Reactive change of direction (opposite direction)

Category: Agility

Level: 2

2-4 reps/direction


  • Players skate towards coach.ÌýWhen a few yards away, coachÌýquickly points into a direction. PlayerÌýaccelerates at a 45-degree angle into the opposite direction
  • Knee stacked over ankle at cutting movement
  • Body stays upright, "Proud chest"
  • Arms move forward with opposing leg; movement is initiated from the shoulderÌý
  • Elbows flexed at 90-degrees
  • Knee collapsing inward at plant and cute movement
    • Cue "Drive knee out towards pinky toe"
  • Lazy arms during the running phase
    • Cue "Swing from the shoulder"
    • Cue "Drive elbows back"
  • Reacting slowly
    • Cue "Game speed"
  • Develops knee control at change of direction movement
  • Incorporates decision-making in response to an external visual stimulus
  • Increases heart and breathing rates
  • Increases intensity of the warm-up
  • Simulates evasion from defender in a game situation