"
    • Cue “Push knee out toward pinky toeâ€
  • Outside edge of foot lifting off the floor
    • Cue "Feet flat and sticky"
  • Toes pointing outward
    • Cue "Point toes straight ahead"
  • Excessive forward lean
    • Cue "Sit back into hips"
  • Knee control
  • Glute and quad activation & strength
  • Movement in frontal plane (sideways)