Skates and socks of two hockey players battling for the puck

Neuromuscular Training Warm-Up Program for Ice Hockey

About SHRED injuries Ice Hockey Neuromuscular Training Warm-Up Program

The SHRED injuries Ice Hockey neuromuscular training warm-up program was developed in partnership with l'Université Laval and Hockey Alberta. The program was designed through a collaboration between hockey coaches, strength and conditioning coaches, physiotherapists, players, and researchers. Our team piloted the warm-up with youth players (both male and female) of various ages and levels. Player feedback was incorporated into the current program.

Our current research is evaluating the effectiveness of this program in reducing concussions and other injuries in male and female youth ice hockey players in Alberta and Québec, Canada.

The SHRED injuries Ice Hockey neuromuscular training warm-up program includes a 'Neck control & endurance' category in addition to the four typical categories included in neuromuscular training warm-up programs (aerobic, balance, strength, and agility). Exercises within this category are aimed at preventing concussions. The warm-up program contains both off-ice (~7 mins) and on-ice (~6 mins) exercises.  The on-ice structure can be modified on game days given the short warm-up time allotted before puck drop.

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Off-ice: Dynamic

Exercises involving movement along a lane (e.g. hallway) to be performed at the beginning of the off-ice portion of the warm-up. Includes aerobic, strength, and agility components.

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Off-ice: Stationary

Standing and ground-based exercises to be performed on the spot. Includes aerobic, balance, strength, neck control & endurance, and agility components.

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Drills to be performed on the ice that incorporate neck control & endurance, strength, balance, agility, and aerobic components. Puck handling, passing, and shooting are integrated into the drills.

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Off-ice: Dynamic

Perform all exercises in this section

Two athletes jogging forward near a hockey rink

Forward/Backward jog


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Two athletes performing open/close the gate exercise near a hockey rink

Open/Close the gate


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Two athletes performing high knees exercise near a hockey rink

High knees


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Two athletes performing butt kicks exercise near a hockey rink

Butt kicks


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Two athletes performing side shuffles with arm swings exercise near a hockey rink

Side shuffles with arm swings


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Two athletes performing single-leg hops exercise near a hockey rink

Single-leg hops


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Athlete performing walking lunges with rotations exercise near a hockey rink

Walking lunges with rotations


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Athlete performing skate jumps exercise near a hockey rink

Skate jumps


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Athlete performing static neck contractions near a hockey rink

Static neck contractions

(Neck control & endurance)

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Off-ice: Stationary

Perform one level of each exercise:

Athlete performing W-stretch with partner support

Level 1: W-stretch


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Athlete performing IYTW exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 2: IYTW


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Athlete performing lateral lunge exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 1: Lateral lunge


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Athlete performing 4-D lunge exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 2: 4-D lunge


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Athlete performing airplane balance exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 1: Airplane balance


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Athlete performing airplane balance with external hip rotation exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 2: Airplane balance with hip external rotation


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Athlete performing a front plank exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 1: Front plank


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Athlete performing front plank with arm lifts exercise

Level 2: Front plank with arm lifts


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Athlete performing a knee-supported side plank with torso rotation exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 1: Side plank rotation & eye tracking (knee supported)

(Strength, Neck control & endurance)

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Athlete performing a side plank with torso rotation with feet stacked in an ice hockey arena

Level 2: Side plank rotation & eye tracking (foot supported)

(Strength, Neck control & endurance)

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Athlete performing incline push-ups

Level 1: Incline push-ups


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Athlete performing a standing partner push-up exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 2: Partner-supported standing push-ups


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Athletes preforming nordic hamstring exercise

Level 1: Nordic hamstring


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Athletes preforming nordic hamstring exercise

Level 2: Nordic hamstring


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Athlete performing knee-supported copenhagen adductor exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 1: Copenhagen hip adduction (Knee-supported)


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Athlete performing a foot-supported copenhagen adductor exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 2: Copenhagen hip adduction (Foot-supported)


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Athlete taking off into a jump in an ice hockey arena

Level 1: Jumps - 2 foot takeoff to single-leg landing


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Athletes performing a jump with partner push exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 2: Jumps - Partner push


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Athletes performing a partner stick wrestle exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 1: Partner stick wrestle (2 legs)


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Athletes performing a single-leg partner stick wrestle exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 2: Partner stick wrestle (1 leg)


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Athlete performing a quick feet reaction drill directed by their coach in an ice hockey arena

Level 1: Quick feet with reaction


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Athletes performing a partner mirroring exercise in an ice hockey arena

Level 2: Partner mirroring


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Perform one level of each exercise:

Hockey players performing partner bobbleheads exercise on a hockey rink

Level 1: Partner bobbleheads

(Neck control & endurance)

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Hockey players performing partner bobbleheads with stick handling exercise on a hockey rink

Level 2: Partner bobbleheads while stick handling

(Neck control & endurance)

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Hockey players performing a partner vestibulo-ocular reflext exercise on a hockey rink

Level 1: Partner VOR

(Neck control & endurance)

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Hockey players performing vestibulo-ocular reflex with stick handling exercise on a hockey rink

Level 2: Partner VOR while skating (forward or backward)

(Neck control & endurance)

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Hockey players performing shoulder to shoulder skate exercise on a hockey rink

Level 1: Partner shoulder skate


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Hockey players performing shoulder to shoulder skate with passing exercise on a hockey rink

Level 2: Partner shoulder skate with passing


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Hockey players performing lunges on a hockey rink

Level 1: Lunges


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Hockey players performing lunges with rotation exercise on a hockey rink

Level 2: Lunges with rotation


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Hockey players performing single-leg glides across a hockey rink

Level 1: Single-leg glides


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Hockey players performing short single-leg glides with stops across a hockey rink

Level 2: Single-leg glides with stops


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Hockey players reacting to a change of direction cue from their coach on a hockey rink

Level 1: Reactive change of direction


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Hockey players reacting in the opposite direction from a change of direction cue from their coach on a hockey rink

Level 2: Reactive change of direction (opposite direction)


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Hockey players performing a figure 8 passing drill on a hockey rink

Level 1: Figure 8 with pass


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Hockey players performing a figure 8 passing with shoulder checks drill on a hockey rink

Level 2: Figure 8 with pass and shoulder check

(Neck control & endurance, Agility)

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Hockey players performing a 3-player weave drill on a hockey rink

3-person weave with shooting (or similar drill)


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Athletes performing zigzag horseshoe drill

Zig-zag horseshoe with shooting (or similar drill)


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